Re: [Marxism] Bernie Sanders ain't seen nothing yet

2020-02-19 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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Regarding what Michael Meeropol wrote: ("our side has only to accuse the
other side of lying to NEUTRALIZE it with the independents "): The problem
is, we're not talking about crazy Pizzagate-type conspiracy theories. What
the articles refer to isn't lies. Sanders did actually make those
statements and he did actually honeymoon in Moscow. Socialists can make
what we like of these actual facts, but that's irrelevant. What's relevant
is what that layer of middle class suburban whites make of those facts.
These were the same voters who swung so many districts from Republican to
Democrat in 2018. What's also relevant is that the overwhelming majority of
voters oppose giving Medicare to undocumented immigrants, just as they
oppose mandatory public health insurance (being forced to give up their
private plan). It doesn't matter what arguments we can make for those
steps. Again, what matters is what those people think and how it will
influence their votes.

Sanders's argument is that he will bring in enough new, young voters to
compensate for those middle class ones who would be turned off. That's
possible, but so far there is little evidence for that. In 2018, all the
seats that were flipped were done so by the mainstream (in reality,
conservative) Democrats. There were two or three liberal (i.e.
Sandersnista) Democrats who ran in competitive seats that were held by
Republicans at the time. They all lost. Nor has there been a really great
enough increase in voter turnout in the primaries so far to decisively show
Sanders to be right. I'm not saying such an increase won't happen, but I
don't think we can count on it.

John Reimann
*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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Re: [Marxism] Bernie Sanders ain't seen nothing yet

2020-02-19 Thread Michael Meeropol via Marxism
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The fascinating thing about Trump style gaslighting is that Trumpistas will
believe ANYTHING that is thrown at ANY DEMOCRAT (remember the idea that
Bill Clinton had Vince Foster killed because he was having an affair with
Hilary? --- and that was before there was an internet!!) --- thus, whoever
is nominated will be subjected to lots of LIES and Half Truths that will
make them out to be --- you name it, communists, pedophiles, murderers,
drug dealers --- THUS< the "true" things they use against BERNIE (and the
lies they will build on them) will be PARALLEL to all the gaslighting that
they have prepared for every DEM---

Which means our side has only to accuse the other side of lying to
NEUTRALIZE it with the independents -- TRUMPIES will believe the worst
(remember the guy who shot up a pizza shop?) --- we won't get any whether
it's Amy, Mayor Peter or Mayor Mike --- Most independents now know that
Trump lies whenever his lips move 

BERNIE has the energy of the young which is a major plus in fighting Trump

On the other hand a brokered convention that steals it from Bernie may
guarantee four more years of Trump ...

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[Marxism] Bernie Sanders ain't seen nothing yet

2020-02-19 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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It may be true that the Democratic Party leadership is manipulating things
to edge Sanders out, but at the same time they as well as Sanders's rivals,
have been treating him with kid gloves. That's because they don't want to
alienate his many thousands of followers. If he wins the nomination, he
won't be treated so gently by Trump. Here is a sample of what they'll throw
at him.

"Reflecting on a Potemkin tour of revolutionary Nicaragua he took in 1985,
Sanders marveled that he was, “believe it or not, the highest ranking
American official” to attend a parade celebrating the Sandinista seizure of

"It’s quite easy to believe, actually, when one wonders what elected
American official would knowingly join a group of largely unelected
officials of various “fraternal” Soviet dictatorships while, just a few
feet away, Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega bellows into a microphone
that the United States is governed by a criminal band of terrorists.

"None of this bothered Sanders, though, because he largely shared Ortega’s

This is just a small sample. And it doesn't matter if you share "Ortega's
worldview" or not. What matters is how this will be played before voters
here. It's why I don't believe Sanders can defeat Trump as easily as some
people claim.

John Reimann
*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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