[Marxism] O tempora O mores

2017-10-02 Thread Michael Yates via Marxism
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Thanks for the post, Gary. It is hard to maintain hope in the face of growing 
insanity. But somehow we must.
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[Marxism] O tempora O mores

2017-10-02 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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The horrific scene in Las Vegas and the brutality of the Spanish state in
Barcelona  and the devastation in Puerto Rico are of course not related
politically but they add to the general feeling that things are falling

The Las Vegas slaughter has nothing of course to do with the insane gun
laws of the USA. It was a white man who carried out the slaughter, so it is
business as usual.

The thuggery of the Guardia Civil has been described as "serene" by the
Spanish Prime Minister. Meanwhile people my age are tottering around with
bloodied heads.

The absolute greatest fuckwit of our time, Donald Trump, parades around a
Golf course and insults the mayor in Puerto Rico who is trying to help her
people.  But she lives on an island and that is surrounded by water so
there is nothing Trump can do to help.  Of course if there was a Communist
takeover in the island then that would be another matter, but people dying?
starving?  Where's the problem?

Where to from here?  We so desperately need a break through to a rational
decent alternative to what the Capitalist class has to offer. There is hope
though.  as I write this thousands of brave young people are marching
through Barcelona for decency.




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