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By Roger Burbach

On the Ides of March I awoke in a cold sweat from an apocalyptic nightmare in a hospital bed at the University of California, San Francisco medical center. I trembled and could not suppress a cry as I recalled my dream of General Augusto Pinochet rising from his tomb as a skeleton. Donned in his military cap and cloak, he looked like the skeletons that are prominently displayed in Mexico on the Day of the Dead. He carried the scythe of the Grim Reaper and began marching through the streets of Santiago, Chile, slaughtering those that crossed his path. He went to the chambers of Judge Juan Guzman who had prosecuted him, hacked him in half with the scythe, then proceeded to the offices of Juan Pablo Cardenas, the editor of the leading resistance magazine during the dictatorship, destroying desks and typewriters before cornering Juan Pablo. He next sought out my friend Fernando Zegers, a lawyer who worked at the Vicariate of Solidarity, a human rights organization founded by Cardinal Raul Silvia Henriquez. Seeing a picture of the now departed Cardinal on the wall, Pinochet cursed at it saying “you hid Communists under your bed.”

Desperately I called on everyone I knew in Chile and abroad to help resist the General’s onslaught, but to no avail. Even when my comrades managed to break his bones, the skeleton reassembled. Finally Pinochet spotted me and as he approached with his raised scythe I awoke from my traumatic nightmare.

full: http://wp.globalalternatives.org/latest-news/facing-the-grim-reaper-once-again-buddha-galileo-and-the-hospital-industry
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