Re: [Marxism] The-Opportunity-Costs-of-Socialism.pdf [not sent]

2018-10-25 Thread John Edmundson via Marxism
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In New Zealand we have a national health-care scheme that has its origins
mainly in a deal between the private medical sector (GPs etc, but excluding
dentists, who refused to buy in) and the 1st Labour government in the
1930s. t was a classic part of Labour's 'rescue capitalism from itself'
plan in the depression, but it did at least give us access to a hospital.
It demonstrates all the inadequacies suggested by the two previous posters
but still seems vastly better than a fully private (or Obamacare type)
model. My wife has had ten operations (plus numerous scans etc) in the last
ten years, one operation was private because her rich brother in law paid
for it. This resulted mainly in avoiding a six-month wait. One was carried
out in a private hospital because the specialist doctors tend to work in
private practice for part of their time and do some hours in the state
system, so the state sector farms some procedures out to the
private hospitals. On at least one occasion she's had the same surgeon
operate in both the private and public system. the public system is always
struggling but I will say that once you are in (the system has accepted
your GP's referral), you are in and we've found the staff to be really good.

I'd take this system any day over the kind of abomination that passes for a
hospital system in the States but it's still far from socialism. The
alternative, largely insurance funded private system that runs parallel to
the public hospitals doesn't cover accident and emergency and other high
risk, low margin work, provides hotel style facilities with cable TV and
blah blah blah, but increasingly we're seeing the same problems that the US
faces with staff in the insurance companies being employed to find the
loopholes (like "was this a pre-existing condition?" etc) to avoid paying


On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 7:06 AM jgreen--- via Marxism <> wrote:

> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> #2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
> #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
> *
> On 24 Oct 2018 at 19:23, Ralph Johansen via Marxism wrote:
> >>> Thoughts on single payer which, no less than Medicare, is at best a
> > way
> > station to what everyone deserves as birthright: adequate preventive
> > and
> > curative health assistance, at commensurate costs which do not
> > obscenely
> > enrich a few. In other words, it's an arrangement which if
> > implemented
> > still masks serious shortcomings. Present single payer schemes from
> > what
> > I see would not at all disturb the over all regime of the
> > pharmaceutical/medical complex in this country. ...
> Indeed! I strongly agree that the issue isn't simply financing the health
> care, and
> that single-payer would be simply one step forward, albeit a very
> important one.
> Back in 2007 I prepared a chart comparing four different things,
> * the present US system
> * Calif. and Mass. plans
> * national health care
> * socialist medicine.
> See.
> Being prepared before the ACA (Obamacare), it didn't include that. But it
> provided
> a framework that could deal with that as well.
> I prefaced it as follows:
> "A single-payer system of national health insurance would be a tremendous
> advance on the present system, but it still will not be socialist care. It
> will be
> subject to cost containment and budget-cutting, as all social benefits
> have been in
> the period of neo-liberal economic restructuring of the last few decades,
> and it will
> be important for the working class to insist that national health
> insurance is truly
> universal and covers all residents of this country, including the
> undocumented
> immigrants. Meanwhile the California and Massachusetts plans would funnel
> yet
> more money to private insurers, have a hard time finding the money to do
> so,
> continue the privatization of social services, and despite their promises,
> will not
> solve the problem of universal coverage."
> And I elaborted on this in such articles such as "What would socialist
> health care
> be like?"  I contrasted a truly socialist system with capitalist medicine
> on such
> topics as
> -Universal coverage vs. private insurance
> -The limits of single-payer plans and national health care
> -It's still connected to profit
> -What is socialism?
> -Universality
> -Preventive care
> -Two-tier care
> -At the work place
> -Pollution

Re: [Marxism] The-Opportunity-Costs-of-Socialism.pdf [not sent]

2018-10-25 Thread jgreen--- via Marxism
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#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.

On 24 Oct 2018 at 19:23, Ralph Johansen via Marxism wrote:

>>> Thoughts on single payer which, no less than Medicare, is at best a
> way 
> station to what everyone deserves as birthright: adequate preventive
> and 
> curative health assistance, at commensurate costs which do not
> obscenely 
> enrich a few. In other words, it's an arrangement which if
> implemented 
> still masks serious shortcomings. Present single payer schemes from
> what 
> I see would not at all disturb the over all regime of the 
> pharmaceutical/medical complex in this country. ...

Indeed! I strongly agree that the issue isn't simply financing the health care, 
that single-payer would be simply one step forward, albeit a very important one.

Back in 2007 I prepared a chart comparing four different things, 
* the present US system
* Calif. and Mass. plans
* national health care
* socialist medicine.


Being prepared before the ACA (Obamacare), it didn't include that. But it 
a framework that could deal with that as well.

I prefaced it as follows:

"A single-payer system of national health insurance would be a tremendous 
advance on the present system, but it still will not be socialist care. It will 
subject to cost containment and budget-cutting, as all social benefits have 
been in 
the period of neo-liberal economic restructuring of the last few decades, and 
it will 
be important for the working class to insist that national health insurance is 
universal and covers all residents of this country, including the undocumented 
immigrants. Meanwhile the California and Massachusetts plans would funnel yet 
more money to private insurers, have a hard time finding the money to do so, 
continue the privatization of social services, and despite their promises, will 
solve the problem of universal coverage."

And I elaborted on this in such articles such as "What would socialist health 
be like?"  I contrasted a truly socialist system with capitalist medicine on 
topics as

-Universal coverage vs. private insurance
-The limits of single-payer plans and national health care
-It's still connected to profit
-What is socialism?
-Preventive care
-Two-tier care
-At the work place
-Workers must put their stamp on the health system 


-- Joseph Green

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Re: [Marxism] The-Opportunity-Costs-of-Socialism.pdf [not sent]

2018-10-24 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.

MM wrote

"“The Trump chart doesn’t say what the White House seems to think 
it says,” Kliff concludes. “It isn’t telling us that 
single-payer healthcare has long wait times. If anything, it says that 
it is possible to build a single-payer system with short wait times—and 
our Medicare program has already done it.”” 

Thoughts on single payer which, no less than Medicare, is at best a way 
station to what everyone deserves as birthright: adequate preventive and 
curative health assistance, at commensurate costs which do not obscenely 
enrich a few. In other words, it's an arrangement which if implemented 
still masks serious shortcomings. Present single payer schemes from what 
I see would not at all disturb the over all regime of the 
pharmaceutical/medical complex in this country. We might come to the 
point where we are universally protecting each others' health, as best 
we think we can, through an insurance scheme into which everyone pays 
who is able, similar to any practical solution to a common problem like 
auto and accident or unemployment insurance. But at what hidden taxed 
costs, increased social rot and ill-health, profit-taking and related 
gross inefficiencies?

What do about systematic inflated charges, over billing, the many 
overpaid (possibly many overburdened) doctors in a system of guild 
restrictions on entry (now mitigated to the limited extent that 
substantial returns on investment allow by a less-trained phalanx of 
physicians' assistants and nurse practitioners)?

What about over-reliance on allopathic, chemical-based medicine to the 
virtual exclusion of serious peer-reviewed research on and evaluation of 
naturopathic, herb-based and other possibly more effective types of 
medicine, and the need for much greater emphasis on nutrition, 
preventive care, and on the ways in which the toxics in our food and 
environment combine to undermine health - - not to mention the 
undermining effects of social inequality?

What do about the bloated and rapidly increasing profits of clinics, 
hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, government-funded or subsidized 
institutional and university research labs, all the others who benefit 
from the profit-making subsidized, proprietary and other rights built 
into medical, biological, and other health-related research and 
marketing? All of which are hidden beneath any current health scheme. 
This may be one reason that the medical-industrial complex might 
ultimately accede inasmuch as profit-taking will still be there, on 
stilts, protected with all necessary caution in back-filling increments 
which protect their flanks, as they have to an extent elsewhere. How has 
that worked for the Scandinavian countries, or UK, France, Canada?

Another factor that is important where I live: care supply. What of the 
fact that, in small rural communities such as mine, hundreds and 
thousands of people cannot find a doctor to care for them? Doctors 
typically seek out remunerative regions in which to plant their 
practice, those large urban complexes with attractive returns on their 
investment in education, more comfortable amenities and better prospects 
for their children. Among patchwork remedies might be that medical 
schools require as a condition of scholarships or lightening the debt 
load for an education in medicine, or the federal government requires as 
a condition of license to practice, that on some equitable basis doctors 
do a far more extended period of service than mandated so far, or 
mandate total career commitment, to under-served communities. That 
includes most especially under-served, more populous communities in 
urban areas. Without some better equalizing arrangement we in poorer, 
less well-educated, isolated communities have neither the local means 
nor infrastructure to bring in competent medical staff and facilities in 
sufficient quantity and quality to maintain our health. (And by the way, 
is it possible that any adequate solution to our social and polluting 
environmental problems will mean extensive dispersal to underpopulated 
areas, exacerbating this problem as well?) The result of course is that 
rural health and that of poor urban regions lags far behind.

Looking for solutions brings up Cuba. Although I have little information 
from what I see they are gradually being forced into the capitalist, 
profit-oriented medical system, particularly as it applies to r and 
pharma trade and and