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NY Times Op-Ed, Sept. 15 2017
Chelsea Manning Has a Lot to Teach. Harvard Doesn’t Agree.

On Wednesday, Harvard’s Kennedy School announced that Chelsea Manning, the former Army intelligence analyst and whistle-blower, would be a visiting fellow this fall. The reaction was swift: A day later, Michael Morell, a former acting director of the C.I.A. and also a visiting fellow at the school, resigned from his own fellowship in protest. His resignation was quickly followed by the current director of the C.I.A., Mike Pompeo, canceling a speech scheduled at the school. In a statement, Mr. Pompeo unilaterally declared Ms. Manning a “traitor.”

On Friday morning, the school folded, disinviting Ms. Manning in a cowardly act that does immense disservice to its students and the public debate around government secrecy.

It’s remarkable that one of the country’s premier educational institutions would bow to C.I.A. pressure and reject a person who has arguably done more to contribute to the public’s understanding of world diplomacy than anyone else in modern times. In early 2010, Ms. Manning leaked a trove of hundreds of thousands of State Department and Defense Department documents, an archive that opened an unparalleled window into American foreign policy. Its documents have been referenced by major news organizations so many times that it’s impossible to count them.

The important revelations in the Manning documents — originally leaked to WikiLeaks and published in conjunction with The New York Times and other newspapers — are also too numerous to name, but they include the fact that the United States had killed far more people in Iraq than the government had admitted publicly, that United States soldiers turned a blind eye to torture by Iraqi soldiers and that the United States covered up the killing of civilians by American soldiers.

Ms. Manning was convicted of violating the Espionage Act and other offenses in 2013, and was sentenced to 35 years in prison. (My organization helped raise money for her legal defense.) In January, President Barack Obama, in one of his last acts in office, commuted her sentence. Altogether, she spent seven years in prison — more time behind bars than any other leaker in American history. She was also subject to deplorable treatment while in custody that the United Nations special rapporteur on torture said at the time constituted cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and that more than 250 law professors said amounted to unconstitutional torture. Whatever your opinion on the value of her disclosures, it should be clear to everyone that Ms. Manning was unduly punished for her supposed crime, and she deserves the opportunity to re-enter the public debate without worrying about the C.I.A. bullying private institutions to disavow her at every turn.

Mr. Morrell, in his resignation letter, quoted unnamed officials claiming Ms. Manning “put the lives of U.S. soldiers at risk,” without citing any specific examples. This is a common charge against her, and an unfounded one: The evidence of “damage” from Ms. Manning’s leaks has been grossly exaggerated from the start. During her trial, the government could not point to anyone, soldier or otherwise, who was physically harmed by WikiLeaks’ publications. Even at the time of the leaks, State Department officials were privately admitting that administration officials were exaggerating the harm the leaks caused to bolster their case.

Harvard’s decision to rescind Ms. Manning’s invitation is about more than academic spinelessness. In his statement defending the decision, Douglas W. Elmendorf, the dean of the Kennedy School, said, “I think we should weigh, for each potential visitor, what members of the Kennedy School community could learn from that person’s visit against the extent to which that person’s conduct fulfills the values of public service to which we aspire.”

If that’s the Kennedy School’s new policy, let’s take a look. Mr. Morell, for example, has steadfastly refused to admit that the C.I.A. engaged in torture, even in the face of the Senate’s damning torture report released in 2014. When asked about the agency’s decision to conduct forced “rectal feeding” on a detainee, he refused to answer whether that amounted to torture. Mr. Morell has also been an outspoken cheerleader for indiscriminate C.I.A. drone strikes that have killed at least hundreds of civilians. He most recently made headlines when he told Charlie Rose the United States should be “killing Russians and Iranians” — two countries the United States is not at war with — in Syria.

Other 2017 visiting fellows include Sean Spicer, President Trump’s first press secretary, who was accused of lying to the public on almost a daily basis by reporters, and the former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, who was arrested for committing battery against a journalist during the 2016 campaign.

What Mr. Elmendorf and the Kennedy School are saying, essentially, is that no issue or action is off topic for visiting fellows except, apparently, giving information to journalists and informing the public about what its government is doing behind closed doors.

Excessive government secrecy, the worship of “national security” above all else and the C.I.A.’s disrupting presence overseas are exactly the sorts of issues that the Kennedy School should be questioning and challenging, given the myriad C.I.A. and Pentagon scandals and our country’s constant state of war since Sept. 11. Chelsea Manning’s act of whistle-blowing was a powerful, influential and important contribution to that debate.

Trevor Timm (@trevortimm) is the executive director of Freedom of the Press Foundation.

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