[Marxism] Iraq is not Syria: US Congress on board this time - Yahoo News

2014-08-13 Thread John Obrien via Marxism
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Am I wrong to conclude this recent email by this List moderator (below) implies:

1) It would be correct (and good) to support U. S. military attacks on the
 Bashir al-Assad led Syria government?

2) It would be correct (and good) to support U. S. military attacks on the 
 ISIS/ISIL/IS in Iraq and Syria?

3) It was correct for the social democrats to support their nation's governments
 and military attacks on other nation governments and militaries in World 
War One?

And this also leads me to ask:

4) Since some on this same List last year (and more recently) were stating
 that those as myself who were concerned that the calls to support ALL
 the opponent forces to the Bashir al-Assad led Syrian government would:
 A) be supporting reactionary Islamists forces - such as ISIS
 B) should only support anti-capitalist/anti-imperialist forces  -

that we were wrong - and support of FSA, ISIS, etc. was correct and their 
giving words
that indirectly or directly, encouraged political support for expanding 
imperialist military intervention

And I have email responses on this List saying that:

It was not true or a concern  by me and others, about the actual political 
forces and relative strength of support among those identified with the 
organized opposition to
the Bashir al-Assad led Syria government - as being primarily reactionary 
That the Free Syrian Army and other rebel groups such as ISIS were filled with 
progressive rebels.

So while the U. S. government and its allies can now support the Bashir al-Assad
government indirectly by attacking ISIS forces - why should Marxists be 
involved in
supporting any of these reactionary pro-capitalist forces - whether the current
governments and their militarys in Iraq, Syria, U. S., Israel. Saudi Arabia, 
Qatar, etc.?

Should Marxists have not learned from the World War One conflict held precisely
one hundred years ago - and not support any such capitalist government military
or other reactionary forces - and only support anti-capitalist forces that 
favor worker

Personally and politically I do not support the Bashir al-Assad led Syria 
or the current Iraq government(s), or view the U. S. imperialist as positive 
forces -
and none in my opinion should either - or should they still then claim to be 
Marxists or Anarchists in any progressive form.  We witnessed the former 
radical Christopher Hitchens in 2003 arguing for support of U. S. government 
military forces to overthrow the then Saddam Hussein led Iraq Government.  If 
Hitchens was wrong then (and he was) why would it be politically okay now, to 
support the same U. S. capitalist military forces to attack in Iraq, Syria, 
etc.?  The neo-cons some who had been also former SWP members in the Schactman 
split in the 1940's, were wrong to support the GW Bush and his father GH Bush 
and Bill Clinton's led U. S. government military forces against Iraq.

The politics in the world in 1914, were very bad.  Capitalist governments and 
monarchy empires were firmly in control.  But something happened - events that 
led to change.
Vladimir Lenin and other Marxists and Anarchists throughout the world refused 
to take sides in the conflict among capitalist governments then - and called 
for workers to resist this war and instead to support political formations that 
supported the interests of working people for peace, land and bread etc.   

Christopher Hitchens was wrong in his political assessments following the 
collapse of the Soviet Union government, to support in 2002-2003 U. S. 
imperialism and capitalist wars.   Clay Claiborne and some others on this List 
seem going down the same road as the Neo-cons, Christopher Hitchens and others 
that have abandoned radical politics of Marxism and others Anarchism, to 
instead view taking sides of which reactionary force should be in power to 
exploit and oppress.

Workers of the World Unite - You have nothing to lose but your chains!
Give up the mental chains of ideological control and imperialist propaganda
and oppose their control - and support a better world!

 Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 08:27:23 -0400
 Subject: [Marxism] Fwd: Iraq is not Syria: US Congress on board this time -   
 Yahoo News
 From: marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu
 To: causecollec...@msn.com
 Maybe John Rees and the Becker brothers should pull out all the stops 
 and organize mass demonstrations around the slogan No War on ISIS. 
 After all, they saved Assad's neck last year. ;-)


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Re: [Marxism] Iraq is not Syria: US Congress on board this time - Yahoo News

2014-08-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On 8/13/14 12:56 PM, Shane Mage via Marxism wrote:

Their physical extermination is the duty of every government, every
political force, in the world (any of the  Nazis who fails to achieve
his desired martyrdom deserves to be confined in a supermax prison under
constant suicide watch for the rest of his natural--plus medically

This is the second instance of Shane Mage backing Samantha Power 
humanitarian intervention. The last time was in Mali, where he backed 
the French against the Tuareg rebels, who he falsely amalgamated with al 
Qaeda. I really wonder if there was implicit backing for the French in 
the Algerian war of independence given his animosity toward the FLN. 
These are the hazards of leftish Islamophobia obviously.

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Re: [Marxism] Iraq is not Syria: US Congress on board this time - Yahoo News

2014-08-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On 8/13/14 12:26 PM, John Obrien via Marxism wrote:

4) Since some on this same List last year (and more recently) were
stating that those as myself who were concerned that the calls to
support ALL the opponent forces to the Bashir al-Assad led Syrian
government would: A) be supporting reactionary Islamists forces -
such as ISIS B) should only support anti-capitalist/anti-imperialist
forces  -

that we were wrong - and support of FSA, ISIS, etc. was correct and
their giving words that indirectly or directly, encouraged political
support for expanding imperialist military intervention

This is really a filthy lie. The only fighters I (or anybody else)
supported were in the FSA. Not only were we opposed to ISIS, we were
also opposed to al-Nusra before that, a group that never carried out the
kind of Khmer Rouge savagery now carried out by ISIS.

John, you really need to get into the habit of documenting your
slanderous charges. There are 2 ways of doing this:

1. Go here: http://blog.gmane.org/gmane.politics.marxism.marxmail and
search archives

2. Do an advanced search on Google for

Using option 1, I found a NYT's article I posted on January 26, 2013--my
68th birthday by coincidence. I posted it in order to alert Marxmail
subscribers that a clash between the FSA and al-Nusra had become more
pronounced. This was even before ISIS began beheading its leaders. So,
John, if you took 5 minutes to check the archives, you could have 
figured out that you were a lying, irresponsible troll.

NY Times January 26, 2013
Jihadists and Secular Activists Clash in Syria

BEIRUT, Lebanon — The tensions had been simmering for months in the
northern Syrian town of Saraqib. Civilian antigovernment activists had
complained of rebel fighters who needlessly destroyed a milk factory and
treated residents disrespectfully. A growing contingent of jihadist
fighters from the ideologically extreme and militarily formidable Nusra
Front was suspicious of the activists’ secular, nonviolent agenda.

On Thursday, mistrust erupted into confrontation. Masked men believed to
be with Al Nusra raided the headquarters of two secular civilian
grass-roots organizations — setting in motion one of the most dramatic
tests yet of the makeshift system of local governance that civilians and
fighters have established in Saraqib, a rebel-held town.

The dispute also tests the clout of jihadist fighters and the ability of
civilian opposition groups to stand up to them. The increasingly
prominent role of jihadist battalions on the battlefield worried the
United States enough to blacklist Al Nusra last year as a terrorist
organization, an effort to isolate it that may have backfired. The
Syrian opposition is ambivalent about the group: while many
antigovernment activists oppose its vision of an Islamic state and
complain of attempts to enforce pious practices, its relatively steady
arms supply and string of battleground victories have brought it respect.


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Re: [Marxism] Iraq is not Syria: US Congress on board this time - Yahoo News

2014-08-13 Thread Shane Mage via Marxism

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On Aug 13, 2014, at 1:14 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

On 8/13/14 12:56 PM, Shane Mage via Marxism wrote:

Their physical extermination is the duty of every government, every
political force, in the world (any of the  Nazis who fails to achieve
his desired martyrdom deserves to be confined in a supermax prison  

constant suicide watch for the rest of his natural--plus medically

This is the second instance of Shane Mage backing Samantha Power  
humanitarian intervention. The last time was in Mali, where he  
backed the French against the Tuareg rebels...

Those swine were the detritus from the imperialist intervention in  
Libya.  It was the Tuareg rebels were fighting them but they were out- 
armed and unable to defend Tombuctou and most of the Tuareg's Saharan  
domain from them. Why should they be denounced for  *in extremis*  
accepting help against the takfiri scum from any quarter? It seems  
that Lou's Francophobia, stemming from his Pabloite past glorification  
of the fascist FLN (responsible for ethnic cleansing and murders  
exceeding even those perpetrated by the Zionists in the nakba)
has made him entirely insensitive to the genocides and lesser  
atrocities carried out by the Nazistic takfiris).

Shane Mage

Thunderbolt steers all things. Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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