Re: [Marxism] The Making and the Breaking of the Legend of Robert E. Lee

2017-09-19 Thread Alan Bradley via Marxism
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From: Gary MacLennan

You are alive!!! (And as pedantic as ever) How are things with you politically?
Let's just say:
When we ran Lyle Shelton out of Toowoomba, we thought we were doing a good 
We didn't expect him to become the same kind of dickhead on a national scale.
That and a Real Job(tm), too much beer and working on a Saturday. So basically, 
politically inactive. :(
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[Marxism] Fwd: St. Louis Cops Taunt Demonstrators with Chilling Chant After Clearing Streets | Alternet

2017-09-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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These are the real Stormtroopers, not the deranged man walking around 
with a swastika in Seattle.
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[Marxism] Fwd: The great nutrient collapse | MR Online

2017-09-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Really interesting article that demonstrated MR Online hitting its 
stride, mostly as an aggregator of material that is found on websites 
below the radar. Plus Yoshie's obnoxious tweets have been put into the 
dustbin of history where they belong. Bookmark for solid 
daily reading.
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[Marxism] Fwd: What We Sow is What We Eat

2017-09-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Seeing and tasting these gifts of nature can’t help but make you think 
of the foods most of us eat.  Heavily processed and full of salt, 
hydrogenated oil, and high fructose corn syrup; loaded with chemicals; 
laden with pesticides; grown on factory farms; treated like any other 
mass-produced products, aimed for the market with costs per unit low and 
profits high. Our crops are planted and harvested in this country by a 
largely black and brown workforce, poorly paid and forced to live in 
shacks and tents. They are poisoned, along with their children, every 
day they labor, and their life expectancy, in the United States, is 
barely fifty years. What it was when Edward R. Murrow’s documentary, 
Harvest of Shame, was shown on television in 1960. Much the same can be 
said about farm laborers anywhere in the world.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Getting the Gulf of Tonkin Wrong: Are Ken Burns and Lynn Novick “Telling Stories” About the Central Events Used to Legitimize the US Attack Against Vietnam?

2017-09-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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I can't even be bothered to watch Ken Burns's crap, even to critique it. 
Just goes to show how we are confronted by a united ruling class, even 
despite Russia-gate. When you get "liberal" PBS funded by the Koch 
brothers, this is what you end up with.
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[Marxism] will antifa punch these guys out?

2017-09-19 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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[Marxism] Fwd: Greek Debt Crisis: Why Syriza Continues to Lose

2017-09-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] The Trump-Putin coalition for Assad lays waste to Syria: Imperial agreement and carve-up behind the noisy rhetoric

2017-09-19 Thread mkaradjis . via Marxism
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On Chris’s first part of the response, we don’t have big disagreements
here, judging from his response. Disagreement is stronger on the
second part, the Turkey/SDF part. But some comments on the first part

In relation to my comment that Turkey acted in its own interests, and
not that of the US, in backing the Syrian rebels, just as it did when
it backed the Mavi Marmara to break the siege of Gaza, Chris responds:

“That is not a good analogy.  A government permitting its citizens to
join a humanitarian aid convoy is not the same as a government arming
rebels to overthrow another government.”

But my point was the reasons for Turkish actions: that Turkey did not
back the rebels because it is a “US-backed” state, a rather obvious
statement given how much more forcefully Turkey did back them, in
contrast to the US role of trying to block, limit, coopt and divert
the rebels as much as possible, leading to significant US-Turkish
differences throughout the war.

But then Chris seems to agree that various states either backed Assad
or the rebels due to their own reasons, and not due to being “US
puppets” or otherwise, so we agree basically.

On the specifics though: the AKP did not just “permit” its citizens to
“join” the convoy; it was part-organised by the Islamist IHH,
connected to Erdogan’s son. Most observers understand the strong
political connection between the AKP’s Syria and Palestine policies,
connected as they were via the AKP’s ideological links to the Muslim
Brotherhood, present both among the Syrian opposition and in the form
of Hamas in Gaza. The AKP also provides significant support to Hamas,
which is a political movement aimed at liberating Palestine, not an
aid convoy. It does not do this because it is “US-backed.”

Next, Chris takes up my point that “to the extent that the US had any
relation to the arming of the Syrian rebels by these three states, its
main role was always to try to limit the quantity and quality of the
arms sent, restrict who they could be sent to, act to coopt those who
got a few arms to divert them away from the struggle against Assad,
and above all to ensure that no anti-aircraft
weaponry got to the rebels ever, in an overwhelmingly air war launched
by the regime".

He says that if this was the US “main role” then “the simplest way
would have been to ban its allies from giving any arms at all to the
rebels.  To enforce this edict, it could have threatened these allies
with sanctions (e.g. a ban on new weapons supplies from the US).”

Of course, the US cannot “ban” states that are not its puppets from
doing their thing. For example, the US was not able to “ban” Saudi
Arabia from supplying so many countless billions of dollars to the
PLO/Fatah over the decades, even though the whole time the US listed
them as an arch-villainous “terrorist” organization. I’m not sure why
Chris thinks the simplest thing for the US to do would have been to
threaten sanctions, when I did not say the US aimed to “ban” them
providing arms, but rather to “limit,” “restrict”, “coopt”, “divert”
and “ban” certain weapons - which the US did very successfully. As you
may have noticed, in a 6-year air war, almost zero anti-aircraft
weapons got to the rebels - thanks to the US.

Chris says “The US did not do this, because it wanted SOME arms to
flow to the rebels.” But that is what I said. But the US did not want
the quantity or quality of arms flowing to the rebels that Saudi
Arabia, Qatar and Turkey would have liked. Of course, even these
countries did not want an unlimited flow; even they only wanted, in my
opinion, “to put pressure on the Assad regime, leading to a negotiated
transition, similar to what happened in Yemen,” as Chris says the US
aim was.

Yes, we agree that the US only ever wanted a “Yemeni solution” - ie, a
superficial change at the top, preserving the regime, not “regime
change.” However, I think we also need to account for the difference
between the far more conservative US, on this, and these three states.
These states knew that, if any actual “pressure” was going to be
imposed on Assad, to bring about the “political solution” they all
support, then the rebels would need somewhat better arms than the crap
they got. If the arms are *too* limited in quantity and quality, no
real pressure at all can be put on Assad, even for the most limited

In other words, there was a contradiction between the alleged US aim -
putting pressure on Assad to negotiate - and the very tight degree to
which the US limited, restricted and banned. That is because, in my
opinion, the US had very little commitment to even this conservative
solution. The US aim was for the me

[Marxism] Fwd: Long Read: Elites, War Profiteers Take Aim at Syria’s Economic — Syria Deeply

2017-09-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(One can be assured that Patrick Cockburn, Robert Fisk, Charles Glass 
and Stephen Kinzer will be lining up to take advantage of the revived 
Syrian nightlife.)

On most weekends, Range Rovers with tinted windows hold up traffic on 
the cobblestone streets near Bab Sharqi in the Old City of Damascus. 
Young clubbers with designer handbags and manicured hair piled high on 
their heads hobble in high heels to Mazzika, a new club that has quickly 
become home to the Damascene elite and where it is not unusual to find a 
patron dropping 200,000 Syrian pounds (SYP) (almost $400) in one night.

By July 2017, so many bars, clubs and pubs had popped up across the city 
over the previous year that the Damascus governorate looked to increase 
the number of permits for bars beyond the limit of 109 originally 
decreed in 1952.

Internal tourism is also on the rise, with most hotels along the coast 
at full capacity this summer: Reports claim 80 percent of internal 
tourism is on the coast, while Damascenes are starting to return to the 
summer resorts in Bloudan – next to Zabadani – following the “Four Towns 
Agreement” evacuation deal reached earlier this year that covered 
Zabadani alongside Madaya, Fou’a and Kafraya.


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Re: [Marxism] will antifa punch these guys out?

2017-09-19 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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 In case folx don't know, there are significant numbers of vets supporting
so-called antifa, including American pit vipers, th 3%, and most
explicitly, redneck revolt.

Whether you agree with them or not they are on the scene now. And more vets
are joining everyday according to people that I talk to you in these

Many of these vets split off from The Oath Keepers just because they
disagreed with their mainstream or right-leaning politics. They are not
about to get involved the small types crafts that are being televised
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Re: [Marxism] will antifa punch these guys out?

2017-09-19 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Progressive vet organizing is central to mass mobilization of our movements
- and vets have too much experience in real combat to play with fire.
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Re: [Marxism] will antifa punch these guys out?

2017-09-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 9/19/17 12:11 PM, Jeffrey Masko via Marxism wrote:

  In case folx don't know, there are significant numbers of vets supporting
so-called antifa, including American pit vipers, th 3%, and most
explicitly, redneck revolt.

So what will redneck revolt do about mountaintop removal in West 
Virginia and Kentucky? Shoot the men operating heavy equipment? What 
about the opioid crisis? Shoot the drug dealers like Mexican militias 
did a decade ago? That hardly made a dent, plus whenever there's a 
demand, a supply will emerge. That's how capitalism works, after all.

Here's something I wrote on FB that relates to this:

Jesus fucking christ. I am getting as many posts of that guy wearing a 
swastika getting punched out as I got the day after Richard Spencer got 
punched. I don't mind people sharing this utterly irrelevant video as 
long as they understand a couple of things:

1. The number one problem in the USA today is the blind forces of 
capitalism that condemns people to unemployment, homelessness, hunger, 
sickness, police brutality, ecological ruin, war, alienation and 
loneliness. Some deranged individual walking around with a swastika is 
not the same thing as the Golden Dawn or the National Front. When a 
fascist movement develops a mass base in the USA, it will not be led by 
someone walking around in a swastika. It will more likely be the stars 
and stripes borne aloft when hundreds of racists pour into a Muslim 
neighborhood in Queens to break windows and beat people up.

2. If and when a genuine fascist movement develops in the USA, it will 
require a mass movement to oppose it. It will also require an 
intelligent strategy designed to get results. If punching Nazis was the 
key to preserving democracy and making advances against corporate power, 
Hitler never would have come to power. We need a united left that is 
democratic and that can relate to people on their level of 
consciousness. To place yourself in the position of acting over their 
heads is wrong. There is Leninist arrogance and there is anarchist 
arrogance. Nobody gave groups like the SWP that I used to belong to the 
right to make decisions with little regard for what the mass movement 
thinks and the same thing applies to people dressed in black and wearing 
hobnail boots. Enough of the bullshit already.

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Re: [Marxism] will antifa punch these guys out?

2017-09-19 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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My point is that they are organizing and now showing up to act as security
for organizations that have asked them such as BLM.  but you're right of
course as military men they know to never take on a fight that is not
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[Marxism] Pakistan, polio and the CIA

2017-09-19 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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After the invasion of Afghanistan by American-led forces in 2001, many
Taliban fighters relocated to the FATA, from where they launched
cross-border attacks. The Pakistani army tried to bring the region under
government control but the incursion aggrieved local communities, who
joined forces with the militants. The CIA used drone strikes to support
Pakistani military action from 2004 onwards. According to the Bureau of
Investigative Journalism
there have been 428 drone strikes, leading to between 2511 and 4020

Vaccination campaigns were suspected of being a smokescreen for collecting
intelligence ahead of drone strikes. Organisations involved in the Pakistan
Polio Eradication Initiative
<> include
the Pakistani state and US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Polio vaccinators visit the FATA every few months, walking from
door-to-door, offering to vaccinate children, and recording who has been
vaccinated. The data is collected for public health purposes, but you can
see how it might be misconstrued as intelligence gathering.

There have also been complaints
‘billions of dollars’ are spent on vaccination campaigns when ‘polio
infects one child in a million’, while malnutrition and diarrhoea receive
far less attention from the international community despite causing much
more suffering. Polio workers have been attacked and vaccination campaigns
interrupted, reducing the number of children being immunised and leading to
an increase in polio cases.

Before the assassination of Osama bin Laden in May 2011, the CIA organised
a fake hepatitis B vaccination campaign
Abbottabad in a failed attempt to obtain his relatives’ DNA. When the story
broke a few months later, it seemed to vindicate people’s suspicions of the
polio programmes in the FATA. ‘As long as drone strikes are not stopped in
Waziristan,’ one militant leader declared
‘there will be a ban on administering polio jabs’ because immunisation
campaigns are ‘used to spy for America against the Mujahideen’. More than
3.5 million
went unvaccinated as a result of the boycott and associated disruption, in
which several health workers were killed. Polio increased in Pakistan and
further afield, as the virus spread to Afghanistan and the Middle East
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[Marxism] Agents provocateurs and the manipulation of the radical left | Emile Schepers | People's World

2017-09-19 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] Fwd: Full text: Trump's 2017 U.N. speech transcript - POLITICO

2017-09-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced 
to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally 
destroy North Korea. Rocket Man is on a suicide mission for himself and 
for his regime. The United States is ready, willing and able, but 
hopefully this will not be necessary. That’s what the United Nations is 
all about; that’s what the United Nations is for. Let’s see how they do.
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[Marxism] Fwd: This is what American fascism looks like: the Lyndon LaRouche story (part four) | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2017-09-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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In 2017, large segments of the left—especially anarchists—would have you 
believe that the USA has something in common with the Weimar Republic in 
1930 and that it is necessary to punch neo-Nazis in order to prevent 
Richard Spencer from becoming a new Hitler.

In reality the largest fascist movement in the USA since the 1930s would 
never have organized its members to march in torch-lit parades chanting 
“blood and soil” even though it was clearly trying to emulate the Nazis. 
With allies such as the Grand Wizard of the KKK in Michigan, who had 
been convicted of bombing school buses to protest busing, you’d think 
that Lydon LaRouche would have created a new party to serve as a pole of 
attraction. Showing much more savvy than Richard Spencer and his ilk, he 
submerged his US Labor Party into the Democrat Party just as the CPUSA 
has done since the New Deal.

Between 1982 and 1988, his movement ran in 4,000 Democratic Party 
primaries and general elections in over 30 states. At the peak of his 
powers when he was a presidential candidate, LaRouche used to buy an 
hour’s worth of time on network TV to present his rather convoluted 
mixture of leftish sounding attacks on the IMF and bizarre conspiracies 
about how Queen Elizabeth was a drug lord. Dennis King describes the 
scope of his electoral machine:

	Its fund raisers brought in tens of millions of dollars while its 
candidates attracted over 4 million votes, including voting percentages 
above 10 percent in hundreds of contests. In at least 70 statewide, 
congressional, or state legislative races, LaRouche candidates polled 
over 20 percent of the vote. At least 25 appeared on the general 
election ballot as Democratic nominees, either by defeating a regular 
Democratic opponent or by running in the primary unopposed. Although 
none was actually elected to any public office higher than a local 
school board, hundreds won Democratic Party posts (mostly county 
committee seats) across the country.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Undercover With the Alt-Right - The New York Times

2017-09-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] will antifa punch these guys out?

2017-09-19 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Leaders take people into situations where the people can be massacred and
they call that revolution. It's nothing but child's play; it's folly. It's

Fred Hampton
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Re: [Marxism] will antifa punch these guys out?

2017-09-19 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Nope, the work in the community to build support since they only other folx
are neo-nazi's and the Klan. They are pro-union, pr-choice, and pro-gun,
and antiracism. They believe in protecting themselves to the extent that
the law allows and protecting those who ask their assistance, such as jewish
groups asking for security during the high holy days. Build whatever straw
man the fits your theory, but don't ignore that is being done in
urban/rural communities where multiracial groups are rejecting protest
repertoires that have been proven failures.

Do some research and see what they do WITHOUT their firearms to support
poor communities of all colors before you jump the gun.

J.A. Masko
College of Communications
Penn State University
State College, Pa 16801

  "The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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[Marxism] A lost document from the Cold War

2017-09-19 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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The International Scientific Commission report on bacterial warfare during
the Korean War
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Re: [Marxism] The Trump-Putin coalition for Assad lays waste to Syria: Imperial agreement and carve-up behind the noisy rhetoric

2017-09-19 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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Michael says:

"But more broadly, what is behind the ongoing “war of rhetoric” between
the US and Iran that has never led to an actual war is a good question
for research. I suggest Obama understood the real long-term interests
of US imperialism much better with his policy of engagement of a major
regional capitalist power, with a large population/market, a
relatively developed economy, plenty of oil and plenty of potential as
a regional killer-cop."

But it is not JUST a war of rhetoric.  The US kept sanctions on Iran even after 
the UN lifted its sanctions.

There are exemptions which have allowed some deals.  But why have sanctions at 
all if Iran is such a great ally?

I think it has something to do with Iran's support of Hezbollah against Israel.

Chris Slee
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