[Marxism] The China Syndrome

2017-01-13 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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Tillerson's comments about Stopping Chinese access to the Islands have put
the fear of Jeezuss in the Australians.  There are calls from Paul Keating,
the ex Labor PM, for an independent foreign policy and for Australia not to
take part in a war against China.

I hold with Lou's analysis that the economic ties between the Trump team
are such that a war is not going to happen.  But the nervousness here is


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[Marxism] Striking in Reagan Time--A Review of The Stubborn 1000

2017-01-13 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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Originally published in Counterpunch print edition December 2106


Check out my newest books , Daydream Sunset:60s Counterculture in the 70s
 and Can We Escape the Eternal Flame?

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[Marxism] Bad Moon Rising: How the Weather Underground Beat the FBI and Lost the Revolution

2017-01-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Stormy Weather
By Beverly Gage JANUARY 08, 2017

Bad Moon Rising: How the Weather Underground Beat the FBI and Lost the 

By Arthur M. Eckstein
(Yale University Press)

In late October, the veteran left-wing activist Tom Hayden died from 
complications related to a stroke. As a young man, Hayden had been one 
of the firebrands of the New Left, a founding member of Students for a 
Democratic Society (SDS), and the chief author of its famed manifesto, 
"The Port Huron Statement." In death as in life, his story captures an 
important generational experience: The brash young radicals of the 1960s 
have become senior citizens. In another 10 or 20 years, their youthful 
adventures will be "history," enshrined in the documentary record but no 
longer part of our living memory.

Perhaps as a result, the past few years have seen a spate of books on 
the New Left and its struggles with the U.S. government. In 2014, the 
former Washington Post reporter Betty Medsger published The Burglary: 
The Discovery of J. Edgar Hoover’s Secret FBI, revealing the identities 
of antiwar activists who stole secret files from an FBI office in Media, 
Pa. — and got away with it. In 2015, the Vanity Fair writer Bryan 
Burrough came out with Days of Rage, a plunge into "America’s Radical 
Underground, the FBI, and the Forgotten Age of Revolutionary Violence." 
Most recently, Jeffrey Toobin’s re-examination of the 1974 Patricia 
Hearst kidnapping landed near the top of The New York Times bestseller 
list. All of these books highlight the FBI’s longstanding role not only 
in hunting down lawbreakers, but (as we’ve been reminded recently) in 
shaping the limits and possibilities of American politics.

Arthur M. Eckstein’s Bad Moon Rising offers another contribution to this 
growing literature, exploring the tit-for-tat struggle between the 
Weathermen (later the Weather Underground) and the determined (if 
sometimes hapless) agents of the FBI. The story’s outline is well known: 
In 1969, a small cadre of radicals took over SDS, declaring themselves 
the revolutionary vanguard of the antiwar movement. Over the next few 
years, by Eckstein’s count, they carried out more than two dozen 
bombings, including attacks on the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol. 
Despite years of investigation, the FBI failed to bring most of the 
members to justice. Instead, by the end of the 1970s, FBI officials 
themselves ended up on trial for violating the constitutional rights of 
the fugitives’ friends and families.

Eckstein does not seek to retell this story in its entirety. His aim is 
more modest: to present "a new exploration, based on important new 
information, but with no claim to being a final picture." 
Professionally, the subject marks a departure for Eckstein, who was 
trained as a historian of ancient Rome. Personally, it takes him back to 
his formative years at Berkeley, where he counted himself among the 
"vaguely sympathetic leftists" who observed the exploits of more radical 
students "as spectators and spectators only." This combination places 
him somewhere between scholar and enthusiast, bubbling with the energy 
of a researcher new to his subject if not fully engaged with more 
expansive academic debates.

Like Burrough’s Days of Rage, Bad Moon Rising emphasizes the Weather 
Underground’s genuine commitment to Marxist-Leninist ideology and 
revolutionary violence; its members were more than "rich kids throwing a 
tantrum," Eckstein writes. At the same time, the book criticizes the FBI 
and the Nixon administration for overreacting to the group’s exploits. 
Despite the Weather Underground’s over-the-top rhetoric and fondness for 
dynamite, the group never killed civilians (aside from its own members), 
and after 1970 its bombings were far fewer than its outsized reputation 
would suggest. The experts at the FBI should have seen and understood 
the more limited nature of the threat, Eckstein insists, judging the 
bureau harshly through the rearview mirror.

Bad Moon Rising presents a detailed dissection of the events that set 
these two groups on their collision course. Eckstein makes two 
especially noteworthy discoveries. Drawing on newly available FBI files, 
he suggests that the bureau inadvertently helped to create the 
Weathermen. In preparation for the critical SDS meeting where the 
Weather faction stood down its rivals from the Progressive Labor Party, 
the FBI instructed its informants to back the Weathermen as the lesser 
of the two evils.

Several months later — Eckstein’s second significant finding — the 
Detroit Weather collective planted two bombs intended to maim and kill 

[Marxism] Fwd: Legislation in two states seeks to eliminate tenure in public higher education

2017-01-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: 'Beaten into confession': Missing Syrian rescuer filmed denouncing White Helmets | Middle East Eye

2017-01-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] The China Syndrome,

2017-01-13 Thread DW via Marxism
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I wouldn't say it won't happen. I think trying to predict the actions of
the Hawkish Trump to his Hawkish national security team will not yield a
particularly productive answer.

What *will* happen will be a stream of anti-Chinese rhetoric. Starting with
the "charges" of "currency manipulation". That's a funny charge because
there is nothing illegal about it. All countries do it, most notably the
United States. Secondly, Chinese currency has been *allowed* to float for a
few years now and it's drifted...not jumped!...upward. In this case, Trump
doesn't know what he's talking about its a totally empty charge.

Secondly, more scary, is brinkmanship. Why does everyone here think it's
either "peace" or "war". It's not. It's politics, and it takes many, many
forms, including Trump's actions regarding China. The problem is that
brinkmanship, or confrontation, can indeed lead to shooting. If Trump sends
navy ships into the South China Sea...specifically toward the artificial
reef-islands the Chinese have built, it can portend real problems. So it
remains the 'threat' to do so, that is the "capacity" to confront China
there that is scary...but I doubt the US is going to go in shooting. The
U.S. has lost a real ally here: the Philippines. Other countries, including
Vietnam and Japan, are more fearful of what the Trump lead military might
do than they are of the larger People's Liberation Army. Trump has few
allies in the Pacific, at least in terms of being aggressive toward China.

All that are mitigating factors in what Trump "might do".

David Walters
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Re: [Marxism] The China Syndrome,

2017-01-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Turning now to worries about Armageddon with China, there’s less there 
than meets the eye. In fact, the ties between the Trump White House and 
the Chinese ruling class might be even more intimate than those with 
Russia based on an eye-opening report in today’s NY Times on his 
son-in-law’s dealings with the Chinese investors close to the 
government’s top officials.

Jared Kushner is not just Trump’s son-in-law. He is slated to be 
appointed as one of his chief advisers. Like the Donald, there will be a 
token divestment of his business dealings but you can be sure that his 
empire will grow and prosper as a result of the dovetailing of interests 
with the Trump administration.

The article sets the tone in the opening paragraphs:

	On the night of Nov. 16, a group of executives gathered in a private 
dining room of the restaurant La Chine at the Waldorf Astoria hotel in 
Midtown Manhattan. The table was laden with Chinese delicacies and 
$2,100 bottles of Château Lafite Rothschild. At one end sat Wu Xiaohui, 
the chairman of the Waldorf’s owner, Anbang Insurance Group, a Chinese 
financial behemoth with estimated assets of $285 billion and an 
ownership structure shrouded in mystery. Close by sat Jared Kushner, a 
major New York real estate investor whose father-in-law, Donald J. 
Trump, had just been elected president of the United States.

It was a mutually auspicious moment.

Anbang and Kushner’s real estate firm are co-owners of 666 Fifth Avenue, 
a “fading jewel” of the Kushner empire. Just by coincidence, after 
dining at the Waldorf Astoria, Wu Xiaohui has expressed a desire to meet 
with President Trump. I am sure that Jared will exercise some influence 
to make that happen.

Apparently the 35-year old Kushner knows how to get around. Last August 
he and his wife Ivanka hobnobbed with some VIPs:

	In August, they were spotted with Wendi Deng, an ex-wife of Rupert 
Murdoch, on the 453-foot yacht Rising Sun, owned by the entertainment 
mogul David Geffen. Several weeks later, they were photographed watching 
the United States Open tennis finals with the art collector Dasha 
Zhukova, wife of the Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich, a member of 
President Vladimir V. Putin’s inner circle.

Is there any better way to describe the internecine ties between the 
ultra-rich than is encapsulated here?

--David Geffen: the gay Hollywood ganze macher who was an early backer 
of Bill Clinton but who had a falling out with him over his decision not 
to pardon Leonard Peltier. Geffen was also an early backer of Obama for 
president and raised $1.3 million for Obama in a Beverly Hills fundraiser.

--Rupert Murdoch’s ex-wife, who divorced her when he learned that she 
was having an affair with Tony Blair. She is also rumored to have had 
one with Putin. So incestuous.

--Abramovich is the 13th richest man in Russia and said to enjoy the 
status of a father-like figure to Vladimir Putin. Sort of like being a 
godfather to another Vlad—Vlad the impaler.

These sorts of connections have paid off for Jared. Russian billionaire 
tech investor Yuri Milner and Chinese billionaire founder of Alibaba 
Jack Ma are investors in Cadre, a real estate investment company he and 
his brother started with a friend. Guess what. Goldman Sachs has 
invested as well.

But the bridge being built to Anbang will lead to the pot of gold at the 
end of the rainbow. The Times has reported that Anbang is “owned by a 
few dozen companies, which in turn are owned by a number of shell 
companies that are controlled by roughly 100 people, many of whom have 
ties to a county in China that is the home of Mr. Wu, whose own power 
stems in part from marriage.” Like Jared Kushner, Wu knew how to marry 
well, in his case to Zhuo Ran, a granddaughter of Deng Xiaoping, the CCP 
leader who carried out the capitalist turn.

Meanwhile, notwithstanding Trump’s faux saber-rattling that has the 
sectarian nut jobs at WSWS.org shitting in their pants, the 
president-elect is not likely to launch H-Bombs at people he has these 
kinds of connections with. The president-elect has his own financial 
entanglements with China: Trump “owns a 30 percent stake in a 
partnership that owes roughly $950 million to a group of lenders that 
includes the Bank of China, and one of his biggest tenants at Trump 
Tower is another state-owned bank, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of 

A week after Jared Kushner met with Mr. Wu, Donald Trump has lunch with 
him at the Waldorf. It must have been a pleasant and mutually rewarding 
affair since Wu was heard saying as left in perfect English: “I love you 


[Marxism] Fwd: Yasha Levine | The Neocon, The Messiah, and Cory Booker — By Yasha Levine

2017-01-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: The Russia Story Reaches a Crisis Point - Rolling Stone

2017-01-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Matt Taibbi

Meanwhile, Ynet in Israel is reporting that Israeli intelligence 
officials are deciding not to share intelligence with the incoming Trump 
administration. The report indicates they came to this conclusion after 
a recent meeting with American intelligence officials, who told them the 
Russians have "leverages of pressure" to use against Trump.
This is an extraordinary story. If our intelligence community really 
believes this, then playtime is over.

No more Clapper-style hedging or waffling. If Israel gets to hear why 
they think Trump is compromised, how is the American public not also so 

But if all they have are unverifiable rumors, they can't do this, not 
even to Donald Trump.

The only solution is an immediate unveiling of all the facts and an 
urgent public investigation. A half-assed whispering campaign a week and 
a half from a Trump presidency, with BuzzFeed at the center of the 
action, isn't going to cut it. We need to know what the likes of Clapper 
and Comey know, and we need it all now, before it's too late.


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[Marxism] Fwd: How did a natural water spring end up at the centre of the Syrian war? | TRT World

2017-01-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: What’s Really Behind the Indian Point Nuclear Deal?

2017-01-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: The Song of John Berger | by Ben Ratliff | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books

2017-01-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Berger didn’t want to be called a critic. He had bad associations with 
the word. Where there is formal analysis, his Marxist reasoning implied, 
there is patrolling and commodifying. He sometimes used formal analysis, 
but as an opening maneuver, as a means to an end. (The end was often a 
thought about desire and work and human dignity in relation to profit.) 
Anyway, no matter what he thought, criticism is wide enough to encompass 
him. To some degree he made it so: he expanded the practice.

In a 1995 essay about Michelangelo, he begins, typically, with a look 
and a question. “I am craning my neck to look up at the Sistine Chapel 
ceiling and The Creation of Adam—do you think, like me, that once you 
dreamt the touch of that hand and the extraordinary moment of 
withdrawal?” To describe his vantage point, physical and social and 
psychological, in relation to what is being seen, and then subvert the 
mode of the lecture: this was his mother-riff, one perhaps developed in 
direct-address takes on TV as a contributor in the early Sixties for the 
BBC arts program Monitor, and in his own 1972 BBC series Ways of Seeing 
(which you can and should look at on YouTube right now). Early on, his 
questions were rhetorical. Later they became apostrophic speech or 
actual correspondence; this essay is directed toward a friend, the 
artist Marisa Camino.

full: http://www.nybooks.com/daily/2017/01/12/song-of-john-berger/
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[Marxism] Cornelius Castoriadis and the Politics of Autonomy.

2017-01-13 Thread andrew coates via Marxism
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Cornelius Castoriadis and the Politics of 
Note: this is long, but because the developing interest in Castoriadis concerns 
more than small academic circles I am posting it regardless.  Cornelius 
Castoriadis and the Politics of Autono...

Cornelius Castoriadis  
(1922 - 1997) was a landmark figure on the French political and intellectual 

This reviews his first biography and a number of other recent books about him 
and his political life.

To his admirers Castoriadis was the major radical left thinker of the 20th 

This is long, but because the growing literature on Castoriadis concerns more 
than small academic circles I am posting it regardless.

It will be also of wider interest in indicating how a part of the left, not 
exclusively French,  has become interested in wider 'utopian' politics in the 
absence of any immediate obviously effective left-wing and labour movement.

The post is in fact only an edited extract from a much longer study.

Andrew Coates
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[Marxism] Fwd: The Standout Films of 2016

2017-01-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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As most of you probably know, Netflix no longer bothers with the offbeat 
films I tend to review, either as DVD or streaming. Since my reviews 
cover documentaries, foreign films and American indies that tend to be 
shown in art houses like New York’s Film Forum, I always regret that my 
readers living in cities or towns where there is nothing but Cineplexes 
are forced to choose between multimillion dollar movies about space 
aliens or Judd Apatow comedies.

The good news is that Amazon and ITunes have picked up the slack. 
Although I hate Jeff Bezos and Tim Cook just as much as the next person, 
I am glad that these types of art house films can now be seen in the 
same year they premiered for between $3.99 and $5.99 in these venues.

I tend to avoid identifying “best of” movies or directors after the 
fashion of the Academy Awards and only take part in New York Film 
Critics Online yearly awards meetings because members are expected to 
take part. This week’s Golden Globe awards ceremony pretty much sums up 
why the whole thing turns me off. Although I managed to sit through “La 
La Land” that walked off with the lion’s share of the awards, I found it 
far less interesting than the narrative films listed below that were 
diametrically opposed to Damien Chazelle’s sugar-coated retro-musical.

The twenty films listed below were among the best that I saw this year 
but I would be loath to sort them in order by preference rather than 
alphabetical order. Competition of this sort always turned me off 
whether it is for the Nobel Prize (good for Dylan to avoid the tuxedo 
and gown spectacle) or even for the Isaac Deutscher Prize. I wonder 
sometimes what Trotsky’s biographer would think of Marxists competing 
with each other for a £500 prize. Or Leon Trotsky for that matter, who 
is history’s greatest loser in some ways. I tend to identify with losers 
so I guess I’ll never fit into an American society that now has its 
President the host of “Apprentice” where “losers” are humiliated for 
failing to come up with some “winning” strategy for selling junk of the 
sort that Trump’s Empire is built on.

full: http://www.counterpunch.org/2017/01/13/the-standout-films-of-2016/
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[Marxism] [SUSPICIOUS MESSAGE] South Korea’s Blacklist of Artists Adds to Outrage Over Presidential Scandal

2017-01-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(I haven't been following events in S. Korea that carefully but as a 
passionate fan of Korean film, I find this outrageous.)

NY Times, Jan. 13 2017
South Korea’s Blacklist of Artists Adds to Outrage Over Presidential Scandal

SEOUL, South Korea — When the South Korean artist Hong Sung-dam produced 
a painting that depicted President Park Geun-hye as a scarecrow 
manipulated by evil forces, including her dictator father, her senior 
aides discussed how to “punish” Mr. Hong, according to a diary one of 
them kept.

Soon after the painting’s completion in August 2014, the retaliation 
began as planned in the aide’s diary, which surfaced in November in the 
investigation into the corruption scandal that has led to Ms. Park’s 
impeachment trial.

First, a pro-government civic group sued Mr. Hong on charges of defaming 
Ms. Park. Then his work was excluded from the Gwangju Biennale, South 
Korea’s best-known international arts festival, an act Gwangju’s mayor 
later admitted was due to government pressure.

The retaliation did not stop there, Mr. Hong said. “Dozens of 
conservative activists showed up in front of my apartment like a goon 
squad, shaking my photographs and calling me a ‘Communist painter,’” he 
said. “I received death threats on the phone.”

As it turned out, Mr. Hong was one of thousands of artists reportedly 
blacklisted by the government of Ms. Park, whose powers have been 
suspended as she faces an impeachment trial on charges of corruption and 
abuse of power. The blacklist is just one element in the sprawling case 
that has infuriated the public and prompted national introspection about 
South Korea’s young democracy and its authoritarian past.

On Thursday, three of Ms. Park’s former aides, including one of her 
former culture ministers, Kim Jong-deok, were arrested on charges of 
blacklisting cultural figures deemed unfriendly and barring them from 
government-controlled support programs.

So far, two versions of the blacklist have been reported by the news 
media, citing anonymous sources. Officials, including the special 
prosecutor in the case, Park Young-soo, have confirmed the existence of 
the blacklist but have not released it.

A 2015 version of the list included more than 9,000 people, according to 
news reports. The list contained some of South Korea’s most beloved 
filmmakers, actors and writers, including the director of “Oldboy,” Park 
Chan-wook, and the “Snowpiercer” actor Song Kang-ho.

Officially, Ms. Park has made promoting movies and other cultural 
products one of her key priorities. But secretly, her government has 
blackballed artists, reviving a practice of past military dictators like 
her father, Park Chung-hee, and in so doing has “seriously undermined 
the freedom of thought and expression,” the special prosecutor’s office 

The revelations about the cultural blacklist added a new layer of 
notoriety to the scandal surrounding Ms. Park, and prosecutors planned 
to use the list to help strengthen the impeachment charges against her.

When the National Assembly voted to impeach Ms. Park last month, it 
accused her of conspiring with her longtime confidante, Choi Soon-sil, 
to solicit bribes from businesses and crack down on uncooperative 
officials and journalists.

The special prosecutor is investigating whether Ms. Park and Kim 
Ki-choon — her former chief of staff, who was depicted as one of the 
dark forces in Mr. Hong’s painting — were involved in the blacklisting 
of artists.

Both Ms. Park and Mr. Kim, her former chief of staff, have denied 
involvement. However, another of Ms. Park’s former culture ministers, 
Yoo Jin-ryong, said the list was dictated by the president’s office.

On Monday, the current culture minister, Cho Yoon-sun, said, “I 
understand how pained artists must have felt when excluded from 
government support just because of their political and ideological beliefs.”

For many South Koreans, news of the blacklisting of artists reawakened 
memories from the nation’s dictatorial past.

Ms. Park’s father, who ruled South Korea from 1961 to 1979, censored 
newspapers and imprisoned dissident writers and publishers. Chun 
Doo-hwan, a military dictator during the 1980s, banished a comedian from 
TV after people compared the appearances of the two men. (Both were 
bald.) Subsequent governments were accused of favoring pro-government 
scholars and civic groups when doling out research projects and subsidies.

Under Ms. Park’s conservative predecessor, Lee Myung-bak, some 
celebrities and journalists deemed progressive were barred from 
state-controlled broadcasters.

But the latest revelation

[Marxism] Fwd: Nostalgia Numbs: the Ironies of “La La Land”

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[Marxism] Fwd: Donald Trump's press conference was a circus but Vladimir Putin's is way worse for journalists — Quartz

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[Marxism] Tristan Sloughter takes down Freddie DeBoer

2017-01-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Henry Foner just died at the age of 97

2017-01-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Uncle to Eric and brother of Phillip.

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[Marxism] John Berger, 1926-2017

2017-01-13 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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[Marxism] how did the Syrian uprising come to be dominated by jihadists?

2017-01-13 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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