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All is not true but lots is good in the Shakespeare movie now showing in
Wellington. In *All is True*, Ben Elton’s script combines, happily to this
viewer, the little that's known of historical Shakespeare with some
thoughtful fantasising.

Slow burning at the start, the film takes a while to establish Kenneth
Branagh as a credible Shakespeare persona. No attempts are made to try and
suggest 16th/early 17th century speech sounds. This approach works most of
the time, although sometimes, when coupled with 21st century attitudes, any
illusion of reality drops away. As when Kathrny Wilder comes centre stage
as the bard’s stroppy teenage daughter Judith. Wilder and Judi Dench as
Anne Hathaway construct wonderful strong female characters but their
confident outspoken feminism is hard to credit in a mainly rural society
emerging from the Middle Ages.

Solid performances are turned in by all the actors but, for my money, Ian
McKellen steals the show. Revelling in his casting as the Earl of
Southhampton, McKellen brings class to the movie, in more ways than one. . .

full at: https://rdln.wordpress.com/2019/05/11/all-is-true/
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