[Marxism] New on Redline blog

2017-03-26 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Kenan Malik on British Labour Party:

Duneidn library workers show solidarity with Auckland workers:

>From the vaults: political correctness and social control:

>From the vaults: race relations and social control:

Yemen - the ignored war:

Martin McGuinness:

Palestine - on hunger strike against administrative detention:
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[Marxism] Evolution of the Provos in Ireland

2017-03-26 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Some old(ish) articles of mine, that I think stand up pretty well.

Socialist-republicanism versus pan-nationalism - a brief survey of the 20th

Anyone for tennis?:

Behind the betrayal of the Irish freedom struggle:
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: What Exists is Good: On “The Architecture of Neoliberalism” - Los Angeles Review of Books

2017-03-26 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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As always, thanks Lou for posting this.  I want though to comment on this
paragraph from Staten's article.  He wrote

*Neoliberalism does not impose itself on us coercively, via punitive
measures or structures of discipline, but gently shapes our common-sense
understandings of the world and ourselves through the medium of our
everyday experiences, turning us into competitors, entrepreneurs, and
round-the-clock workers. We are not exactly subjugated by neoliberalism, as
one is subjugated by totalitarianism; instead, we are “subjectified” by it.
Rather than its victims, we learn to become its willing participants; and
architecture, argues Spencer, becomes one of our key instructors.*

I am currently working though Enzo Traverso's Left wing Melancholia and
also preparing a piece on the great South East Queensland Electricity Board
[a publicly owned entity] dispute in Queensland in the 1985 period when
1002 electricity workers were sacked and their work was outsourced to
private contractors.   It was one of the incipient moments in the onset of
neoliberalism in Australia and it was far from gentle.  I myself was
arrested five times that year and fined thousands of dollars for solidarity
work on picket lines that were made illegal by the government. Others
suffered much more, of course

Now, a central part of Traverso's argument is that we must see the past not
in terms of victim-hood but as the defeat of militancy.  The defeats
testify to the existence of struggle and we mourn them, but we also try to
learn from the defeats. The Staten-Foucault thesis though would deny
struggle and agency and therefore the possibility of an alternative
outcome.  It is as if neoliberalism is piped into the air
conditioning system and we all become robotic neoliberals.

Rubbish, yes and it does not give any indication how we are now at the
stage where neoliberalism is breaking down as a paradigm and we are capable
of making a rational judgement that we would be better off with an
alternative paradigm.

Staten's article reinforces for me personally once again the danger of
Foucault-Nietzsche thought with its inherent disdain for the possibility
that the lower orders might have agency.



On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 8:41 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> *
> https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/what-exists-is-good-on-
> the-architecture-of-neoliberalism/
> _
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[Marxism] Jean Rouverol Butler, Blacklisted Screenwriter, Dies at 100

2017-03-26 Thread John Obrien via Marxism
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Jean Rouverol Butler, Blacklisted Screenwriter, Dies at 100


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[Marxism] Fwd: What Exists is Good: On “The Architecture of Neoliberalism” - Los Angeles Review of Books

2017-03-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Dollars and Dentists | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2017-03-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The Tooth Divide: Beauty, Class and the Story of Dentistry

2017-03-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Sunday Times Book Review, Mar. 26 2017
The Tooth Divide: Beauty, Class and the Story of Dentistry

The Story of Beauty, Inequality, and the Struggle for Oral Health in 

By Mary Otto
291 pp. The New Press. $26.95.

Politicians, journalists and researchers have a long-running problem 
when it comes to talking about class. The definitions we use are myriad 
and not always overlapping. Is the boundary of the middle class a 
college degree, a certain level of income? Perhaps a certain type of 
job: a teacher or a doctor versus a coal miner or factory worker? We 
might be missing a still more useful — and more personal — indicator, 

This is the premise, though not so bluntly stated, of Mary Otto’s new 
book, “Teeth: The Story of Beauty, Inequality, and the Struggle for Oral 
Health in America.” The dividing line between the classes might be 
starkest between those who spend thousands of dollars on a gleaming 
smile and those who suffer and even die from preventable tooth decay.

If the idea of death from tooth decay is shocking, it might be because 
we so rarely talk about the condition of our teeth as a serious health 
issue. Instead, we think of our teeth as the ultimate personal 
responsibility. We fear the dentist because we fear judgment as well as 
pain; we are used to the implication that if we have a tooth problem, if 
our teeth are decaying or crooked or yellow, it is because we have 
failed, and failed at something so intimate that it means we ourselves 
are failures.

Otto’s book begins and ends with the story of Deamonte Driver, a 
12-year-old Maryland boy who died of an infection caused by one decaying 
tooth, and the system that failed him. In pointing out the flaws in that 
system, Otto takes us back through the history of dentistry and shows us 
how the dental profession evolved, separately from the rest of health 
care, into a mostly private industry that revolves almost entirely 
around one’s ability to pay. In other words, all of the problems with 
health care in America exist in the dental system, but exponentially 
more so.

On the high end of the $110 billion-a-year dental industry, there are 
veneers for $1,000 each, “gum contouring” and more than $1 billion per 
year spent on tooth whitening products. A dentist tells Otto that 
members of his profession “once exclusively focused upon fillings and 
extractions, are nowadays considered providers of beauty.” And thanks to 
decades of deregulation, allowing medical advertising and then medical 
credit cards, they are doing well at it — according to a 2010 study, 
dentists make more per hour than doctors.

But on the other end of the spectrum, which stretches from a free clinic 
in Appalachia to the Indian Health Service in remote Alaska to a mobile 
clinic in Prince George’s County, Md., dental providers struggle to see 
all of those who cannot access regular care. One-third of white children 
go without dental care, Otto notes; that number is closer to one-half 
for black and Latino children. Forty-nine million people live in “dental 
professional shortage areas,” and even for those who do have benefits 
under public programs like Medicaid, which ostensibly covered Deamonte 
Driver and his siblings, it can be difficult to find a provider. The 
dentist treating Driver’s brother DaShawn, Otto writes, “discontinued 
treatments because DaShawn squirmed too much in the dental chair.” 
Medicare doesn’t cover routine dental services. Remote Area Medical 
Volunteer Corps, the charity that operated the temporary clinic in 
Appalachia, was begun to reach suffering people in developing countries, 
but wound up seeing Americans. “We have a very serious social problem 
that we are trying to solve with private means,” a researcher tells Otto.

Yet in a country where the party in power fights tooth and nail against 
expanding regular health care benefits, what chance do we have of 
publicly funded dental care? After Deamonte Driver’s death, elected 
officials battled to add dental benefits to the State Children’s Health 
Insurance Program (Schip), only to see the law vetoed by George W. Bush. 
Barack Obama signed the Schip expansion in February 2009; newly 
confirmed Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price voted against it.

Donald Trump, who has promised to repeal the Affordable Care Act and who 
nominated Price, makes a cameo in “Teeth,” looming over the Miss U.S.A. 
pageant as the owner of the Miss Universe Organization, a subtle 
reminder of which side of the American divide — on teeth as on 
everything — Trump stands.

The focus on pageant competitors underlines another divide 

[Marxism] Fwd: In Syria, Civilian Lives Don’t Matter – Hummus For Thought

2017-03-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Jewish Voice for Peace Attacked for Commemorating Sixth Year of the Syrian Revolution

2017-03-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Russian Foreign Ministry openly threatens to start leaking back

2017-03-26 Thread Marx Mail00 via Marxism
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Ministry spox made the following comments during Q a few days ago (23rd):

To tell the truth, over the past few years we’ve seen many strange things 
happen in Washington in connection with preparations for visits or talks by our 
foreign ministers. The US Department of State has more than once asked us not 
to announce planned visits until the last minute. This is not our tradition. We 
have been operating openly for years, but we have respected the requests we 
have received from our colleagues in Washington in the past few years. But what 
happened after that? First, the US Department of State asked us to keep the 
planned visit quiet and not to announce it until the last possible minute, 
until we coordinated the date. We did as they asked. But a day or two later the 
information was leaked by the US State Department and sometimes by the US 
administration. Frankly, this put Russia and the media in a strange situation, 
because they didn’t know who to believe – the official agencies or the many 

It is difficult to say if this diplomatic communication is a US tradition or 
the latest technique. But it definitely doesn’t correspond to our traditions. 
We believe that everything we coordinate should be made available to the media 
in accordance with diplomatic procedure. When we coordinate a visit and the 
date for announcing it, the information should be made public calmly and as 
agreed. This is what we do in relations with our colleagues from other 

As I said, such cases in our relations with the US Department of State have 
become a bad tradition over the past few years. So, I can say in response to 
your question that we will make the date and format of contacts between the 
Russian and US foreign ministers public after we coordinate them. We won’t keep 
them quiet. At this point, I don’t have any information I can share with you. I 
can say that this visit and such contacts are possible in principle, but it 
would be premature to talk about timeframes.

Also, I would like to say that if the practice of leaking information that 
concerns not just the United States but also Russia, which has become a 
tradition in Washington in the past few years, continues, there will come a day 
when the media will publish leaks about the things that Washington asked us to 
keep secret, for example, things that happened  during President Obama’s terms 
in office. Believe me, this could be very interesting information.

Our American colleagues must decide if they respect the diplomatic procedure, 
if they keep their word on the arrangements made between us, primarily 
arrangements made at their own request, or we create a few very nice surprises 
for each other.


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[Marxism] Fwd: 2585. Vida Hadjebi Tabrizi: Her Life and Times

2017-03-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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A necessary introduction

Vida Hadjebi Tabrizi, a flamboyant female Iranian socialist who was 
named by the Amnesty International’s political prisoner of the year in 
1978 died of a stroke in Paris on March 13, 2017, at age 81.

I learned about it from Farrokh, my lifetime friend who was like me 
active in the New York-based Committee for Artistic and Intellectual 
Freedom in Iran (CAIFI) in the 1970s.  While CAIFI publicized the plight 
of dozens of political prisoners in the Mohammad Reza Shah’s Jails, The 
case of Vida Hadjebi Tabrizi was always a central case.  A non-sectarian 
defense committee that defended all prisoners of conscience, including 
leftists of various ideologies, nationalists, and Islamic oppositionists 
and welcomed the support of all regardless of their political 
allegiances, CAIFI won over the support of some prominent liberal 
Americans, including Kay Boyle, Daniel Ellsberg, and Ramsey Clark.  In 
the case of Vida Hadjebi, CAIFI won over Columbia University sociologist 
Allan Silver who personally took a letter of protest signed by the 
Canadian Association of Sociologists to Iranian Embassy in Washington 
D.C regarding her detention. American Feminist Kate Millett, the 
National Organization of Women representative and Anne Roberts, Amnesty 
International representative, and other concerned U.S citizens publicly 
denounced the imprisonment and torture of Vida Hadjebi and the treatment 
of women prisoners of conscience in Iran.


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