Re: [Marxism] Fukushima hasn't gone away

2017-02-13 Thread Tristan Sloughter via Marxism
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> “Sievert” is one of the many terms of mystification used to prevent
> most people from fully understanding radiation.

Calling an international standard unit a "term of mystification" with
some sinister purpose to keep people in the dark should be enough to
discredit this article and source.


  Tristan Sloughter

  "I am not a crackpot" - Abe Simpson

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Re: [Marxism] Fukushima hasn't gone away,

2017-02-13 Thread DW via Marxism
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Good comments on this issue by everyone. Always nice to see. Les, thanks
for the correction from the second paragraph. Yes...I also missed this. Ugh.

Still...I think the article is somewhat sensationalist especially give, as
the article notes, there is nothing new here. They are, still,
sensationalist, I think. Given that it's inside an reactor, even without a
critical (meaning it's not fissioning) reactions occurring, 'estimates' of
the radiation levels ARE quite high even before "proof". The problem here
is that they are not using Geiger counters. They are using a camera that is
very imprecise (up or down) in determining the levels of radiation. I think
this is one of the reasons TEPCO hasn't announced radiation 'levels'
previously. That the robots get fried is not surprising at all given the
levels of radiation inside or near the core. I just don't think there is
any real news here worth *worrying* about...the article is full of 'worry'.
Seems overblown to me.

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Re: [Marxism] Fukushima hasn't gone away

2017-02-13 Thread Jeff via Marxism

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On 2017-02-13 18:20, Dennis Brasky via Marxism wrote:

Thanks for your thoughtful contribution Les

Well I guess I missed something, but maybe Dennis or someone could 
explain Les' point. What I gather is that the clean-up operation is 
daunting due to the radiation level at or near the reactor core, and 
that even so-called radiation-hardened robots are killed in just 2 
hours. That makes me happy that I don't have the job of figuring out how 
to deal with it.

But regardless of where the radioactive material is (fortunately most of 
it remains inside the containment area), it can only be moved, not 
destroyed. Unlike any chemical fuel, there is no way of making a 
radioactive isotope non-radioactive any faster than is given by its 
half-life. This goes also for the waste routinely created by a reactor 
running normally (but at least that waste is easier to handle).

Even if a reactor accident never affected a person, the incredible cost 
associated with an accident (cleanup, evacuation of the area, 
containment of the material for centuries) is a good reason that nuclear 
reactors for power should be avoided. But of course, for a given 
capitalist or government agency, the chance of THAT reactor having an 
accident is small, justifying their enterprise in terms of expected 
profit (especially where  liability for a nuclear accident is limited by 
special laws). In the same short-sighted way that those involved in 
fossil fuel energy can ignore their role in climate change.

I can't say for sure that the Japanese authorities have effectively kept 
people out of danger. But the original article posted didn't even 
address that, but rather made (fallacious) arguments of the sort:

   In Carmel, California, local residents
   are finding that tide pools, once
   vibrant with life, are now dead. They
   blame Fukushima.

Oh. And every one of them that does blame Fukushima is wrong. Period.

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Fukushima hasn't gone away

2017-02-13 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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Thanks for your thoughtful contribution Les - I wish you were wrong!

On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 11:58 AM, Les Schaffer via Marxism
> proof positive you (and now Jeff) didnt actually read the article.  Quote:
> """Continuous, intense radiation, at 530 sieverts an hour (4 sieverts is a
> lethal level), was widely reported in early February 2017 – as if this were
> a new phenomenon. It’s not. Three reactors at Fukushima melted down during
> the earthquake-tsunami disaster on March 3, 2011, and the meltdowns never
> stopped. Radiation levels have been out of control ever since. As
> Fairewinds Energy Education noted in an email February 10:
> Although this robotic measurement just occurred, this high radiation
> reading was anticipated and has existed inside the damaged Unit 2 atomic
> reactor since the disaster began nearly 6 years ago…. As Fairewinds has
> said for 6 years, there are no easy solutions because groundwater is in
> direct contact with the nuclear corium (melted fuel) at Fukushima Daiichi.
> What’s new (and not very new, at that) is the official acknowledgement of
> the highest radiation levels yet measured there, by a factor of seven (the
> previously measured high was 73 sieverts an hour in 2012). The highest
> radiation level measured at Chernobyl was 300 sieverts an hour. What this
> all means, as anyone paying attention well knows, is that the
> triple-meltdown Fukushima disaster is still out of control."""
> so, while the radiation levels may indeed be in a state of SAME, our
> SAMPLING of that state is getting more accurate as we get closer. TEPCO hid
> behind the lower numbers, but now that the robotic cameras are getting
> knocked out after 2 hours of use, robotic cleaning's got problems
> ion-levels-inside-fukushima-deep-fry-cleanup-robot.html
> And, besides, its IN the containment vessel!
> does "IN" have a meaning here?
> Les
> On 02/13/2017 10:58 AM, DW via Marxism wrote:
>> In fact, the levels inside containment in the melted down reactor are
>> the SAME as they've always been as this was, contrary to the article
>> Dennis so thoughtfully provided is the FIRST "reading" how
>> has it gone up???
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Re: [Marxism] Fukushima hasn't gone away

2017-02-13 Thread Les Schaffer via Marxism

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proof positive you (and now Jeff) didnt actually read the article.  Quote:

"""Continuous, intense radiation, at 530 sieverts an hour (4 sieverts is 
a lethal level), was widely reported in early February 2017 – as if this 
were a new phenomenon. It’s not. Three reactors at Fukushima melted down 
during the earthquake-tsunami disaster on March 3, 2011, and the 
meltdowns never stopped. Radiation levels have been out of control ever 
since. As Fairewinds Energy Education noted in an email February 10:

Although this robotic measurement just occurred, this high radiation 
reading was anticipated and has existed inside the damaged Unit 2 atomic 
reactor since the disaster began nearly 6 years ago…. As Fairewinds has 
said for 6 years, there are no easy solutions because groundwater is in 
direct contact with the nuclear corium (melted fuel) at Fukushima Daiichi.

What’s new (and not very new, at that) is the official acknowledgement 
of the highest radiation levels yet measured there, by a factor of seven 
(the previously measured high was 73 sieverts an hour in 2012). The 
highest radiation level measured at Chernobyl was 300 sieverts an hour. 
What this all means, as anyone paying attention well knows, is that the 
triple-meltdown Fukushima disaster is still out of control."""

so, while the radiation levels may indeed be in a state of SAME, our 
SAMPLING of that state is getting more accurate as we get closer. TEPCO 
hid behind the lower numbers, but now that the robotic cameras are 
getting knocked out after 2 hours of use, robotic cleaning's got problems

And, besides, its IN the containment vessel!

does "IN" have a meaning here?


On 02/13/2017 10:58 AM, DW via Marxism wrote:

In fact, the levels inside containment in the melted down reactor are
the SAME as they've always been as this was, contrary to the article
Dennis so thoughtfully provided is the FIRST "reading" how
has it gone up???

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Re: [Marxism] Fukushima hasn't gone away

2017-02-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 2/13/17 11:41 AM, Jeff via Marxism wrote:

One who is interested in the details of a radioactive accident (or any
other physical system) should rather seek an article written by a
qualified scientist, not by an author whose impressive qualifications
are listed as "over 40 years experience in theatre, radio, TV, print
journalism, and non-fiction, including 20 years in the Vermont
judiciary." I mean, really.

Not to speak of his citing Zero Hedge in the article.
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Re: [Marxism] Fukushima hasn't gone away

2017-02-13 Thread Jeff via Marxism

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On 2017-02-13 16:58, DW via Marxism wrote:

David is right: the article Dennis posted is sensationalist and in most 
respects inaccurate or misleading. I think nuclear power is a bad idea, 
but you don't argue against it effectively by adopting propaganda that 
can be easily disproven. The radioactive material remaining at the 
reactor that they are trying to entomb (the safest thing to do with 
it!), may well be dangerous to anyone remaining in the area and to the 
groundwater, if it's leaking. Any concern involving that amount of 
material contaminating the pacific ocean displays an utter inability to 
appreciate the vastness of the ocean and its incredible volume of water. 
One who is interested in the details of a radioactive accident (or any 
other physical system) should rather seek an article written by a 
qualified scientist, not by an author whose impressive qualifications 
are listed as "over 40 years experience in theatre, radio, TV, print 
journalism, and non-fiction, including 20 years in the Vermont 
judiciary." I mean, really.

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Fukushima hasn't gone away

2017-02-13 Thread DW via Marxism
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Every year since the accident at Fukushima, starting in February, the
professional anti-nuclear industry rolls out yet more fear an dread
in order to keep the issue of the 'worsening disaster' in the news.
This is an example of this sort of methodology, and in this case, it
is 100% inaccurate. We get the title sub-head with this one "Even Fox
News reports radiation at “unimaginable levels”. I love when experts
in filed of nuclear physics, such as "Fox News", are liberally quoted
to prove the "oh! it must be true!".

In fact, the levels inside containment in the melted down reactor are
the SAME as they've always been as this was, contrary to the article
Dennis so thoughtfully provided is the FIRST "reading" how
has it gone up??? In fact, give the laws of the universe, with no
critical fission reaction going on inside the reactor containment
vessel, there can be no increase in radiation. It's completely false.
And, besides, its IN the containment vessel! So of course the readings
are going to be high...but not higher than previously given that no
new radiation is being created.

This extremely well written article will explain the issue and the
science if one is guided more by science that tabloid type headlines:
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[Marxism] Fukushima hasn't gone away

2017-02-13 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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Where the hell is all this poison going if not contaminating the entire
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