[Marxism] Is Trump a "traitor"?

2019-11-01 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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"Is Donald Trump a “traitor”, an agent of a rival foreign power (Russia)?
That is the claim of the former federal prosecutor Kenneth McCallion in his
recently published book Treason & Betrayal. Along the way, McCallion
presents some serious evidence that it is to Russian capitalism that
Trump’s true allegiance lies."

But what is "treason" really, and what are "national interests"?
Is Russian imperialism really a rival to US imperialism?
Has the mainstream of the US capitalist class largely lost control over its
president, or has a new wing of that class simply gained dominance, as Roger
Silverman says?
What does all this mean for the present state of US capitalism?
These are some of the questions indirectly raised in the book by former
federal prosecutor Kenneth McCallion in his book "Treason & Betrayal".


*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] Is Trump a traitor?

2018-08-31 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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I honestly cannot get interested in the Russian interference question at
all, at all. But this was a very well written article.  The opening
paragraphs are especially fine pieces of polemical writing, that I would
use if I were still teaching writing. Every sentence is like a dagger and
they all go in deep. I wish I had written them!



Risen wrote:

*I find it hard to write about Donald Trump.*

*It is not that he is a complicated subject. Quite the opposite. It is that
everything about him is so painfully obvious. He is a low-rent racist, a
shameless misogynist, and an unbalanced narcissist. He is an unrelenting
liar and a two-bit white identity demagogue. Lest anyone forget these
things, he goes out of his way each day to remind us of them.*

*At the end of the day, he is certain to be left in the dustbin of history,
alongside Father Coughlin and Gen. Edwin Walker. (Exactly – you don’t
remember them, either.)*
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