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On 10.06.2014 01:32, Michael Smith via Marxism wrote:
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On Mon, June 9, 2014 6:25 pm, Joseph Catron wrote:
If anyone knows Die Linke, please tell 'em I said they suck.
They seem to be more or less the German equivalent of the
Working Families Party.

This remark and the remark it's responding to reveal a profound ignorance of the realities of German politics.

The history of Germany has led to an incredible sensitivity about any hint of anti-semitism within Germany. This expresses itself politically in a fundamental tenet of the official ideology of the German bourgeois state: "unconditional solidarity with Israel as the state of the Jewish people". Any attempt to call this into question is followed by vicious attacks on those who raise the question of solidarity with the Palestinian people. An example of this was a vicious campaign against Sahra Wagenknecht and a number of other deputies of DIE LINKE who refused to join the standing ovation for Peres after his war-mongering speech in the Bundestag.

This creates great difficulties for those of us who support the Palestinians and also means that the leaders of the party DIE LINKE ends up trying to avoid provoking any accusations of anti-semitism. This is very frustrating - but understandable. The sensitivity of the issue can be seen that the BDS campaign has made no headway at all in Germany - the comparison is always drawn with the Nazis' "Kauf nicht bei dem Juden" (Don't buy from the Jew) campaign. Again this is very frustrating - but understandable. And if the armchair critics had experienced the attacks on deputies of DIE LINKE who participated in the flotilla to Gaza, who were accused of providing support to terrorists, they might not be quite so ready with their insults.

DIE LINKE, for all its faults and weaknesses, is the only consistently anti-war and anti-austerity force in the German Bundestag - even if we do have an ultra-reformist realo wing (by no means dominant) which is trying to find a way to be accepted as a potential partner for government. However, it's also relevant this realo wing (which is also the most pro-Zionist element in the party) is experiencing an existential crisis at the moment because they were unable to get their representative elected a vice-chairperson of the party - instead a well-known peace campaigner identified with the far-left of the party was elected after a hard-fought contest.

Einde O'Callaghan
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