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Jehad Saleem from Gaza, Palestine:

Shame on all those Western activists who built their fame on Palestinian pain and now advocate for Assad and justify the mass-murder of hundreds of thousands of Syrians

Remember: the worst Syrian regime Military Intelligence Branch is also known as the “Palestine Branch.” For decades, Arab criminal dictators and demagogues took the word Palestine and tirelessly used it to wash the blood of those they tortured and murdered in their narrow and dark torture chambers. For decades, under pro-Palestine slogans, millions of people were hijacked by narrow-sighted socio-paths who suppressed democracy, workers movements and unions, made a joke out of our countries, expelled and executed thinkers and intellectuals, and built more jails than parks and hospitals, and invested in strengthening their power at the expense of the people who were subject to their rule. There is no reason, no reason at all, that can justify why these regimes surpassed all boundaries of excessive use of power and coercion. What does being anti-imperialist have to do with suppressing millions of people, stealing their resources, and force them to live in the hell of a worst-than-Orwellian scenario of fear and misery? No my friends. We do deserve better, our people deserve better than Saddam, Ghaddafi, and Assad, and if you think this is the maximum we deserve, then you are a racist piece of shit who still hasn’t cured his or her supremacist world-view.
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