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...The history of British slavery has been buried. The thousands of British 
families who grew rich on the slave trade, or from the sale of slave-produced 
sugar, in the 17th and 18th centuries, brushed those uncomfortable chapters of 
their dynastic stories under the carpet. Today, across the country, heritage 
plaques on Georgian townhouses describe former slave traders as “West India 
merchants”, while slave owners are hidden behind the equally euphemistic term 
“West India planter”. Thousands of biographies written in celebration of 
notable 17th and 18th-century Britons have reduced their ownership of human 
beings to the footnotes, or else expunged such unpleasant details altogether. 
The Dictionary of National Biography has been especially culpable in this 
respect. Few acts of collective forgetting have been as thorough and as 
successful as the erasing of slavery from the Britain’s “island story”. If it 
was geography that made this great forgetting possible, what completed the 
disappearing act was our collective fixation with the one redemptive chapter in 
the whole story. William Wilberforce and the abolitionist crusade, first 
against the slave trade and then slavery itself, has become a figleaf behind 
which the larger, longer and darker history of slavery has been concealed.


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