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A struggle is under way. It is the struggle for the hearts and minds of the
US working class. Actually, that struggle has been here all along, but the
Covid-19 crisis is bringing it out into the open. While that battle is
being played out in conversations at every work place, it can also be seen
in social media like Facebook.
“If your scared stay home. Tired of new generation of bitches. We work or
we don’t get paid. Don’t take it personal business is business and more
people die in car accidents daily then this virus will kill in a year. So
scared bitches stay home.”.... said one carpenter
Said another: “I have seen more goddamn knuckleheaded “get your ass to
work”, bootsucking scabby rat fucks on this [Facebook] page with the most
insensitive and inhumanly stupid takes than I’ve seen in quite a while.
“You fucking vampires are what makes union weak and shitty today.
Unions are about SOLIDARITY and COMPASSION and COMMUNITY...."

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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