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The public sector union federation ADEDY has called for a general strike
against the new memorandum on the same day of the Congressional vote. This
strike will be the first one held by ADEDY since Tsipras took office, but
it won’t be the first strike against the Syriza government. At the end of
May, doctors and health workers shut down the public hospitals demanding
more staff and more money for the public health care system.

According to the ADEDY’s statement, “We are calling for a 24 hour strike at
the same time that the Congress will be voting for the unpopular agreement;
we are calling a rally at 7 pm at Syntagma Square."

During the last five years, the Greek working class took part in 33 general
strikes against Pasok and the New Democracy governments. This 24-hour
strike represents the first one against Trispras’ government and its
agreement with the creditors. The general strike will come a week after the
resounding victory of the NO vote in the referendum.
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