[Marxism] Fwd: Sectarian Delusions on the American Left » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2014-07-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The ISO Versus Socialist Alternative
Sectarian Delusions on the American Left

Another International Socialist Organization Internal Bulletin has been 
leaked to the public over on the External Bulletin website, home to a 
group of former members. It contains an article written by long-time 
leader Todd Chretien that targets Socialist Alternative (SAlt)—the group 
that is rightfully proud of their comrade Kshama Sawant being elected to 
the Seattle City Council and for her role in the passing of a $15 
minimum wage.

I have been partial to Chretien in the past because of his close ties to 
the late Peter Camejo, whose gubernatorial campaign in California he 
helped organize in 2003. I worked closely with Camejo in the early 80s 
and confess to having stolen all my best ideas from him.

The ISO’s chief criticism of Socialist Alternative’s electoral strategy 
is that it is “triumphalist”, a musty term from the Marxist lexicon. 
Specifically, Chretien regards SAlt’s call for a hundred independent 
candidates to run in the 2014-midterm elections as an “overblown 
perspective”. In his view, her victory did not necessarily mean that 
political conditions had ripened to the point where such a large number 
of candidates would be forthcoming. Such “triumphalism” might even be 
catching–to the point where ISO’ers would be seduced into believing that 
it was feasible to form a new “broad” party in the near term, or that 
regroupment of the far left was the order of the day. Heaven forefend.


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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Sectarian Delusions on the American Left » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2014-07-04 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Well, there will be at least a hundred candidates running in the midterm
elections running independent of the two capitalist parties.

It is terribly difficult to speak with accuracy about the political
situation, given the gross unevenness in consciousness in what is, after
all a massive and complex country.  Notwithstanding the impression one
could get looking at media, the situation in very different on the coasts
and across the vast expanse in the American interior.  I don't mean this is
the simplistic way that the coasts are more radical, though that's probably
true in places, but in the sense of how well radicals might be prepared to
field candidates.

What should be done is to place Sawant on tour, particularly to those areas
where we want to test the waters.  Her victory certainly opened doors.  The
question remains who's ready to follow her through them.

Perhaps sending Cretien to the same places might help to get both on the
same page.



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