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     Condolences for dead prosecutor
     who accused Argentine president
     should be sent to the White House

There is atremendous <http://edition.cnn.com/2015/01/23/opinion/ghitis-argentina-nisman/> press <http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2015-01-23/cristina-kirchner-rewrites-alberto-nisman-murder>campaign <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/southamerica/argentina/11354521/Argentine-prosecutor-who-accused-Cristina-Kirchner-over-1994-bombings-found-dead.html>against the government of Argentina over the violent death of a prosecutor who was filing charges against the country's president.

But an important fact missing from the press coverage is thatthe Wikileaks cables<http://www.ambito.com/noticia.asp?id=775249>from four years ago show that Alberto Nisman, the prosecutor in the investigation of the 1994 terrorist bombing of AMIA, the Argentine-Israel Mutual Association,in fact reported to and took instructions from the U.S. embassy. <http://www.radionacional.com.ar/?p=43081> And the way the U.S. press is covering this should tell any seasoned reporter that the United States is still very much involved in what is happening.

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