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Some of this is in Spanish and those parts that are in English appear to be 
translated by a computer program.
                ken h

 Comrades all! 
 I am Carmen Blanco Valer, Hugo's eldest daughter and I make use of the list of 
subscribers of Lucha Indígena and contact them for the following: 
 Following the Peruvian alternative means Wayka proyectase by the networks last 
week the documentary "Hugo Blanco G, - River Deep" 
https://www.hugoblancofilm.com/ <https://www.hugoblancofilm.com/> have emerged 
virulent reactions from right - wing groups against my father and against the 
filmmaker Malena Martinez. 
 Both the Fujimorista Marta   Chavez, like ex-military groups, civil guards, 
etc., have been publishing press releases in which they accuse Hugo of serious 
crimes against Human Rights and are outraged by the support given by the 
Ministry of Culture to the screening of the film. 
 Faced with these serious accusations, a group of comrades took the initiative 
to vindicate Hugo and his struggles and drafted a text to which he would ask 
them to adhere in solidarity.   Once we can gather a significant number of 
signatures, it will be published in Peru. 

 Carmen Blanco Valer 
 carmincha.blancova...@gmail.com <mailto:carmincha.blancova...@gmail.com> 
 Here is the text and below the link you can make the accessions. 
 In demand of Hugo Blanco 
 Concerning the exhibition of the award-winning documentary “Hubo Blanco Río 
Profundo”, a group of former military officers colluded with a series of former 
right-wing politicians, together with journalists from virtual publications 
with titles like El Montonero, have issued some pronouncements naming the 
former member of the 1978 Constituent Assembly, deputy and senator, 
democratically elected by the sovereign people, Hugo Blanco Galdós, as a 
terrorist and murderer. 
 We, the undersigned, citizens of Latin America and beyond, repudiate those 
words that, fifty years after the events that raised the impoverished peasants 
in the Valley of the Convention, seek to criminalize and discredit the 
politician and activist for the rights of the nature. Today, at 85 years old, 
Hugo Blanco Galdós, is considered one of the most important internationalist 
leaders for the struggles of agrarian reform, and against extractivism that 
pierces the bowels of our territories. 
 Hugo is an example for his tireless commitment to justice and to the people, 
whether in Pucallpa, Cajamarca, La Convencion, Chiapas or Cauca. Also because 
he is one of the few leftist leaders who today has been able to take a 
significant turn towards another fight for protest: for the environment. Blanco 
summarizes it relentlessly: "Before, it was fighting for socialism, today it is 
about the fight for the survival of the species." 
 This life dedicated to the fight for justice, democracy and the defense of 
Mother Earth has been masterfully represented by Malena Martínez in "Hugo 
Blanco: Rio Profundo", which has caused the unacceptable reaction of these 
emblematic characters of the Right caveman, who consolidate in their ranks the 
harshest of Peruvian authoritarianism, and who fear the example of this son of 
the hills of Cusco, where even today the cry "land or death: we will win" 

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