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What are the Lessons of the UK Election? On two underemphasised factors.
Rohini Hensman.

"Corbyn’s Brexit policy – crafted not by the party as a whole, not even by the 
shadow cabinet, but by a group of advisors and officials around him – played an 
important role in the Labour defeat. Weaknesses in foreign policy also 

"Corbyn’s advisors as well as some Lexiteers, rather than making these points, 
opposed even a confirmatory referendum until the 
‘Brexit-embodies-the-people’s-will’ propaganda was too entrenched to challenge. 
In fact, their position throughout was a weaker version of Johnson’s ‘Get 
Brexit Done’.
A flawed foreign policy.

"The attempt by the Corbyn team to cover up the brutality of Russian airstrikes 
in Syria illustrates what I call their pseudo-anti-imperialism: opposition only 
to Western imperialisms while supporting non-Western imperialisms like Russian 
imperialism and Iranian regional imperialism, which share responsibility with 
brutal dictator Bashar al-Assad for over half a million dead and over half the 
population displaced in Syria.

Andrew Coates
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