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What is the classical scientific standard for proof, and is it appropriate
for investigating environmental-related crises, including Covid-19? Yes, a
scientific method is necessary, but are there alternatives to the "double
blind" experiment. Two ground breaking books, "Our Stolen Future" by
zoologist Theo Colborn and "Big Farms Make Big Flu" by evolutionary
biologist Rob Wallace, make great contributions in helping answer these
questions. And they are absolutely vital if we, the working class, are to
make sense of what is happening and are to lead the way away from the brink
of absolute disaster.

"Humans lived by hunting and gathering for the overwhelming majority of
their history. During that era they were reminded every second of their
lives of the laws of nature. They never lost their awareness of that world.
With industrialization and the urbanization of society, the illusion
developed that we live apart from nature. What’s more, the oppressed class
– the working class – had it pounded into their thinking that science – the
study of the natural world – was the province of academics and that it
wasn’t any of our business. Academia was properly more or less under the
control of the ruling class. Except in the most general way, it was not the
business of the working class to really understand science. Now, we see the
rising disasters as the laws of nature threaten to overwhelm human society.
No longer can we afford to ignore the discussions and debates among the
scientists. Scientists like Theo Colborn and Rob Wallace can serve as a
light to help us understand the nature of the crisis that we confront and,
most important, what we as the working class can do about it."

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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