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Greek pensioners are getting hit at least 3 ways from Sunday: 1) the
healthcare sector is in shambles; 2) their pensions are being cut back; and
3) the VAT tax is decimating their budgets.
The 50th anniversary celebration/protests for Medicare in the US are an
opportunity for us to make the connections. Lord knows our seniors are in
dire straits themselves on the same fronts.
Free, socialized healthcare under worker/community control, from the US to
55 and out retirement at union-scale wages, from America to Athens!
(ps concrete solidarity is already under way from nurse unions here, more
on that soon.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andrew Pollack <acpolla...@juno.com>
Date: Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 3:16 PM
Subject: opportunity for US-Greece solidarity: Fw: AFL-CIO Endorses July 30
Med icare Actions
To: acpolla...@gmail.com

---------- Forwarded Message ----------
From: Mark Dudzic Labor Campaign for Single Payer <
To: acpolla...@juno.com
Subject: AFL-CIO Endorses July 30 Medicare Actions
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2015 19:04:34 +0000

 Dear a,

We are two weeks away from the *July 30 Celebration of Medicare's 50th
Birthday.*  Activists will gather in 42 cities in 21 states
to honor one of our most successful social insurance programs and to call
on the American people to work to *Protect *it, *Improve *it and *Expand *

In a letter to affiliates
AFL-CIO President *Richard Trumka *urged all of labor to come together to
mark this momentous occasion. "[A]dopting improved Medicare for All is the
only solution to the increasing cost and access problems of our current
healthcare system," wrote Trumka.

You can help make this day a success:

   - Find your local celebration here
   or join us in Washington DC for a day of rallies, briefings and lobbying
   beginning at 9:30 AM in  Upper Senate Park.
   - Ask your local union to endorse and participate in an event near you.
   - Contact your local Central Labor Council
   and local chapter of the Alliance of Retired Americans (ARA)
   and urge them to endorse and mobilize support for events in your area.

Medicare: it's as American as Apple Pie! See you on July 30.

In Solidarity.

Mark Dudzic

National Coordinator
  *National Advisory Board*

Don Berry, President

Jeff Crosby, President
Northshore Labor Council (MA)

Rose Ann DeMoro, Executive
Director, National Nurses United

Donna Dewitt, President
Emeritus, South Carolina State AFL-CIO

Maria Elena Durazo, Vice President

Pat Eiding, President
Philadelphia CLC

Fernando Gapasin
West Central Oregon CLC

Ben Johnson, President
Vermont American Federation of Teachers (AFT)

Jeff Johnson, President
Washington State Labor Council

Greg Junemann, President
International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers

Bruce Klipple, President
United Electrical Workers, UE

Tom Leedham, Secty-Treas
Teamsters Local 206

Fred Mason, President             Maryland/DC AFL-CIO

David Newby, President
Emeritus, Wisconsin State AFL-CIO

Henry Nicholas, President

Tim Paulson, Executive Director
San Francisco CLC

Josh Pechthalt, President
California Federation of Teachers

Ken Perdue, President
West Virginia AFL-CIO

Clyde Rivers, Representing
California School Employees Association

Judy Sheridan-Gonzalez, President
NY State Nurses Assoc.

Steven A. Tolman, President
Massachusetts AFL-CIO

Jos Williams, President
DC Metro CLC

Nancy Wohlforth, Representing
California State AFL-CIO
    *LCS-P National Steering Committee*

Marilyn Albert,RN

Wayne Bayer, Vice President
New York State Public Employees Federation

Paul Bigman
Martin Luther King CLC

Michael Bilbrey
President, CSEA

Donna Cartwright
Pride @ Work, AFL-CIO

Richard Burton
WA State Nurses Assoc.

Al Cholger
USW Sub-District Dir., Detroit

Jeff Crosby, President
Northshore MA CLC

Donna Dewitt, President Emeritus
South Carolina State AFL-CIO

Jed Dodd, General Chair
Pennsylvania Federation BMWED/IBT

Mark Dudzic
USW & Labor Party

Sandy Eaton
MA Nurses Assoc.

Jon Flanders
Troy Area Labor Council

Bill Gibbons
USW Regional Dir (Ret)

Don Giljum
IUOE Local 148

David Johnson
Champaign IL CLC

Peter Knowlton, President
New England, UE

Martha Kuhl, Treasurer
National Nurses United (CA)

Traven Leyshon, President
Green Mountain Labor Council

Martha Livingston
United Univ. Professions, AFT Lo 2190

James McGee
Transit Employees H & W Fund, ATU

Lew Moye, President
St. Louis CBTU

David Newby, President Emeritus
Wisconsin State AFL-CIO

Elizabeth O'Connor

Rodney Orr, Political Director

Lenny Potash
Labor United for Universal Healthcare

Clyde Rivers

Susan Reardon
Pennsylvania Federation BMWED/IBT

Jean Ross, Co-President
National Nurses United (MN)

Jim Savage
USW Local 10-1

Robert Score, Rec-Secty
IATSE Local 1

Mike Sullivan
Assoc. of Western Pulp & Paper Workers

Marva Wade
NY State Nurses Assoc.

John Walsh

Jos Williams, President
DC Metro CLC

Nancy Wohlforth
California State AFL-CIO

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