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*Here we see two things: First the right wing Joe Biden of yesterday can
become the liberal Joe Biden of tomorrow. It all depends on the situation
on the ground, including what sort of movement exists in the streets.
Second, the real role of Bernie Sanders is a rallying of the liberal forces
inside the Democratic Party. This means continuing to enable that party to
bring millions of workers and others into their fold while ensuring that
nothing too "radical" is accomplished. Here's the text of the article:*

"Allies of Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Senator Bernie Sanders unveiled a
sweeping set of joint policy recommendations on Wednesday, a significant if
tentative sign of cooperation among Democrats as Mr. Biden’s campaign
continues its appeals to the progressive left.

Mr. Biden is expected to adopt many of the recommendations, which were
submitted by six policy task forces and cover a wide range of issues
including health care, criminal justice, education and climate change.

For all of the details, the lengthy recommendation document amounted to a
collection of widely acceptable liberal proposals, many of which Mr. Biden
has already embraced in his bid for party unity. And they come at a time
when policy differences that stood out in the primary campaign have largely
faded to the backdrop as Democrats look toward a shared goal: defeating
President Trump.

The recommendations to Mr. Biden on economics include broader and costlier
plans than he has championed so far in his campaign, and the proposals on
climate change include new benchmarks for reducing carbon emissions. Though
Mr. Sanders favors universal, single-payer health care, the recommendations
adhere to Mr. Biden’s approach of building on the Affordable Care Act. And
Republicans will find plenty to fault among the proposals, like a 100-day
moratorium on deportations, a move that Mr. Biden had previously backed.

The policy recommendations will also most likely frustrate some in the
Democratic Party’s activist wing who believe they do not go far enough. The
task forces did not recommend plans that Mr. Sanders promoted like
“Medicare for all,” tuition-free public college for everyone or canceling
all student debt.

As the economic and public health impact of the coronavirus pandemic became
clear, some consensus between the two factions of the party had already
begun to form. The groups also met amid intense unrest over racial
injustice, spurred by the death of George Floyd at the hands of the
Minneapolis police, that has focused attention nationwide on systemic
racism and inequality.

Among the recommendations put forth by the health care task force are new
health insurance programs for the duration of the pandemic. The task force
suggested government-funded COBRA coverage for people who recently lost
job-based coverage, and the creation of a new Obamacare plan that would
have no deductible and would be free for low-income Americans.

The document also adds new details to an existing Biden campaign proposal
to create a “public option” plan, which would be run by the Medicare system
to compete with private health insurers. That plan would include a
no-deductible option. Low-income Americans who are not eligible for
Medicaid would be automatically enrolled in the plan at no cost, though
they could opt out if they wished. Anyone else would be eligible to buy it
if they preferred it to other choices.

Other recommendations included a proposal from the economy task force for
an executive order to prohibit federal contracts with companies that pay
less than a $15 minimum wage or that do not remain neutral in unionization
efforts; a goal from the climate change task force to eliminate carbon
emissions from power plants by 2035; and the creation of an environmental
justice fund to address the disproportionate burden of pollution and
environmental hazards that communities of color bear.

The task forces also gave broad policy recommendations to the Democratic
National Committee’s platform committee.

In a statement, Mr. Biden commended the task forces’ work and expressed
gratitude toward Mr. Sanders “for working together to unite our party, and
deliver real, lasting change for generations to come.”

Mr. Sanders, for his part, acknowledged the progress his supporters had
made — but also nodded to some lasting disappointment.

“Though the end result is not what I or my supporters would have written
alone, the task forces have created a good policy blueprint that will move
this country in a much-needed progressive direction and substantially
improve the lives of working families throughout our country,” he said.

The extensive recommendations concluded nearly two months of sometimes
tense deliberations by the task forces, which Mr. Biden formed as part of
his effort to bridge the division between the Democratic establishment and
progressives who are unenthusiastic about his candidacy and his longtime
message of incremental change.

The task forces included core Biden supporters like former Secretary of
State John Kerry and Eric H. Holder Jr., the attorney general under
President Barack Obama, as well as top Sanders allies like Representative
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York.

Mr. Kerry and Ms. Ocasio-Cortez were co-chairs of the climate change task
force, which was hailed from the outset as an important development that
signified in part the Biden campaign’s commitment to winning over younger
and more liberal voters.

Biden’s Big Climate Decision: Will He Embrace His Task Force’s Goals?
The former vice president’s allies and some of the Democratic Party’s
leading progressives have quietly started to forge common ground to shape a
climate plan before Election Day.
July 6, 2020

The formation of joint policy working groups had been a crucial compromise
from the Biden campaign that helped ease the way for Mr. Sanders to
withdraw from the presidential race in early April. But when Mr. Biden
announced the task forces in mid-May — on health care, immigration,
criminal justice reform, education, climate change and the economy — it was
unclear whether they would produce policy results or simply the more
symbolic appearance of political harmony.

To facilitate Mr. Biden’s approval of the recommendations, the co-chairs of
the committees worked with the campaign to seek agreement on the language,
several people involved with the task forces said.

“The campaign accepted these recommendations, which I think is a huge
achievement,” said Representative Pramila Jayapal of Washington, a co-chair
of the health care task force.

She added, “Most of the people on the task force were probably even to the
left of where we ended up because the Biden campaign had to essentially
approve everything as we went along and agree to everything as we went

And though the set of recommendations from her task force “doesn’t go as
far as we all wanted on the Sanders side,” Ms. Jayapal said, she still
viewed it as “a real step forward.”

Committee meetings, which were conducted remotely by Zoom and at times
stretched to three or four hours, were generally respectful and civil even
when they grew contentious, several people said. The fact that there were
very few leaks about the conversations to the news media made members feel
they were able to be more candid with their disagreements.

But even as there was a sense among some Sanders-aligned members of the
task forces that they had made valuable inroads, the ultimate proposals
reflected a compromise that hewed toward what the Biden campaign would find

Mr. Biden’s supporters, for instance, did not fully embrace a plan to
eliminate all student debt — a key pillar of Mr. Sanders’s agenda —
resulting in a series of compromises, including canceling $50,000 of debt
for educators. (Mr. Biden had already introduced his own student debt
cancellation proposal in April, though it was narrower than what Mr.
Sanders had advocated in his campaign.)

Members of the criminal justice reform task force also butted heads over
the legalization of marijuana, a policy Mr. Biden does not support.

Ideological fissures were particularly fierce on the economic task force,
according to several people, with Biden representatives remaining skeptical
of the kinds of universal economic programs espoused by former President
Franklin D. Roosevelt and backed by the Sanders-aligned members.

“There were all kinds of frustrations here,” said Sara Nelson, the
president of the Association of Flight Attendants union and a
Sanders-aligned co-chair of the economy task force, adding: “If somebody
were to say, ‘Well, are you pleased with the outcome?’ That’s all relative.”

But she also said it was important to consider the relatively unprecedented
nature of the joint task forces and what they actually did achieve.

“The people who supported Bernie Sanders — this absolutely gives us a step
forward,” she said. “We improved Biden’s policies, and you can always be
stronger in the fight when you’re fighting from higher ground.”

Even if some progressives remain unhappy with Mr. Biden, there are signs
that some who opposed him in the primary are increasingly willing to
actively support him in the general election against Mr. Trump.

On Wednesday, Ady Barkan, a prominent liberal activist and advocate for
Medicare for all who supported Senator Elizabeth Warren and then Mr.
Sanders in the primary, endorsed Mr. Biden, saying, “Even though he wasn’t
our first choice, I don’t think that progressives and democratic socialists
should sit out the election, or vote third party, and I wanted to make that

*“Science and socialism go hand-in-hand.” *Felicity Dowling
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