[Marxism] impeachment matters: lies, hypocrisy and the Mustache in the room

2020-01-28 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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"The lies and hypocrisy was so thick it felt like Sydney, Australia
blanketed by smoke from the wildfires there"

Trump put his loyal mouthpieces on the spot, but so is John Roberts
potentially. The cover-up hits high gear.


*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] Impeachment matters: First 2 days of Senate impeachment trial and why it matters

2020-01-23 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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Brief summary of first two days of impeachment trial in US Senate & why it

John Reimann
*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] Impeachment

2020-01-21 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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I spent the day working, but had the impeachment trial going on in the
background and stopped regularly to follow it.  Our old expectation of the
American political system was that it was going to shed credibility its
functions became increasingly obvious.

What's striking to me about the present stage is that almost no sentient
observer can seriously muster much confidence in the entire process.

The virtual absence of an independent Left has been a tragic feature of our
politics for decades, but it has never been more painfully acute than it
now is.

Mark L.
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2019-12-14 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 12/14/19 9:13 AM, Michael Meeropol via Marxism wrote:

Dear Activists --- I dont know if the attached expanded version of a radio
commentary would be useful to any readers in arguing the issue of
impeachment  but I attach it here because it MIGHT be of use.   I
framed it for a radio audience that might include many people who have NOT
followed the arguments about impeachment.   (The article I reference at the
end of the piece makes the case for impeachment from a more left wing
position than the one I take in this commentary).

Solidarity, Mike

A reminder. Attachments are not forwarded to the list because they can 
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	On May 23, 2017, I delivered a commentary in which I tried to argue 
that attempting to impeach Trump was a waste of time --- and potentially 
would do more harm than good.
[anyone who wants a copy of it can send me a message through WAMC-FM 
with their e-mail address]
	Well, I was wrong.   I have watched the impeachment hearings before the 
House Intelligence Committee.   I have listened very closely to the 
attempted Republican counters to the impeachment effort.   I watched the 
first day of hearings before the House Judiciary Committee on December 4 
and I saw on Thursday, December 5 the speech by House Speaker Nancy 
Pelosi stating that the House of Representatives will begin receiving 
reports from the House Committees that have gathered factual information 
about Trump’s conduct with an eye towards drafting Articles of 
Impeachment for the full house.
I am now convinced that Trump must be impeached.  I also believe if the 
Senate took its role seriously, even the Republicans would support 
impeachment as Republicans came to do the same when they forced 
President Richard Nixon to resign back in 1974.
[By the way, the entire House Intelligence Committee Report is available 
on line --- and there is a relatively short executive summary that 
should be easy reading for anyone.   The pathetic Republican minority 
response to the fact witnesses that had testified for over two weeks 
ignores some very important elements of the testimony by the fact 
witnesses and makes many false claims.   One of the most seriously 
egregious out and out lies is that the Trump Administration released the 
delayed funds to Ukraine after “thoughtful review.”   There was no 
thoughtful review whatsoever – and the proof of this is that the famous 
phone call when Trump asked the President of Ukraine for “a favor” did 
not once mention corruption --- did not probe with the Ukraine President 
what his new administration was doing about corruption.  (And this 
discussion of true anti-corruption activity were in the written talking 
points prepared for Trump by his staff.  Of course he just ignored them 
--- maybe he never even read them!)  Instead, the money was released 
when Trump learned that a whistleblower had – well – “blown the 
whistle!”   And by the way, the famous phone call with Gordon Sondland 
where Trump stated “I want nothing!  I want nothing!  There is no quid 
pro quo!” occurred the very day that he learned about the whistleblower 
report.   For the full texts of the reports from the House Intelligence 
Committee plus some analysis go to 
 The extraordinary flouting of the will of Congress involves refusal to 
cooperate in any way with the House Impeachment inquiry.   The 
Constitution is clear that the House of Representatives is the sole 
determinant of HOW to conduct an impeachment inquiry.   [See Article 1, 
Section 2, Clause 5 of the Constitution].  They chose to conduct the 
inquiry by requiring the testimony of a number of federal officials and 
former officials as well as the submission of documents for the House’s 
consideration.   Trump and his cronies in the government have refused 
all cooperation.   That refusal constitutes an obstruction of Congress 
and will undoubtedly be one of the Articles of Impeachment created by 
the Judiciary Committee.   Then there was the cynical extortion of the 
government of Ukraine (holding up already appropriated funds designed to 
bolster Ukraine’s military) demanding activity to throw dirt on the man 
who Trump feared as his strongest competitor in 2020 


2019-12-14 Thread Michael Meeropol via Marxism
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Dear Activists --- I dont know if the attached expanded version of a radio
commentary would be useful to any readers in arguing the issue of
impeachment  but I attach it here because it MIGHT be of use.   I
framed it for a radio audience that might include many people who have NOT
followed the arguments about impeachment.   (The article I reference at the
end of the piece makes the case for impeachment from a more left wing
position than the one I take in this commentary).

Solidarity, Mike
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Re: [Marxism] Impeachment is a losing strategy for the left. Let's focus on winning in 2020 | Bhaskar Sunkara | Opinion | The Guardian

2019-12-12 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Glen Ford, certainly no ally of Tucker Carlson or DSA, made a very similar
point in a recent piece titled "The Issue-Less Impeachment: The Corporate
Democrats Stand for Nothing, So They Impeach for Nothing" <

The impeachment of Donald Trump has nothing to do with social justice at
home and abroad, global environmental stability, or the rule of law
anywhere on the planet. Rather, the corporate Democrats have methodically
narrowed the scope of the indictment to exclude all the actual crimes of
this president against humanity, peace, the environment and the rule of law
– for the obvious reason that both corporate parties and all modern U.S.
presidents are collectively and individually guilty... Trump will be put in
the dock for a (relatively) minor offense as a kind of purgative of the
whole corporate system’s rotten innards*. *It’s like indicting the
mass-murdering, criminal war-waging South African apartheid regime for
gerrymandering elections in which Blacks, by law, could not vote. The cited
offense is meaningless, and all the rest is forgiven.
By failing to impeach Trump for abuse of migrants, family separation, or
the numerous chauvinist acts he has committed, the Democrats and those who
support impeaching him are giving tacit approval to those actions. There is
zero accountability or reparation made towards actual crimes against the

Are we supposed to be putting our support towards actions endorsing family
separation or not?

Best regards,

Andrew Stewart

Message: 3
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2019 09:06:41 -0500
From: Louis Proyect 
To: Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition
Subject: [Marxism] Impeachment is a losing strategy for the left.
Let's focus on winning in 2020 | Bhaskar Sunkara | Opinion | The
Message-ID: <95c3bc57-8469-4784-5801-a546de6ed...@panix.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

(Will Sunkara go on Tucker Carlson's show to make these points?)

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Re: [Marxism] Impeachment is a losing strategy for the left. Let's focus on winning in 2020

2019-12-12 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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Thank you for calling attention to this article.

Trotsky famously said that ultra left sectarianism is just opportunism
standing in fear of itself. In this case, it's not standing in fear of
itself, it's more sectarianism being used to obscure the opportunism.

Stripped of all the excuses, what Sankara is advocating in practice is to
continue doing nothing but phone banking and canvassing for "Bernie", with
maybe appearing at a few strike picket lines if workers are so foolish as
to vote to strike in this period when electing "Bernie" is the only thing
that matters.

John Reimann

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] Impeachment is a losing strategy for the left. Let's focus on winning in 2020 | Bhaskar Sunkara | Opinion | The Guardian

2019-12-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Will Sunkara go on Tucker Carlson's show to make these points?)

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[Marxism] Impeachment hearings: One of three important steps in Trump presidency

2019-12-10 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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The impeachment hearings are the third of three key events in the Trump
presidency. The other two were his inauguration and the confirmation
hearing for Brett Kavanaugh. Each of these ramped up the politics of blind
anger and violence. Meanwhile, the Democrats are hoping that there is
sufficient faith in the old stability and cooptation to get themselves
elected one more time.

All this is the product of a disintegrating world order and of the crisis
of capitalism itself.


*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] Impeachment hearings so far...

2019-12-07 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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[Marxism] Impeachment day six

2019-12-06 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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Check out my newest books *Still Tripping in the Dark

*,* Capitalism
and Daydream Sunset:60s Counterculture in the 70s
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[Marxism] Impeachment: A window into the crisis of the US capitalist class

2019-12-03 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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"Former US ambassador to Ukraine and a career diplomat Marie Yovanovitch
put her finger dead on the issue: On the one hand there lay what Trump
loyalist Gordan Sondland represented: “he was being involved in a domestic
political errand and we were being involved in national-security foreign
policy,” she said. On the other side lies the State Department, which “is
being hollowed out from within at a competitive and complex time on the
world stage.” In other words, at a time of rising competition from Russian
and Chinese imperialism, US imperialism needs a layer of trained and tried
and true diplomats to look out for its interests, rather than the interests
of just one individual, Donald Trump.

"That is what these impeachment hearings are really all about. Will US
foreign policy be conducted in the interests of the dominant wings of the
US capitalist class, or will it be conducted in the interests of one
individual – Donald Trump? The fact that this question even has to be asked
starkly demonstrates the political crisis of the US capitalist class"

full article:

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] Impeachment hearings

2019-11-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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I am listening to Gordon Sundland right now. He is to these hearings as 
John Dean was to Watergate. Totally repudiating Trump and Giuliani.

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[Marxism] impeachment, Ukraine and Syria

2019-10-20 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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The impeachment inquiry is not just a conflict between two capitalist
political parties; it is an effort of the mainstream of the US capitalist
class to regain control over its presidency. That is how it relates to
Trump's policies in regards to both Ukraine and Syria. Socialists are
tending to be too conservative and fail to recognize the degree to which
the mainstream of the US capitalist class has largely lost control over
their presidency.

"Although it came first, the Nancy Pelosi-led impeachment inquiry cannot be
understood without understanding Trump’s troop withdrawal from Syria.

"For over a year now, mainstream capitalist commentators have been railing
against Trump’s attacks on what they call the rule of law. They have
continually warned that “our democracy” is at danger. These comments have
not been made about previous presidents, and understanding them is
essential to understanding the present political crisis."


*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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