[Marxism] My Story -- Abdelbaset Ali Al-Megrahi

2009-09-19 Thread glparramatta
Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi was convicted before the High Court of
Justiciary sitting in the Netherlands of the murder of 270 people.

Mr Megrahi contends that he has been the victim of a miscarriage of

His case was referred back to the Court of Criminal Appeal by the
Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission on 27th June 2007.

He abandoned his appeal against conviction and sentence, with leave of
the Court, on 18 August 2009.

The purpose of this website is to explain the basis of his challenge to
that conviction.

Initially, he intends to publish those parts of his Grounds of Appeal
which were argued before the Court between 28 April and 19 May 2009.

Thereafter, he will publish the Grounds of Appeal which were due to be
the subject of argument before the Court, commencing on 2nd November 2009.

Documents are now available at http://www.megrahimystory.net/

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[Marxism] Dennis Brutus yesterday: CT speech, award in NYC, Gull, Tutu/Seeger tributes

2009-09-19 Thread Patrick Bond
Hi comrades,

For those interested in Dennis' progress fighting cancer, climate chaos 
and capitalism, our guru poet was phenomenal last night, starting at 6pm 
as the surprise guest star of a Cape Town booklaunch party. He first 
gave us commentary on the 1999 Seattle WTO protest in the context of his 
prior work kicking the white South African team out of the Mexico City 
and Montreal Olympic Games in 1968 and 1972. This was to give background 
evidence for his stirring call, demanding African unity between social 
justice activists and state rulers at Copenhagen, in order to prevent a 
damaging deal in mid-December similar to the failed 1997 Kyoto Protocol.

In short, Dennis hopes the Ethiopian leader Meles Zenawi will follow 
through on last week's threat to walk the African Union out of the 
Conference of Parties once it's clear the North won't provide its 
overdue payment on ecological debt, or cut emissions sufficiently (40% 
by 2020 at minimum), or abandon counterproductive carbon trading 
gimmickry (a.k.a. 'privatisation of the air'). Dennis wants activists 
outside the Copenhagen meeting to recall the way 70 000 courageous 
protesters in Seattle a decade ago locked down, telling negotiators to 
reverse direction. Since they didn't, the Africans said bye bye and the 
Seattle talks imploded.

(The post-Seattle lessons are important, too. Having shown the strength 
to deny consent in 1999, the African rulers got a major concession at 
Doha two years later in the form of Trade-Related Intellectual Property 
Rights exemptions on AIDS medicines, again thanks also to social 
movement pressure from the Treatment Action Campaign and its allies. And 
at Cancun in 2003, with activists massing outside, the AU again showed 
spine by walking out, in spite of efforts by South Africa's negotiating 
team to generate a subimperial middle-ground stance, which is also a 
possibility at Copenhagen given that SA is leading the G77 delegates, 
quite counterintuitively given SA's role as one of the world's worst CO2 

Dennis concluded the booklaunch with a moving read of his eco-poem Gull 
(below). For an hour and a half in front of a fantastic crowd of 100 at 
the Book Lounge in Long Street, this was Dennis' first public appearance 
since being feted at Washington's BusboysPoets celebration in May (via 

And in New York City a few hours later (1-3am!), he received the War 
Resisters League's Peace Award (alongside courageous Zimbabwean womens 
and gay/lesbian groups, and his old friend Bill Sutherland), which 
Archbishop Tutu applauded (below) and for which four YouTube shorts were 
prepared (URLS below). Transmitted live via skype, his discussions with 
old comrades - peering in at a laptop at the dinner table before the 
ceremony - were a thrilling highlight of the evening; he was so happy to 
see everyone who had come to honour him. Transmission of his thankyou 
broke down after a short while, but no matter, we were prepared with a 
short speech and two poems recorded the day before, so everyone can 
enjoy them on the web.

Dennis is surviving what must be the hardest, most painful months of his 
84 years, even worse in medical terms than the recovery after nearly 
dying from a gunshot through his mid-section during an escape from 
apartheid police in central Joburg forty-six years ago and then being 
tossed into Robben Island prison. However, spending yesterday and this 
morning with Dennis at his new Cape Town home, with an incredibly caring 
family (Tony, Jenny and the two grandsons), it's clear to me that his 
status is far improved from when I saw him last, on his departure from 
Durban a month ago. There's no more of the acute pain that characterised 
the prostate cancer symptoms, he's eating heartily, and he combines his 
wit and optimism with quiet reflection about his amazing life. One of 
his own mentors and buddies, Pete Seeger, wrote a comradely note for the 
WRL (he is also a past Peace Award recipient), and it reminded Dennis of 
the poems he'd done for Seeger's 90th birthday a few months back and in 
July (below).

Prior to the downturn in his health in late April when he fell and broke 
a rib, Dennis received two honorary doctorates on April 17 (Rhodes and 
Nelson Mandela Universities), and his magnificent 50-minute acceptance 
speech at Rhodes - a deconstruction of his latest political poem - will 
be online soon. He has also been as active as possible on the 
reparations front, filing testimonials in July about the apartheid 
profits case (through the Alien Tort Claims Act) now moving quickly into 
the New York courts, and assisting the Khulumani and Jubilee movements 
in U-turning the SA government's position away from Thabo Mbeki's former 
opposition to the case (a front page story in the Sunday business 
newspaper records this, a couple of weeks ago, and is at 

And in August Dennis worked with the emerging network of 'Climate 
Justice Now! 

[Marxism] Abdelbaset Ali Al-Megrahi: My Story

2009-09-19 Thread Louis Proyect
(Libyan accused of Lockerbie air bombing puts evidence online that 
clears him.)


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Re: [Marxism] Dennis Brutus yesterday: CT speech, award in NYC, Gull, Tutu/Seeger tributes

2009-09-19 Thread amaral1871
Thank you for the report Patrick. I had the pleasure of manning the Haymarket 
books table, with Poetry and Protest, the Dennis Brutus Reader, at the War 
Resister's League event honouring Dennis, among others, last night.  The amount 
of love, respect, and well wishes  being sent in the comrade's direction was 
overwhelming. Many were hoping for signatures and numerous people asked me to 
remind Dennis when I see him (lol!) about x,y, or z event with Dennis around 
the country over the last thirty years that touched their lives. His final 
speech ( around the issue of climate change/ Copenhagen) and, what I think was  
a more recent poem ( which I took to be commentary on contemporary South Africa 
and ANC rule) were given rapt attention and elicited much conversation. 
Finally, so many activists were present from the anti-apartheid struggle in the 
US and the present struggle in Zim that it was heartening for someone who 
continues to see himself in solidarity with struggles there. 

Stay strong Dennis!

En la lucha,
-aaron a.

Sent via BlackBerry by ATT

-Original Message-
From: Patrick Bond pb...@mail.ngo.za

Date: Sat, 19 Sep 2009 10:57:58 
To: aaron amaralamaral1...@gmail.com
Subject: [Marxism] Dennis Brutus yesterday: CT speech, award in NYC, Gull,
 Tutu/Seeger tributes

Hi comrades,

For those interested in Dennis' progress fighting cancer, climate chaos 
and capitalism, our guru poet was phenomenal last night, starting at 6pm 
as the surprise guest star of a Cape Town booklaunch party. He first 
gave us commentary on the 1999 Seattle WTO protest in the context of his 
prior work kicking the white South African team out of the Mexico City 
and Montreal Olympic Games in 1968 and 1972. This was to give background 
evidence for his stirring call, demanding African unity between social 
justice activists and state rulers at Copenhagen, in order to prevent a 
damaging deal in mid-December similar to the failed 1997 Kyoto Protocol.

In short, Dennis hopes the Ethiopian leader Meles Zenawi will follow 
through on last week's threat to walk the African Union out of the 
Conference of Parties once it's clear the North won't provide its 
overdue payment on ecological debt, or cut emissions sufficiently (40% 
by 2020 at minimum), or abandon counterproductive carbon trading 
gimmickry (a.k.a. 'privatisation of the air'). Dennis wants activists 
outside the Copenhagen meeting to recall the way 70 000 courageous 
protesters in Seattle a decade ago locked down, telling negotiators to 
reverse direction. Since they didn't, the Africans said bye bye and the 
Seattle talks imploded.

(The post-Seattle lessons are important, too. Having shown the strength 
to deny consent in 1999, the African rulers got a major concession at 
Doha two years later in the form of Trade-Related Intellectual Property 
Rights exemptions on AIDS medicines, again thanks also to social 
movement pressure from the Treatment Action Campaign and its allies. And 
at Cancun in 2003, with activists massing outside, the AU again showed 
spine by walking out, in spite of efforts by South Africa's negotiating 
team to generate a subimperial middle-ground stance, which is also a 
possibility at Copenhagen given that SA is leading the G77 delegates, 
quite counterintuitively given SA's role as one of the world's worst CO2 

Dennis concluded the booklaunch with a moving read of his eco-poem Gull 
(below). For an hour and a half in front of a fantastic crowd of 100 at 
the Book Lounge in Long Street, this was Dennis' first public appearance 
since being feted at Washington's BusboysPoets celebration in May (via 

And in New York City a few hours later (1-3am!), he received the War 
Resisters League's Peace Award (alongside courageous Zimbabwean womens 
and gay/lesbian groups, and his old friend Bill Sutherland), which 
Archbishop Tutu applauded (below) and for which four YouTube shorts were 
prepared (URLS below). Transmitted live via skype, his discussions with 
old comrades - peering in at a laptop at the dinner table before the 
ceremony - were a thrilling highlight of the evening; he was so happy to 
see everyone who had come to honour him. Transmission of his thankyou 
broke down after a short while, but no matter, we were prepared with a 
short speech and two poems recorded the day before, so everyone can 
enjoy them on the web.

Dennis is surviving what must be the hardest, most painful months of his 
84 years, even worse in medical terms than the recovery after nearly 
dying from a gunshot through his mid-section during an escape from 
apartheid police in central Joburg forty-six years ago and then being 
tossed into Robben Island prison. However, spending yesterday and this 
morning with Dennis at his new Cape Town home, with an incredibly caring 
family (Tony, Jenny and the two grandsons), it's clear to me that his 
status is far improved from when I saw him last, on his departure from 
Durban a month ago. 

[Marxism] Guardian video report on the Gaza massacre

2009-09-19 Thread Leonardo Kosloff



This may have already been posted, apparently it was done around March.


They show an interview to three kids who were taken hostage by the IDF to be 
used as 'human shields', alongside other niceties...
Bing™  brings you maps, menus, and reviews organized in one place.   Try it now.

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[Marxism] Evo Morales' Speech in Leganés, Sp ain

2009-09-19 Thread Ma Chetera
...I’m sure, sisters and brothers, the process of liberation, the  
process of profound transformation, not only in Bolivia, but in Latin  
America, is a one way path. The process of transformations in  
democracy is unstoppable in Bolivia. Why do I say this? You, as  
brothers who live here, ought to be aware, a number of times  
neoliberal groups from the fascist, racist rightwing, tried to remove  
me from the government and I remember it perfectly. The first year of  
my government, they said, poor little Indian, he’ll be there three,  
four, five, six months, he won’t be able to govern and then he’ll go,  
they’ll get rid of him. That was in 2006. In 2007, what did these  
groups say? I believe that this Indian is going to stay quite awhile,  
something’s got to be done. 2008. In 2008 they did something. And what  
did they do? First they tried to get me out by the vote of the  
Bolivian people – the vote to revoke my mandate. I accepted: let’s go  
to a vote. You know that we had won the elections with 54%. In this  
revocation referendum the Bolivian people ratified us by 67%. When  
they failed at that, when the revocation failed and they couldn’t  
revoke me through the conscience of the people, last year they tried  
with a civil, not military coup d’etat. And now I’d like to salute the  
European countries, defenders of democracy, UNASUR, and the United  
Nations for defending democracy – with their civil prefectural coup  
d’etat they failed as well. And so we have the great triumph of the  
Bolivian people in politics and constitutionally. And this year,  
thanks to the efforts and conscience of the people, a new Constitution  
has been approved. Now we are obliged to apply and implement this new  
political Constitution of the Bolivian state, which honestly, some  
European countries tell me that in regard to its social rights, is  
more advanced than any European country...


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[Marxism] mesoamerican calendars (+ 2012 apocalyptics)

2009-09-19 Thread Max Clark

Sorry to drop a wiki link but I'm not sure of how many people are aware of 
these things. Sometime in 2012 one among these many, many calendars resets 
according to massive, billion year long, astronomical cycle or something. Its 
even caused some cultish apocalyptics I've had the misfortune to come across 
foretelling of special events occuring on that date. If someone could 
elaborate on the psychology of apocalyptics here that would be great. The truth 
is my brother flirts with, I should say interns with, this crap website cum 
entrepreneurial group run from NYC called


I call them the Ginsbergian left, or the spirituals blurring into the left. 
Still basically a capitalist enterprise though. 

The very best,
Max Clark 

p.s. I can't bring myself to read the above linked website very much. Is it as 
crap as I think?


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[Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-19 Thread Dennis Brasky

 Empire Burlesque - Chris Floyd -

 Missing Link: Dissent, Delusion and 

 Posted: 18 Sep 2009 04:29 AM PDT

 clip -

 America has tea-baggers, who channel the very real and justified anger
 felt by millions into partisan hackery in the service of Big Money; but in
 Germany, this is what the disaffected are doing: putting together a new
 anti-capitalist, pro-social justice that could shake up the political
 landscape in the upcoming national elections. As the Guardian 

 [Frank Spieth's] anti-capitalist, pro-social justice Die Linke is striking
 a chord with an increasingly disenfranchised electorate, espousing causes –
 such as inequality, reunification issues and, crucially, the war in
 Afghanistan – that are finding a receptive audience in both east and west.

 Our voters are representative of millions of Germans who feel cut off from
 the political process and they could have a significant impact on Germany's
 political landscape, said 62-year-old Spieth, who left the Social
 Democratic party (SPD) in 2003 after 37 years in protest at its
 restructuring of the social welfare state.

 full  article --


 The late Brazilian bishop Dom Hélder Câmara said it well: “When I give food
 to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food,
 they call me a Communist.”

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Re: [Marxism] Query on British historiography

2009-09-19 Thread Paddy Apling
Lou is showing rather a isolationist view of WWII here, without any 
conception of the European view of WWII - which although it started in 1939 
as a simple war between Germany and Britain and France brought about as what 
one might well say was a richly deserved result of the appeasement, even 
encouragement, of fascism from 1933 through the Nazi occupation of Austria 
and Czechoslovakia, etc.  by the British and French ruling classes (large 
sections of which were strong supporters of Franco, and a not inconsiderable 
numbers supporters of Hitler)- well demonstrated with the readiness with 
which the French ruling class formed a puppet government under the Nazis, 
the war became - well before the entry of USA into WWII as a result of the 
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour - became, certainly from 1941, if not 
before, a war of liberation, and inherently an anti-fascist struggle.

No wonder it was supported by the whole of the working classes of Europe.

Churchill, of course, was well-known as an anti-semite, and a vicious 
opponent of the working class and its organisations, and virulently 
anti-communist and anti-soviet.   BUT he became Prime Minister in what 
amounted to a coup in 1940 by the section of the ruling class which were not 
supporters of fascism and IMMEDIATELY after the Nazi attack on the Soviet 
Union his patriotism overcame his anti-communist virulence to the extent 
that the the following day announced his country and the Soviet Union as 

From then on there could be no doubt that WWII was a just war, a war of 
liberation against fascism - and anyone who now seeks to dispute that is 
effectively a holocaust denier.

Bringing the Bengal famine into the argument is a red herring.  British 
communists - and indeed the working class movement in Britain generally, 
were active throughout the war - and before -  in promoting the 
anti-colonial struggle; but all direct contact with Marxists in India were 
effectively impossible during the war - though the representative of the 
Indian Congress, Krishna Menon, was speaker at many many public meetings 
organised during the war - and many on the left were advocating the handing 
over of power before the end of the war.

The  assessment of Churchill by the British working class as a war leader 
who, in general deserved support for the time, but was inherently an enemy 
of the working class was clearly shown in the general election, which 
followed shortly after the Nazi surrender - when Churchill and his party 
were rejected in a landslide (an election in which I, as a troop officer in 
2nd Armoured Brigade, but still under 21, did not have a vote - but you can 
bet your bottom dollar that most of those in the Brigade old enough to have 
a vote rejected Churchill, as did the majority of the working class back 

What happened in the ensuing years, with the Labour government coming more 
and more under the thumbs of Washington, until it too was rejected by the 
electorate, is another story 


- Original Message - 
From: Louis Proyect l...@panix.com
To: e.c.apl...@btinternet.com
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 10:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Query on British historiography

 Paul Flewers wrote:
 The Second World War was the last time that Britain played anything like 
 major role on a world scale, and I guess that the endless commemorating 
 it here is at least in part an unconscious recognition of this.

 After more furniture busting than has been seen since the barroom fight
 in Shane, the comments on Stalin Nostalgia and Churchill Nostalgia
 have died down on my blog.

 I don't want to stir things up there again, but do want to offer another
 thought about it here where belief in a Good War is less entrenched

 It seems that both sides in the debate agree that Churchill was fighting
 an imperialist war but Newman and company argue that this was secondary
 to the need to defeat Hitler. Every effort had to be bent toward
 mobilizing the working class for a militant war against Hitler, even if
 it was under the stewardship of a dog like Churchill.

 That poses the question of the responsibilities of Marxists. How in the
 world can a pro-war revolutionary current possibly not agitate around
 all the terrible things that the British ruling class was up to? For
 example, I have been harping on Bengal. If Indian Communists told their
 British comrades what was going on, it would be *criminal* not to mount
 demonstrations against the policies that led to a famine that would kill
 3 million Indians. Remaining silent around such issues would of course
 be dictated by the need to get everybody on a war footing and follow the
 military/political machine but it would end up discrediting the
 revolutionary pro-war left.

 Which of course is what happened in the USA. If a parallel process took
 place in Britain, that would be an interesting topic to research but I
 have a 

Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-19 Thread Lüko Willms
Dennis Brasky (dmozart1...@gmail.com) wrote on 2009-09-19 at 13:18:46 in  
about [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left:
  [Frank Spieth's] anti-capitalist, pro-social justice Die Linke is striking
  a chord with an increasingly disenfranchised electorate, espousing 
  such as inequality, reunification issues and, crucially, the war in
  Afghanistan  that are finding a receptive audience in both east and 

  A party which is very eagerly looking forward to manage the bourgeois 

  A party which is for a minimum wage, but not for a militant trade union 
struggle to raise wages for all and to defend the living conditions for all. 

  A party which is for the nationalisations of banks in Sunday speeches, but 
in the practical day to day international crisis of the banking system does not 
put the nationalisation of the banking system into a single bank forward, but 
only bickers about the conditions of the bailouts. 

  A party which is against imperialist wars only if they have not been OK'ed 
by the UN Security Council. 

  No thanks. 

  The Partei Die Linke shows the way forward? Well, yes, back into bourgeois 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt, Germany

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Re: [Marxism] Query on British historiography

2009-09-19 Thread Shane Mage

On Sep 19, 2009, at 1:53 PM, Paddy Apling wrote:

 ...From then [June 22, 1941] on there could be no doubt that WWII  
 was a just war, a war of
 liberation against fascism - and anyone who now seeks to dispute  
 that is
 effectively a holocaust denier.

Anyone who claims that the firestorm bombings of Hamburg, Berlin,  
Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, etc., etc., were part of a just  
war; any one who claims that the Bengal famine was part of a just  
war; is literally, not effectively, denying a holocaust.

Shane Mage

 This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
 always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
 kindling in measures and going out in measures.

 Herakleitos of Ephesos

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Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-19 Thread Lenin's Tomb
On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 8:03 PM, Lüko Willms lueko.wil...@t-online.dewrote:

  The Partei Die Linke shows the way forward? Well, yes, back into bourgeois

Yeah, because the working masses have already *abandoned* bourgeois
politics, and the Linke wants to *trick* them back into that old shell

Richard Seymour
Writer and blogger
Email: leninstombb...@googlemail.com
Website: http://www.leninology.blogspot.com
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/leninology
Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Seymour_(writer)

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Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-19 Thread Mark Lause
Lenin's Tomb leninstombb...@googlemail.com wrote: the working masses have
already *abandoned* bourgeois politics, and the Linke wants to *trick* them
back into that old shell

Is it just me or does laughter tend to echo in Lenin's Tomb?


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Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-19 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
There is a militant minority in Die Linke that wants to build an
oppositional movement and not be mere left-social democrats.

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Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-19 Thread Mark Lause
The point is the absurdity of the notion that the German working class has
repudiated bourgeois politics


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Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-19 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
Not only was the content of Richard's post dripping with sarcasm he even put
asterisks for extra emphasis.

On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 4:44 PM, Mark Lause markala...@gmail.com wrote:

 The point is the absurdity of the notion that the German working class has
 repudiated bourgeois politics

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[Marxism] Obama to Israel's rescue

2009-09-19 Thread Dennis Brasky


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[Marxism] Carl Finamore: Backstage at the AFL-CIO Convention

2009-09-19 Thread Louis Proyect

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Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-19 Thread Mark Lause

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[Marxism] NYC - A Health Care demo worth considering

2009-09-19 Thread Dennis Brasky
On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 5:09 PM, Cliff Conner cliff.con...@mac.com wrote:

 Dear friends,
 I suspect many of you, like me, have been frustrated with the public
 discourse regarding the healthcare issue. I want to call your attention to
 a forthcoming demonstration in Manhattan that at least offers an opportunity
 for single-payer advocates to sound off and, hopefully, be heard.

 The main slogan of the demonstration isn't Single Payer Now, because the
 level of the discussion of this issue has been so pathetically low that the
 term single payer is virtually unknown to the general public.  Instead,
 the demand is for Medicare For All.  While the two slogans are not exactly
 identical in meaning, they are close enough, and at least the latter will be
 widely understood.

 Anyway, here are the particulars:

 RALLY AT 4:00 PM:
  345 Park Ave (at 51st St.)
 MARCH AT 5:00 PM:
  from Park Ave.  51st to AETNA,
  99 Park Ave. (at 40th St.)

 So there you have it. My personal opinion is that whether Obama's plan
 passes or not, the fight for decent healthcare for all has just begun and
 will be a long one. This demonstration represents a worthwhile early step in
 the struggle. I hope to see you there.

 Cliff Conner

 P.S. The sponsoring organization is the Private Health Insurance Must Go!
 Coalition (PHIMGC). Here is its mission statement:

 The Private Health Insurance Must Go! Coalition (PHIMGC) is a growing and
 diverse New York City-based non-partisan organization focused on education,
 legislative advocacy and direct action in the fight for single-payer
 healthcare reform and HR 676.

 Its website is: www.phimg.org

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[Marxism] India: Petition for Justice in Chhattisgarh

2009-09-19 Thread Politicus E.

If you wish to endorse this petition, please visit

Note that Sanhati is a signatory.


Association for India's Development, in partnership with many other
groups, is hosting events across the US and India to raise awareness
about the crisis in Chhattisgarh.

One of the central themes for these events is a traveling exhibition
of Javed Iqbal's photos. Javed is a photo-journalist who has toured
extensively in southern districts, and brought back powerful
depictions of the conflict zone. He has played an important role in
uncovering the truth behind some of the encounters, for example
those in Basaguda and Badepalli. To know more about Javed and his
work, visit:


Some of the other events planned include panel discussions,
movie/documentary screenings, petition signings, RTI drives, etc.
It will be good if we can get more people taking this up across India,
and also the US.

Please consider signing the online petition to support the peace
processes in Chhattisgarh.

Here is the text of the statement of the petition along with the list
of the 54 organizations who endorsed it:

We, an international coalition of concerned individuals and over 54
Human Rights, Community, Student, Development and Peace  Justice
organizations strongly support the right of displaced Adivasis
(indigenous peoples) to return safely to their homes and lives in the
state of Chhattisgarh, and are alarmed by the recent surge in violence
in Bijapur and Dantewada districts of Chhattisgarh which is
threatening to cause a major setback to the ongoing rehabilitation.

Since the promulgation of the Salwa Judum (a militia armed by the
state of Chhattisgarh) in 2005, violence from both the Salwa Judum and
Maoist Rebels has escalated, and hundreds of thousands of Adivasis
have fled their homes in Dantewada and Bijapur districts out of fear
for their lives. Over the last 12 months, we were encouraged to see
that with the support of civil society groups such as Action AID,
Vanvasi Chetna Ashram (VCA) and Agriculture and Social Development
Society (ASDS), some families have gradually begun to return to their
villages and are resuming agriculture and other forms of livelihood.
However, recent threats, arson and murder in the vicinity of the
rehabilitated villages has spurred further displacement, and deterred
those who were planning to return to their homes. We sympathize
sincerely with the families of the victims of such violence.

Given the widespread displacement of Adivasis from their land as a
result of this violence, we as informed citizens, pledge to support
efforts that aim to rebuild confidence amongst Adivasis, and help them
return to their lands and resume their lives with a sense of dignity.

We appeal to the government of Chhattisgarh to facilitate the process
of rehabilitation of displaced communities as per the Directives of
the Supreme Court, as well as the recommendations of the National
Human Rights Commission, by doing the following:

* Make immediate arrangements for food, water, seeds, and
implements to enable ploughing so that the villagers may sow in this
critical period of the farming season
* Provide rations and employment through NREGA (National Rural
Empolyment Guarantee Act) which will make food and daily wages
available to the villagers until their crops come to harvest Provide
compensation with which to rebuild and sustain their livelihoods
* We appeal to the government of Chhattisgarh to take firm steps
to end the vicious cycle of violence in the region through
de-militarization, clearing security forces off schools and hospitals,
and withdrawal of the Salwa Judum.

 We also appeal to all parties - the Maoist Rebels, the Government and
the Salwa Judum - to refrain from any activity that adversely affects
the return and stay of the rehabilitated Adivasis in the villages of

List of Endorsing Organizations

Alliance for a Secular and Democratic South Asia, MIT
Alliance of South Asians Taking Action, San Francisco
Amnesty International, USA
Asian Law Alliance
Association for India’s Development
Association of South Asian Political Activists, Berkeley
Birmingham Anti-SEZ Campaign, UK
Boston Coalition for Justice in Bhopal
Boston Mobilization
Cambridge Free Binayak Sen Group
Campaign against Forced Displacement, UK
Campaign to Stop Funding Hate
CMC Vellore Alumni Association-U.K. Branch
DEEP - Defenders of the Environment and Ecology of Panjab, UK
Dharma Megha, East Lansing, Michigan
Friends of South Asia
Gadar Heritage Foundation, Fremont
Hillingdon Asian Women's Communication Service, UK
India Foundation, East Lansing, Michigan
ICJB- International Coalition for Justice in Bhopal
Indian Muslim Council, USA
Indian Progressive Study Group-L.A.
India Relief and Education Fund, Fremont
Indian Workers 

Re: [Marxism] Query on British historiography

2009-09-19 Thread Politicus E.
Paddy Apling wrote: Bringing the Bengal famine into the argument is a
red herring. British
communists - and indeed the working class movement in Britain generally,
were active throughout the war - and before - in promoting the
anti-colonial struggle; but all direct contact with Marxists in India were
effectively impossible during the war - though the representative of the
Indian Congress, Krishna Menon, was speaker at many many public meetings
organised during the war - and many on the left were advocating the handing
over of power before the end of the war.

This remark is not only philistine:  It suggests that Comrade Apling
is an ignoramus.  As a general rule, you should keep mum concerning
matters such that your knowledge is that of a dilettante.

I apologize to the comrades for my outburst, but it was impossible to
allow such a remark to pass.


In the tender annals of Political Economy, the idyllic reigns from
time immemorial ... the present year of course always excepted.
-- A German refugee, circa 1867 --


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Re: [Marxism] Query on British historiography

2009-09-19 Thread Gary MacLennan
I suppose it must be my age showing but have a fascination with this topic I
must confess and it is good to see Paddy take a part in the thread.

WW2 is a complex phenomenon and it is unfortunate that Trotsky did not live
long enough to make a definitive contribution to its analysis.  I am away
from my library so I cannot check on Deutscher's writing about Trotksy's
views.  From memory Trotsky began by saying WW2 was a continuation of WW1
but there was I believe  a but in his analysis and unfortunately we were
not to get what he thought the but was.

What I think is happening in this thread is that we are debating the but.
Unlike we Marxists the revisionist historians, like Niall Ferguson,  have
nothing negative to say about imperialist wars.  They want more of them.
But they tend to see that the compromises Churchill had to make weakened the
British Empire.

For the right the key compromises were the alliance with Russia and even
more important the accepting of junior status vis a vis American
Imperialism.   Despite his disavowals and the maneuverings of people like
Ernest Bevin, it was Churchill who at his Atlantic summit meeting with FDR,
who agreed to accepting inferior role for the mighty British.  And needless
to say the Americans have been cashing in on the Churchillian promises ever

However there was  a leftist dimensions to the Churchillian compromises and
Paddy has outlined some of these.  I would say that the biggest compromise
Churchill made was his probably very reluctant acceptance of the Beveridge
Report of 1942. However as Paddy pointed out the British public did not
trust Churchill with the implementation of the Beveridge Report which had
recommended the establishment of a welfare state and gave him short shrift
at the 1945 election.

Now of course the Atlee government was undermined by Washington, but folk
like Ernest Bevin did not need much undermining. However the most important
point is that not only Churchill compromised during WW2, the left also
compromised when it agreed to have Churchill as the national leader.
Moreover it was the sort of inter-class compromise that was to determine the
shape of post WW2 Britain.  Of course inter class compromises were the very
stuff that Stalinism was made of and when pray tell did they ever work?

On second thoughts - don't answer that, unlike Lou I do not have the
courage to face the arguments that would follow.



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Re: [Marxism] Political Economy for the 21st Century

2009-09-19 Thread S. Artesian
But are we really about developing a political economy for the 21st 
Century?  Isn't Marx all about the merciless criticism of political economy, 
and its overthrow, not its improvement, rationalization?

- Original Message - 
From: michael perelman mich...@ecst.csuchico.edu
To: David Schanoes sartes...@earthlink.net
Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2009 10:44 PM
Subject: [Marxism] Political Economy for the 21st Century

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Re: [Marxism] Political Economy for the 21st Century

2009-09-19 Thread Michael Perelman
As I mentioned, I have not got to the Marx part yet.

On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 10:56:32PM -0400, S. Artesian wrote:
 But are we really about developing a political economy for the 21st 
 Century?  Isn't Marx all about the merciless criticism of political economy, 
 and its overthrow, not its improvement, rationalization?

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321
E-Mail michael at ecst.csuchico.edu

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Re: [Marxism] Political Economy for the 21st Century

2009-09-19 Thread S. Artesian
Yes, but in this first part you talk about what is required to develop a 
political economy for the 21st century...when the task so to speak is the 
practical abolition of political economy.
- Original Message - 
From: Michael Perelman mich...@ecst.csuchico.edu
To: David Schanoes sartes...@earthlink.net
Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2009 10:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Political Economy for the 21st Century

 As I mentioned, I have not got to the Marx part yet.

 On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 10:56:32PM -0400, S. Artesian wrote:
 But are we really about developing a political economy for the 21st
 Century?  Isn't Marx all about the merciless criticism of political 
 and its overthrow, not its improvement, rationalization?

 Michael Perelman
 Economics Department
 California State University
 Chico, CA 95929

 Tel. 530-898-5321
 E-Mail michael at ecst.csuchico.edu

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[Marxism] Trotsky: The Movie

2009-09-19 Thread John E. Norem

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