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An attempt to use social media tools to organize in time of Covid 19

Launching Tomorrow!
Join activists, experts, and artists in conversation about the challenges
we are all facing today. Share ideas about building working-class power on
the front lines. Strategize together about how to put people over profits
during and after this crisis.
*Scroll down for individual show details*
Find real ways to support each other. Help us come through this crisis
safe, sane, and stronger than we were before. Together.

We will hear from artists, musicians, educators, poets, and other visitors
as we respond to the crisis with solace, clarity, and hope.

*Dates: Thursday evenings, 5:00 - 6:00 PM EST *

*Where to Watch or Participate *:

Join us via video chat or phone, www.ShelterAndSolidarity.org/join

Watch shows via www.ShelterAndSolidarity.org /videos

Real-time Audience Participation. Join the conversation!
*Help us online by: *

   - liking the Facebook page
   - subscribing to our (pre-launch) YouTube channel (we need 100
   subscribers to launch)
   - Inviting friends to talk with Johanna Fernandez and Kevin Rashid
   Johnson (on our first show)

How you can connect and what you can do: each episode ends

We welcome your ideas for topics & guests!
Email: j...@shelterandsolidarity.org

*Join SHELTER & SOLIDARITY for the first in our weekly hour-long on-line
conversations on confronting the COVID crisis:* EPISODE #1 "The Urgent
Public Health Crisis in Jails, Prisons, and ICE Detention Centers" Featured
Guests: Johanna Fernandez, author, radio host, and organizer

José Saldana, Director of the RAPP (Release Aging People in Prison)
campaign in NY. http://rappcampaign.com/

Kevin Rashid Johnson, Minister of Defense, New Afrikan Black Panther Party,
currently incarcerated inside an Indiana state prison).

Frontline Report from inside Rikers Island Jail, facilitated by Mike Nugent
of It’s Up to Us to End Mass Incarceration
*RSVP & Invite friends here*
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