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La Dictadura Perfecta (The Perfect Dictatorship) is what Nobel Prize Winner Mario Vargas Llosa once called Mexico, and that is what Director Luis Estrada has called his savage attack on Mexico's media elite and political class.

Anyone who has followed Mexico for the past few years will immediately recognize the truth of the disclaimer at the beginning of the film: "In this story, all the names are fictional. The events are suspiciously real. Any likeness or similarity to reality is not merely a coincidence."

If, after seeing the film, you doubt the things in it could be true, remember that, shortly after arriving in 1938, Andre Breton commented, "Mexico is the most surrealist country in the world". And after leaving Salvador Dalí swore never to come back: "Under no circumstances will I return to Mexico. I cannot bear to be in a country more surreal than my own paintings."

So even if you haven't followed Mexican events at all --and most Americans can't, the country is simply not covered by the English-language press--, this film is an entirely enjoyable and rollicking albeit very dark comedy. Just know that *everything* in it --down to the future president being essentially the creation of a TV network and then marrying its top soap opera star-- is taken directly from real life.

My full blog post on "La Dictadura Perfecta" is here:


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