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I am currently reincarnated as a historian. 

It is demanding but very very interesting work.  I will when it is all over put 
down some thoughts about performing the role of historian.

But for the moment I would just like to say something more extended than the 
tweet format persists.

I am talking myself into the excitement I felt before the Arab Spring was 
unleashed. My focus is the UK though something could happen somewhere else that 
would put Corbynism in the shade.  But for the moment my attention is with 
Momentum and Novara Media & Paul Mason and Liam Young and the Artist Taxi 

I have latched unto the idea of crisis and critique and the mutuality of the 
relationship and the notion of a saddle time.  These concepts all come from the 
philosopher of history Reinhart Koselleck, though I could not honestly describe 
myself as a thorough student of his work.

But what I see at the moment in the UK is the hapless Tory Party drowning in a 
flood of critique. They are being battered into submission and self 
destruction.  The collapse of the Giant PFI company Carillion just adds another 
wave to the flood.

What has me muttering like a fool is the realisation that Keynesians such as 
the Guardian Editor Larry Elliott is worried that we will turn our backs 
totally on the notion of a role for private finance and end up nationalising 

When Keynesians are panicking I feel that real change is in the air. Bring it 
on I say.  We will emerge from this saddle time different.  I know it. 
Socialism now!  And everywhere.


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