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America's women workers have been living in a straw house perched high on a
cliff, and COVID-19 is the perfect storm.  Though research reveals that men
are more likely to succumb to the virus, women will be disproportionately
devastated by its economic impacts, and that's especially true for women of
color.  Women have long held the most precarious jobs, made less money, and
done the most paid and unpaid caregiving. The coronavirus exacerbates these
inequalities, making female workers particularly vulnerable to economic
disaster in the months and years to come.

Less visible, however, are the legions of women who have lost their jobs in
recent weeks. The last downturn in 2008 and 2009 knocked the male-dominated
construction and manufacturing the hardest, but this time, women made up a
full 60%
the first wave of layoffs, which hit the service, leisure, and retail
industries particularly hard. Many worked for low wages, often for tips, as
hotel housekeepers, waitresses, salon staff, child care workers, home
health care aides, and in other service and caring jobs.  These were not
family-supporting, stable jobs, even before the current crisis.  Will these
businesses close for good, leaving many women workers out of a job

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