Re: [Marxism] further thought

2016-10-02 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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 Clay is one of the few people I know who regularly denounces "the white
Left" who isn't a white liberal academic from an elite institution.

Still, it's always good to see the barriers coming down.

I doubt that the Greens are not as white as the SWP was in 1967.  But what
I really doubt is whether or not it's a "party" as opposed to a ballot
line.  This isn't nit-picking because the Greens are not really an end in
themselves . . . because most of the state organizations actively resist
functioning as a party in any serious sense.

Comparing the Greens to the Democrats is just nuts because the former are
not going to take power and a vote cast for the Greens isn't going to have
much of an impact on what the U.S. government does and who its slaughters
over the next four years.  A vote for the Greens fits a strategy of
breaking the strength of the two-party idiocy.

Clay says we have to accept political life in a "binary" system, but I'd
suggest that it's is more accurately "bipolar," and we don't really need to
embrace the disease if we don't want to do so.

On the other hand, we can certainly dismiss as a "racist" "the white Left"
that doesn't want to help elect one of the authors of the racialized mass
incarceration of the poor and the non-white.

All power to the new Judenrat, I guess.

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Re: [Marxism] further thought

2016-10-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 10/1/16 11:00 AM, Clay Claiborne via Marxism wrote:

the Green Party is still a white party.

So was the SWP in 1967 with a few exceptions that could be counted by 
the fingers on one hand. If I wanted to join a left group where racial 
composition was a litmus test, I would have joined the CPUSA that had 
lots of Black members including Angela Davis. But sometimes Black people 
make mistakes. The CPUSA had a very mixed record on Black liberation. 
While being on the front lines of the civil rights movement, it was 
hostile to Black nationalism--accusing Malcolm X of dividing the working 
class, etc. It also propagandized for supporting Democrats just like 
Clay is doing now.

If the Greens have a mostly white membership, it is not because of its 
program. For example, Jill Stein favors reparations for slavery as 
opposed to Hillary Clinton supporter Adolph Reed, who despite his brief 
membership in the Trotskyist movement, argues that the call for 
reparations will divide the working class.

Furthermore, the Green Party cannot transform the USA. It is not a 
revolutionary party and does not pretend to be one. However, it offers 
an opportunity to serve as a framework for Marxists to work together to 
advance the class struggle in the same way that the Corbyn-led Labour 
Party does. We cannot choose the organizational forms on the basis of 
Platonic ideals. You have to work with the material at hand. With that 
it mind, supporting the Democratic Party candidates in 2016 would make 
me feel irreparably damaged. Clay of course is entitled to his own opinions.

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[Marxism] further thought

2016-10-01 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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 I should have made it clear that I regard the current election campaign as
the battle of the monsters. In no sense would I ever sign up to the
pro-Trump Left.  Not ever - never.  If I had a vote it  would go to Jill

I also think that there will be no progress in the States (and the world
btw), until the Republican-Democrat Duopoly is broken.

Again comradely greetings

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