Re: [Marxism] Obama's Biggest Lie

2010-01-28 Thread Andrew Pollack
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Thanks, Shane. This is outrageous.
Coincidentally there was an article yesterday at Znet by by Shamus
Cooke on Obama's continuing defense of torture:
Cooke does a great job detailing Obama's crimes and rationalizations.
I have to add, though, that unfortunately the last three paragraphs
are just a sloppily tacked-on propagandistic denunciation of the
system that breeds torture and war, with no transition or connection
that I can see.
He could have, with a little creative thought, explained how and why a
capitalist system breeds criminality by the rulers and ruled at home
and abroad, and the overlap between normal and criminal behavior
in such a system (the reverse side of which was displayed in Rebecca
Solnit's correct defense of looting in Haiti).

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Re: [Marxism] Obama is not a wimp

2010-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect
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Dan wrote:
 2) The answer doesn't lie in a new party. It lies in industrial unions, 
 whereby the working class will seize economic and political power from 
 the ruling class. What we need is organized labour, organized around 
 shop floor democracy.  What we need is  One Big Union actively preparing 
 for a General Strike that will expropriate the bourgeosie and  usher in  
 workers'  council, managing society from the bottom-up.
 Parties prosper on the sense of disempowerement and alienation ordinary 
 people feel. Parties are a fundamentally unhealthy way of achiveing 
 political goals : you give up all your say in the way society should be 
 run on a day-to-day basis and hand it over to a good, clever guy who 
 will save you. This guy will then do all that he can to stay in power 
 and you can bet your pay check that he won't deliver the goods. You'll 
 still be working 60 hours a week for a boss.

This is a big waste of bandwidth.

This list is not an appropriate forum for calls for communism.

It is geared to Marxist analysis of specific social and economic 
phenomena like climate change, gay marriage, the Green Movement in 
Iran, immigrant's rights, etc.

Please try to be consistent with other contributions here, Dan.

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[Marxism] Enlightened CA bans Dictionary Re: Bible Belt boors ban Boshevik bears

2010-01-28 Thread Steve Palmer
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The Bible Belt doesn't have a monopoly on idiocy:


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Re: [Marxism] What next ?

2010-01-28 Thread Mark Lause
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== writes: We all know that the material basis for the
existing relations of
production are more important than ideology.

How can you separate these things and measure them against each other.
Productive forces have been capable of moving beyond capitalism for
generations.  So what holds them back?


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Re: [Marxism] glaciergate

2010-01-28 Thread Les Schaffer
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On 1/27/10 6:21 PM, Paula wrote:

 The point of the article is that the 2007 IPCC report misled the public into
 thinking that global warming since the 1970s has made natural disasters worse.
 The IPCC was also wrong to claim that the Himalayan glaciers would melt almost
 completely by 2035. Altogether, the lesson for us is that the so-called
 'consensus view' should not be accepted uncritically.

but clearly the Himalayan melting was NOT a consensus view, some jerk 
stuffed it into the IPCC report without properly checking the statement. 
and when someone who knew better looked close (it was a small part of 
the report) the whistle did done blew.

and there  is some evidence in the models that natural disasters could 
get stronger in intensity, a la Emanuel, etc., so i don't see the 
general statement that the IPCC report misled. and i don't see you take 
up the debatable evidence for such an effect.

on the IPCC reports:  the IPCC aims to be a clearing house for the 
results of AGW research efforts. is it the best/optimal way to bring the 
mass of results to the public's attention? not sure ... i am hoping that 
the East Anglia CRU email debacle convinces climate scientists that they 
are better off confronting political issues directly, openly, and 
outwardly, rather than by the rather cowardly behind the scenes 
shenanigans with journals and such.

 Recognizing uncertainty - not witch-hunting one's critics - is the
 right approach for science.

the climate modelers responsible for developing and running the GCMs 
have for years talked about uncertainty, to the point where they 
attempted to quantify it by ensemble runs. i think you have the 
identification of the witch-hunting all screwed up, lets remember who 
originally got hunted.

and then, Paula, there are the kooks like Cockburn's recent 
second-law-of-thermodynamics cronies. let's speak bluntly: they didn't 
have the guts to try to publish their stuff in the mainstream climate 
research journals, so they go off and find some off-the-climate-beaten 
path to publish their ground-breaking trash, and then having it 
published in such a peer-reviewed journal, the deniers then take it as 
gospel tested truth.


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[Marxism] Obama is Asked: Why Haven't You Condemned Israel?

2010-01-28 Thread Leonardo Kosloff
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[Marxism] Alistair Hulett: `A truly great singer, songwriter, activist and socialist' + vids | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2010-01-28 Thread glparramatta
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In the early 1980s Alistair was again performing folk material around 
Sydney and was a founding member of a five-piece punk folk outfit called 
Roaring Jack, which specialised rocking Celtic reels and radical and 
revolutionary lyrics. Alistair was an active revolutionary socialist, 
with the International Socialist Organisation, and he and Roaring jack 
offered their talents for many benefits, rallies and demonstrations, in 
support of the antiwar movement and solidarity with workers in struggle.

For the next five years the Jacks made a startling impression on the 
Australian music scene. Their first album, /Street Celtabillity/, was 
released in 1986 and reached No. 1 on the local indie charts. By the 
time the second album, /The Cat Among The Pigeons/ was released in 1988 
the band was headlining in major Australian rock venues, as well as 
opening for overseas acts including Billy Bragg, the Pogues, and The Men 
They Couldn't Hang. The /The Cat Among The Pigeons/ was nominated for an 
Australian Music Industry Association (ARIA) award and was released in 
Europe by the German label Intercord.

Full article, with videos, at

Subscribe free to Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal at

You can also follow Links on Twitter at

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[Marxism] Finance vs. Independence at the Fed

2010-01-28 Thread michael perelman
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Richard Smith is a historian who is doing a biography about my mother's 
Here is his timely piece about the corrupting influence of finance on 
the Fed -- in particular about A. P. Giannini got Truman to remove 
Marriner Eccles from his position as chairman of the Fed. So much for 

Smith, Richard H. 2010. Breaking News (From 1948): Banking Mogul Ousts 
Fed Chairman. Huffington Post (28 January).
Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA

530 898 5321
fax 530 898 5901

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Re: [Marxism] glaciergate

2010-01-28 Thread Gary MacLennan
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 I wrote:
 'But there is a problem in this whole debate and that is the consequences
 of the parties being wrong are not the same. If we global warmers are
 mistaken, there is no big deal ... [clip] ... But if the Global Warming
 Deniers are mistaken, then humanity is finished'.

 Paula replied: Gary, the problem with this logic is that we would always
 have to act in accordance with the most alarmist claims. Remember the 1970s,
 when many people were concerned about a coming ice age? Of course, they had
 a valid point - we are living in an interglacial period that will be
 eventually followed by a glacial one. But what if we had heeded the most
 extreme claims? A 1975 article in Newsweek warned about all sorts of
 disasters being imminent - famines, droughts, tornadoes, freezes, - blamed
 politicians for not taking action, and suggested alternative schemes to warm
 up the planet. Luckily those schemes weren't feasible at the time.

 My reply to Paula's reply.

Hi Paula

Not so at all.  I did not say we would have to follow the most alarmist
forecasts, but we should always weigh the consequences in any clash of
views. There is a very real problem in this climate change debate and you do
not address it.  I will repeat it once then no more.  The price of the
climate deniers being wrong is much greater than the price of the global
warmers being wrong.

Paula that is a serious thought, and one you side step.

Now your point about the 75 scare is hardly relevant.  The debate at the
present time is generally being conducted by the global warmers at a much
more serious level than that one gets in an article in a trashy journal like
Newsweek.  Please!!

I hesitate to mention this but It is worthwhile to apply the cui bono
criterion or even the Nietzschean/Foucauldian test of discourse and power to
the deniers, especially here in Australia where the Murdoch press is heading
the denial team.

comradely regards


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] 4 Marxism-Thaxis members have posted 14 papers on

2010-01-28 Thread c b
 Comrade Price namesake lister, good to hear from you !

Workers of the West, it's our turn.

Charles Brown

On 1/27/10, Richard Price wrote:
 Dear Marxism-Thaxis members,

 We just wanted to let you know about some recent activity on the
 Marxism-Thaxis group on  In the Marxism-Thaxis group on, there are now:

  - 4 people (2 in the last month)
  - 14 papers (8 in the last month)
  - 1 new status update
  - 1 photo

 Marxism-Thaxis members’ pages have been viewed a total of 8,461 times,
 and their papers have been viewed a total of 25 times.

 To see these people, papers and status updates, follow the link below:


 Dr. Richard Price, post-doc, Philosophy Dept, Oxford University.
 Founder of

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Howard Zinn, historian who challenged status quo, dies a...

2010-01-28 Thread c b
Waistline wrote:

 Gingrich’s “right wing party of big  government” is Webb’s “ultra  right.”
  When Gingrich and Webb advance the same  theoretical/political
 proposition, from radically different ideological  points of view, one must  
 ask what
 the heck is going on.

CB: And think it might be true.

A major effect of Obama just _being_ President and Black is to drive a
section of rightwing extremists nuts such that they come flying out
the wordwork ( or exorcised to the body politic surface) and creating
a rightwing ...uhh.. I was gonna say fringe, but of course if they
form a mass party, they might not be fringe. Anyway, Gingrich's fears
of splitting the Republican party to the right ( a hard version of
Ross Perot in 1992) could be good for the left.


 Webb is  pretty much a garden variety American socialist, steeped in  the
 old tradition of  the American populist movement of the 1880’s and its
 anti-monopoly strategy.

CB: That's quaint (smile)

 Webb is about as close as America can get to the  kind
 of socialist of the era of  the rise of European social democracy.  Socialism
 as it evolved in Europe was the  petty bourgeois social  democratic
 movement developing against the backdrop of  the intersection of  fours 
 classes driving the transition from feudalism  to capitalism.  There were 
 classes and strata, but the four primary classes  were  serf, nobility,
 capitalist and proletarians. As a dynamic social movement,   socialism
 collapsed with the Second International. Webb is thus somewhat of  an  oddball
 considering that America, founded as a pure capitalist country,  has  never
 generated a social democratic movement. What was instead  generated was the
 populist movement and a large anarcho-syndicalism  political current or garden
 variety factory based council communist  ideology. .

 Gingrich political  career begins in the post segregation era, winning  his
 fist political office in  1978. He is a radical capitalist politician  from
 Georgia, with all the  traditional benchmarks of the historic Southern
 elite and Southern political  establishment. As a former college history
 professor and author, Gingrich is  deeply aware of the revolution in the
 productive forces, why and how it has  changed the historic form of class  and
 forms of wealth world wide. Gingrich  distinction is his fight to  realign
 American capitalism on a new technological  basis and ultra  advanced 
 political superstructure. Gingrich steps  forth as the  intellectual 21
 century antithesis of Karl Marx.

 Between  Webb and Gingrich as political poles of capital, arises the  need
 for a class  party. Woever specific conditions must exist for a class  party
 rather than a 3rd  party. The secret to the conditions is in our own


 The pre-Civil War development of the Republican Party is more   instructive
 than searching European history for clues to our own  revolutionary
 process. First, political development goes through  particular stages that
 respond and is conditioned by new  technological-economic and social change.
 Second, this process starts with  the destruction of the old party system and
 creation of a new one. Third,  although multiple attempts to build a party
 responsive to a new political period  often take place, the party that 
 reflects an ability to identify the  new needs and how to truly meet them.


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[Marxism-Thaxis] Successful demonstration held in Delhi University today

2010-01-28 Thread marxist front
Resist Imperialist Intervention in Higher Education !

A very successful protest demonstration took place in Delhi University
at the inauguration of the “European Studies Programme Centre”, in the

Department of Sociology. In anticipation of the protest the venue was suddenly

changed from the Department of Sociology to the Vice-Chancellor’s

Administrative Block. Some one hundred teachers and students protested against

this centre being established without the agreement of the concerned department

let alone the Academic Council or the Executive Council. Faculty members

pointed out how the courses and research programmes were to be changed in the

line with the demands of the European Union. A number of students related this

development to recent changes in the university in line with neo-liberal

policies. Participants pledged to continue the fight against imperialist

penetration in the university

Participating organisations:

All-India Students Association, All-India Students

Federation, Campaign for Peace and Democracy (Manipur), Delhi University

Reservation Execution Committee, Disha, Forum for Democratic Struggle, Janvadi

Shikshak Manch, Krantikari Yuva Sanghatan, Left and Democratic Teachers’ Front,

Manipur Students’ Association Delhi, New Socialist Initiative, Progressive

Students Union, University Community.

28th January 2010.

the inauguration of the “European Studies Programme


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