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  This video shows the potential of a radicalization of the middle class but 
also their limitations at this stage. She is correct about Trotsky's key role 
in the Russian Revolution which came out of his understanding of Permanent 
Revolution. The video is very bad at the end in separating Trotsky from theory 
and practice in his fight against Stalinism. What this Historian said about the 
Russian Revolution excellently combined Trotsky's theory and practice of the 
Russian Revolution. Trotsky had the correct strategy and tactics in fighting 
Stalinism but was defeated for objective reasons coming out the of defeat of 
many revolutions aboard. This Historian shows the contradictions of a layer of 
the middle class radicalizing, with some of the best elements looking to 
Trotsky. Due to the crisis of leadership a lot of these middle class elements 
have not come fully over to Trotskyism. If the Trotskyist movement can be 
reconstructed to lead successful mass struggles Triotskyism can contradict this 
Historian's analysis that Trotsky's main legacy is academic.
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