[Marxism] CFP Final - Exploring the Colonial Present: Contemporary Research on Palestine - AAG 2011

2010-10-19 Thread Omar Jabary Salamanca
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*with the usual apologies*

Call for Papers:  Exploring the Colonial Present: Contemporary
Research on Palestine

Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers
Seattle, Washington, April 12-16, 2011

Organizers: Omar Jabary Salamanca (Gent University), Lisa Bhungalia
(Syracuse University), and Kareem Rabie (CUNY Graduate Center)

The recent wave of scholarship in Geography addressing the
Palestinian-Israeli question has often emphasized colonial practices
from a geopolitical perspective and scale, and has focused on the
mechanics of Israeli occupation through issues of territory and
territoriality, borders, violence, militarization, and so on. This
research is characterized on the one hand by a presentist tendency
that contributes to the framing of this particular situation as
exceptional and without similarities to other colonial conflicts. And
on the other hand, by a shortage of local empirical research and
consequently, characterizations of Palestine and Palestinians as a
cohesive and homogeneous entity. Within the structure of Israeli
settler colonialism and in the present context, aid intervention,
neoliberal practice, and actors such as Palestinian elites and
returnees, donor governments, subcontracting agencies, international
organizations as well as local governments, grassroots movements,
settlers, and other actors are reshaping socio-political, spatial,
legal, economic, and environmental relations in Palestine. This paper
session invites scholars to theorize Palestine from a critical
perspective at the intersection of different political, economic,
legal, and other processes operating at multiple scales in order to
explore the similarities and differences between the Palestinian case
and other colonial conflicts or global struggles for social justice.
As such, we encourage empirical as well as theoretical papers that can
be historical or contemporary on topics that may include—but are not
limited to—the following:

Aid intervention: development, and humanitarianism
Neoliberal reforms
The politics of infrastructure building and privatization
Environmental politics
Economic planning
Colonial bureaucracies
Political and social normalization
Palestine in the regional and global economies
Diaspora and global activism
Intersectionality of race, class, and gender in the colonial context
New Middle Eastern urbanism
Cartographies and mapping
Zionism, settlement, and Zionist conceptions of territory
Grassroots activism and social movements
Law and Israeli lawfare
Security discourse and the militarization of the Palestinian Authority
Geographies of settler colonialism

Please submit abstracts to Omar Jabary Salamanca
(omar.jab...@ugent.be), Lisa Bhungalia (lbhun...@syr.edu), and Kareem
Rabie (kareemra...@gmail.com) by October 19, 2010. Abstracts must be
received and participants must be registered by this date in order to
allow time to read abstracts and prepare the final panel submission by
October 20, 2010.

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[Marxism] Aust PM declares engagement' in Afghanistan for 'rest of decade'

2010-10-19 Thread Peter Boyle
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Sydney Stop The War Coalition activist Marlene Obeid was dragged out of the
public gallery this afternoon as Australian PM Julia Gillard announced that
Australian troops would be engaged in Afghanistan at least for the rest
of this decade.

They are war criminals, said Obeid as she was dragged off by Parliament
House security guards. She is right.

It would be good if other anti-war groups could go to Canberra and make
their message clear in whatever way they can.

The Sydney STWC protest was covered on the evening news reports of most of
the major TV channels in Australia.

Below is war criminal Julia Gillard's statement in Parliament today:


19 OCTOBER 2010

Mr Speaker, a national government has no more important task than defending
the nation, its people and their interests. That is why we take so seriously
any decision to go to war. The war in Afghanistan is no different.

Today I will answer five questions Australians are asking about the war:

why Australia is involved in Afghanistan;
what the international community is seeking to achieve and how;
what Australia’s contribution is to this international effort – our mission;
what progress is being made;
and finally, what the future is of our commitment in Afghanistan.
Of course, while our troops remain in the field, I must be responsible in
how much I say, but in answering those questions, I want to be as frank as I
can be with the Australian people. I want to paint a very honest picture of
the difficulties and challenges facing our mission in Afghanistan.

The new international strategy and the surge in international troops
responded to a deteriorating security situation. This means more fighting,
more violence, it risks more casualties, there will be many hard days ahead.

Mr Speaker, Australia has two vital national interests in Afghanistan.

One: to make sure that Afghanistan never again becomes a safe haven for
terrorists, a place where attacks on us and our allies begin.

Two: to stand firmly by our Alliance commitment to the United States,
formally invoked following the attacks on New York and Washington in 2001.

Last month we marked the ninth anniversary of Al-Qaeda’s September 11
attacks.  Before September 11 Al-Qaeda had a safe haven in Afghanistan under
the Taliban government, a safe haven where they could recruit, indoctrinate,
train, plan, finance and conspire to kill.

On September 11, Al-Qaeda murdered more than three thousand people,
thousands of Americans – citizens of our ally the United States, people from
many other countries.

Ten Australians, ten of our own, never forgotten.

And millions of people were terrified.

So we went to Afghanistan to make sure it would never again be a safe haven
for Al-Qaeda. We went with our friends and allies, as part of the
international community. We went with the support of the United Nations.

The war has put pressure on Al-Qaeda’s core leadership, killed some,
captured others, forced many into hiding, forced them all on the defensive.
Al-Qaeda has been dealt a severe blow.

But Al-Qaeda remains a resilient and persistent network.  Our successes
against it in Afghanistan are only part of our effort against terrorism.  We
are working to counter the rise of affiliated groups in new areas such as
Somalia and Yemen, and violent extremism and terrorist groups in Pakistan.

That is why we support efforts in those countries, with those governments,
to target terrorist groups there as well.

The terror did not end on September 11. Since 2001, some 100 Australians
have been killed in extremists' attacks overseas. Among them:

88 Australians were killed in the Bali bombing in 2002.
Four Australians were killed in the second Bali bombing in 2005.
Our embassy has been bombed in Jakarta.
In each of these cases, the terrorist groups involved had links to

If the insurgency in Afghanistan were to succeed, if the international
community were to withdraw, then Afghanistan could once again become a safe
haven for terrorists. Al-Qaeda’s ability to recruit, indoctrinate, train,
plan, finance and conspire to kill would be far greater than it is today,
and the propaganda victory for terrorists worldwide would be enormous.

So the goal of Australia and the international community is clear: to deny
terrorist networks a safe haven in Afghanistan.

Mr Speaker, the international community has been in Afghanistan a long time:
nine years. The Australian people are entitled to know what we are trying to
achieve and when our troops can come home.

Removing the Taliban government in 2001 and pursuing Al-Qaeda in the years
since has made a crucial difference in preventing terrorist attacks. From
2001 to mid-2006, US and Coalition 

[Marxism] Chomsky’s lecture at the Istanbul Co nference on Freedom of Speech

2010-10-19 Thread Louis Proyect
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[Marxism] VERSO BOOKS: V40 Special events and new titles

2010-10-19 Thread Verso Mail
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Verso Books: V40
40 Years of Radical Publishing 1970 - 2010
Verso - the English-speaking world's largest independent radical publisher - 
celebrates its fortieth anniversary this autumn with the launch of an 
innovative new website (www.versobooks.comhttp://www.versobooks.com/) and a 
series of books and events reflecting the continuation of its commitment to 
radical thought into the twenty-first century.

For more on Verso's history, visit: http://www.versobooks.com/pg/about-verso


Verso 40th anniversary events:

V40 Philosophy - 22 October 2010, Tate Modern
Screening of Wittgenstein (Directed by Derek Jarman, produced by Tariq Ali and 
written by Terry Eagleton). Tariq Ali will be in conversation with Jonathan 
Derbyshire, culture editor of the New Statesman,  following the screening about 
Derek Jarman's life and work.

More information and booking here: 

V40 Politics - 25 October 2010, Free Word Centre
Panel discussion with Tariq Ali, Mehdi Hasan, Patrick Cockburn and DD 
Guttenplan to discuss how much Obama's first two years in office will cost him 
at the most expensive elections in history.

Tickets are FREE, but booking is essential for this event. Call 020 7324 2570 
or email 
 to book your place. More information here: 

Marx's Political Writings launch - Wednesday 10 November, Marx Memorial Library
Launch of Marx's Political Writings with the books' editor, David Fernbach


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The Verso Book of Dissent: From Spartacus to the Shoe-Thrower of Baghdad
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The Obama Syndrome
A merciless dissection of Obama's overseas escalation and domestic retreat by 
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that the fact that Obama has proved incapable of shifting the political terrain 
even a few inches in a reformist direction will pave the way for a Republican 
surge and triumph in the not too distant future. For more information and to 
buy: http://www.versobooks.com/books/516-the-obama-syndrome

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[Marxism] 8, 000 Demonstrate in Tel Aviv against Racist Laws and Population Transfer Exercises

2010-10-19 Thread Dennis Brasky
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8,000 Demonstrate in Tel Aviv against Racist Laws and Population Transfer

Some 8,000 people marched through Tel Aviv to the Ministry of Defense on 16
October 2010, in protest against the racist laws being promoted by the
Israeli government and the Israeli security forces' population transfer
exercises. A long list of organizations, movements, and political parties
participated in the demonstration, including the Hadash Party,
Hithabrut-Tarabut, and the Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality,
amongst others.


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[Marxism] French workers set an example

2010-10-19 Thread Louis Proyect
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Re: [Marxism] American-style

2010-10-19 Thread Glenn Parton
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I would put it this way: America needs a planned economy for the satisfaction 
of basic/vital needs for all. Agree?

 From: waistli...@aol.com
 Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2010 08:39:56 -0400
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] American-style
 To: rai...@hotmail.com
 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
 Broad advocacy for Nationalization and explanation of its meaning to the 
 working class masses is on the agenda. The agenda grows out of the 
 spontaneous impulses of all classes struggling to mitigate and survive crisis 
 capital in an environment of revolution in the means of production. General 
 Motors and Chrysler have been partially nationalized. 
 Health care or Medicare for all with zero cost to the individual is 
 something our working class is spontaneously fighting for in the here and 
 Expanded section 8 - Public housing, with no cost to the individual or 
 cost based on income. Full nationalization of public education; zero cost to 
 the local state jurisdictions or the individual. State jurisdictions 
 should have no role in education delivery. Nationalization of utilities; a 
 nationalized system of public transportation. Nationalize pensions. 
 In a few words, nationalization of socially necessary means of life, with 
 zero demand of labor exchange as a precondition for delivery of services. 
 As a vision the national state system and federal authority - government, 
 should be barred and prohibited from owning any property, including 
 military installations. Abolish the stock market; abolish the new non-banking 
 financial institutions. Heck, abolish the banking system and temporarily 
 replace it with credit unions and payday loan centers. 
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[Marxism] Everything you need to know about China's internationalism

2010-10-19 Thread S. Artesian
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WSJ of 10/18/10 reported that 11 coal miners were shot by two Chinese 
supervisors at the China owned Collum Coal Mine.   The miner were part of a 
demonstration and protest against low wages and unsafe working conditions.  
Miners at the Collum Mine are the lowest paid in Zambia.  

In 2008, the Zambian safety department closed the underground portion of the 
mine due to several fatal accidents


The bodies of 26 miners were recovered after a coal mine accident in Henan 
province, China. Eleven miners are missing, and there is little hope for their 

In 2009, China again recorded the largest number of mining fatalities, at 2631. 

But the outlook isn't all bleak, that number is significantly less than China's 
mine fatalities in 2002 which were recorded at 6995.   Things are getting 
better all the time, even if they have to shoot miners in Zambia.  Progress 
demands it. 

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[Marxism] 1, 000, 000th visitor to Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2010-10-19 Thread glparramatta
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Message of congratulations and solidarity can be left in the comments 
box at http://links.org.au/node/1946 !


October 20, 2010 -- In the early hours of October 20, 2010, /Links 
International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ passed an historic milestone 
-- its 1,000,000th visitor (since statistics began being kept on April 
4, 2008). The unknown visitor entered site at Renfrey Clarke's essential 
article, The new climate-change denialism: Who promotes it, and how to 
answer it http://links.org.au/node/1942.

Those 1 million visitors have collectively read more than 1.33 million 
articles since April 2008.

/Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/'s mission has been to 
promote the revival of a democratic, ecological, thinking, activist 
socialism, and to encourage and publicise the activities and views of 
active socialists around the world who are rebuilding the socialist and 
radical alternative in deed as well as word.

/Links/' success is especially gratifying because there were some who 
claimed -- when we took the decision to go solely online, rather than 
continue to produce the excellent but largely unread hard-copy version 
-- that /Links/ was being closed down and was part of an abandonment 
of our fundamental socialist principles. Well, there are now more than a 
million arguments against that pessimistic forecast.

/Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ would like to thank 
all its readers, contributors, collaborators and well wishers for their 
assistance in passing this important milestone, in particular the 
comrades of the Socialist Alliance and /Green Left Weekly/ in Australia, 
without whom /Links/ could not appear. We'd like give special mention to 
our comrades in /Socialist Voice/ in Canada, the Socialist Party of 
Malaysia, the Labour Party Pakistan, the Partido Lakas ng Masa in the 
Philippines, the People's Democratic Party (Indonesia) and Working 
People's Association (Indonesia), Patrick Bond from South Africa, and 
many other left parties, workers' groups, liberation movements and 
individual activists who have made /Links/ an important asset for the 
entire world socialist movement.

Don't YOU miss an article, subscribe at 
http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373  or follow /Links/ at 
http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism. You can also join the /Links/ 
Facebook group http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=10865397643.

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Re: [Marxism] French workers set an example

2010-10-19 Thread Jay Moore
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  More good videos at http://www.dailymotion.com/Talenceagauchevraiment  
Hurray for the French workers!  Anybody on the List from France?

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[Marxism] News from France

2010-10-19 Thread Dan
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I'm exhausted.

I've spent the last three days going from road block to road block,
together with teachers, railroad workers, truckers, nurses, etc.

So far, in our sector, we've managed the feat of keeping the Arnages oil
depot totally closed since Friday 4 AM !

As a result, all the petrol stations in aradius of 70 kms are closed,
completely out of gas.

I slept 4 hours on Friday night, 6 hours on Saturday, 2 on Monday ...
Today, we got the main Teachers' Union to call on all striking teachers
to come and help block all the remaining fuel depots.

The police can't intervene, because the truckers have established road
blocks on the major roads leading to the oil depot.

What is incredible is that despite the fact that there is no more oil
available, and therefore that people are blocked at home, a resounding
71% of the population approves of the strike (according to today's
opinion polls).

The movement is set to last at least another week. I spent the whole of
Sunday night with transport (railway and truckers) workers playing cards
and drinking beer. It was quite cold (2°C) around 4 AM, but the railroad
workers brought several truck-loads of palettes (empty wooden
containers) and we lit a might bonfire.

Striking workers from the neighbouring  Renault factory brought
firecrackers and we spent the wee hours of the morning lighting them.

Workers are determined to fight until the bitter end. Workers who chose
not to go on strike are being encouraged to donate part of their salary
to the workers of the most strategic sectors, especialy the Donges

Personally, this is my 6th day of Strike. An open-ended strike that
might not be the best way of going about things, the consensus now being
that revolving strikes (15% of the workforce on strike on a given day)
would enable us to hold out longer.

The support from ordinary people is astounding. When we block a
freeway, drivers often honk to support us, give us money, hand us daily
newspapers, enven though we are effectively blocking them.

I've decided to stay on strike for a further three days but to spend
more time with my family, which is also what the union is advocating.
Some comrades have spent 4 days without going home and the union is
worried this may cause trouble with spouses,who are forced to look after
the kids, which would further undermine our resolve.

All 12 French oil refineries are on strike until next Friday. Many
depots are blocked. Half the train stations (including major ones) are
closed. Truckers have blocked the roads leading to the main production
areas, and factories cannot function because they lack raw material and
pieces (they don't have any stocks of materials stored because they
believe storage costs money). 

Anyway, the mood is indescribable. Workers from every sector are united
and determined, and for the first time, many workers can chat with
people employed in other industries knowing that they share a common

The only problem is, it will be hard, very hard to go back to work. But
thanks to the government, people are prepared to remain on strike until
next week. Then we'll see.

It's a general strike and a lot of ordinary workers I've talked to are
determined not to resume work until the retirement age is brought back
to 60. 

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Re: [Marxism] News from France

2010-10-19 Thread Mark Lause
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Thanks for taking the time to report to us, Dan.

Tell all our French fellow workers that they are an example for us all.  I
trust that others are far more ready to do something substantive than are
most of the Americans, who are still banging the rocks together


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Re: [Marxism] News from France

2010-10-19 Thread Dan
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Some problems remain, even though A LOT, a great, great deal, has been
accomplished since last Tuesday.

1) The strike is now indefinite
2) The union membership is demanding support from the union bureaucracy
which is forced to yield
3) Public opinion overwhelmingly supports the strike
4) The economic impact of the blockade is being increasingly felt by the
bosses, who are now uncertain whether to follow the government or call
for a truce.
5) the strike has bread true comradship between workers of very
different sectors, and the blur/white-collar worker gap is slowly being
6) despite the loss of wages, the determination of workers is still
extremely strong, BECAUSE they can actually see that although they are
loosing money, so are the bosses.

negative points :

1) the government has declared a state of emergency and is threatening
to impose prison sentences on those who seek to destroy the country.
Of course, nobody takes those threats seriously, but still...
2) agents provocateurs are burning down public buildings and then
blaming this on strikers.
3) the government is trying to appear as the restorer of order and is
increasingly accusing the unions of undemocratic behaviour, because
picket lines prevent those who wish to go to work from doing so.
4) tensions are rising between the union rank and file and the union
leadership. There are rumours that the leadership is ready for a
5) left-wing political parties are telling people that going on strike
is well and good, but voting for a socialist candidate in the 2012
presidential election is the only way forward. Yeah ! A socialist
government, just like in Greece !

I've lost a fourth of my monthly salary so far, have had my car window
smashed by people unknown, but am feeling very happy by the way ordinary
people have decided enough was enough.

I suppose I should get ready for a rude awakening.


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Re: [Marxism] News from France

2010-10-19 Thread Gary MacLennan
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Dan wrote:

 I suppose I should get ready for a rude awakening.

 My comment: thank you for these inspirational reports Dan.  We wish you and
your comrades all the best in the struggle.  Of course the union Leadership
will seek a sell out option.  That is what they do. But the intransigence of
the government is forcing them to let the struggle escalate.

The crucial thing would appear to me, from this distance, to be the
refineries.  The Government has to get them open or else the strikers will

I recall talking to a striking coal miner in 1971 at Essex University and
him telling me that when the lights began to flicker they would have won.
Ditto for the French refineries.

What seems to be happening in France is the workers are awakening to a sense
of their own power. What the bosses (union  bourgeois) will seek to do is
to put an end to that awakening and replace it with the comatose status quo.



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Re: [Marxism] 1, 000, 000th visitor to Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2010-10-19 Thread Louis Proyect
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On 10/19/10 7:51 PM, glparramatta wrote:
 October 20, 2010 -- In the early hours of October 20, 2010, /Links
 International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ passed an historic milestone
 -- its 1,000,000th visitor (since statistics began being kept on April
 4, 2008). The unknown visitor entered site at Renfrey Clarke's essential
 article, The new climate-change denialism: Who promotes it, and how to
 answer ithttp://links.org.au/node/1942.

 Those 1 million visitors have collectively read more than 1.33 million
 articles since April 2008.

I just checked my own stats on Wordpress. 1,713,740 views since February 
2006. You can't find out how many are unique, though. In terms of blog 
ratings, I am ranked 1,433,990 by Alexa. For comparison's sake, Lenin's 
Tomb is 553,417.

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[Marxism] Al Jazeera Film on French Strikes

2010-10-19 Thread Gary MacLennan
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*'Limited options'*

*'Al Jazeera's Jacky Rowland, reporting from Paris, said the government
seemed to be in a stronger position, with the unions' options for
manoeuvre becoming increasingly limited.*

*By striking at oil refineries they've been limiting the fuel, but now the
government says they will have fuel supplies back to normal within for or
five days by calling on its own reserves, she said.*

*It seems that everything the unions try to to, the government has an
answer to... It does really seem that there is no turning back for this
government plan.*

* *

* *

*Sarkozy has got a reputation of being a tough man. That's how he built his
political career. He can't afford to appear to be the one who backed down in
the face on this kind of union pressure.*

I don't know off Rowland at all but the above  is typical how the petit
bourgeois see the world. She neither understands nor can she envisage class
struggle in action. Sarkosy is the one with the limited options.  He has to
continue his offensive and at any moment he could be deserted by his
masters.  They have lots of fall back positions he has none.

In the mean time a radical working class consciousness is being forged in
the furnace of class struggle.  I love it.



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[Marxism] Mistake

2010-10-19 Thread Dan
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Mistake on my part :

I wrote half the train stations are closed (including major ones),
which is not true. All the train stations are open, simply because there
are either strikers or railway staff (management and non-strikers)
What I meant was : half THE TRAINS in France are blocked (including in
major railroad nodes).

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[Marxism] Remembering Harvey Pekar

2010-10-19 Thread Louis Proyect
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Re: [Marxism] News from France

2010-10-19 Thread Dan
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Sarkozy is the one with the limited options.  He has to
continue his offensive and at any moment he could be deserted by his
masters.  They have lots of fall back positions he has none.

In the mean time a radical working class consciousness is being forged in
the furnace of class struggle.  I love it.

You are totally right Garry. Sarkozy is running out of options. And you are 
right about 
working class consciousness being forged in the furnace of class struggle
(will re-use that metaphor !). 
And you are also right about the fact that the union leaderships are allowing 
a general
strike to become stronger by the day, because they have no other option.
And they are at risk of loosing control over the situation on the ground. 
They may have
already lost it, because some union leaders have become contaminated by the 
of the rank and file while others are more worried about the political 
The Union leadership will have to make a decision on Friday over whether to 
call off the
strike or not. The way things are heading, they might either go with the flow, 
or ... what ?
If Sarkozy doesn't back down, the Unions will loose face. I think the Union 
leadership is 
hoping Sarkozy will summon them for talks or something, anything to give them 
an excuse
for calling for a strategic pause.
The other possibility is that Sarkozy will initiate a gigantic crackdown. But 
it is doubtful
whether this is even possible, given the situation. 
Workers are truly getting to know each other, after five sleepless days and 
nights. Solidarity between
industries is in full swing. Students have joined workers on every road block.
Just telling them to go home after having endured a week of cold and shared 
anguish and elation,
will not go down well. Not at all. We've held this far, despite the odds. 
We've lost our pay,
we're exhausted... We've brought the country to a virtual standstill... and now 
you're telling us to quit ? 
No way ! F*** you !

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[Marxism] A simple slogan [Re: American-style]

2010-10-19 Thread Nestor Gorojovsky
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El 19/10/2010 05:43 p.m., Thomas Bias escribió:
 Getting working people into action, even around
 simple slogans like Jobs, Education, Justice is a good thing to do.

I am not USAmerican, of course, and I am not prone to have a saying on 
issues where I am not directly involved.

But I guess this simple slogan, when gathering Black Americans, is 
somehow a reminder of another simple slogan, Peace, Bread, Land.

Where´s a Father Gapon when you need one?

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Re: [Marxism] News from France

2010-10-19 Thread Nestor Gorojovsky
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El 19/10/2010 08:59 p.m., Dan escribió:
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 I'm exhausted.

 I've spent the last three days going from road block to road block,
 together with teachers, railroad workers, truckers, nurses, etc.

The I'm exhausted is the best proof that you are not telling a tale.

Now that you have tested it yourself, how does it feel?


Hats up for the French people! I have always had misgivings about the 
decission to surrender arms to the bourgeoisie in 1945. It looks like 
the masses are slowly reckoning and discovering the bad results of such 
a mistake. It is never late when you learn a good lesson.

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Re: [Marxism] News from France

2010-10-19 Thread Manuel Barrera
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Dan said:  Workers are truly getting to know each other, after five sleepless 
days and nights. Solidarity between industries is in full swing. Students have 
joined workers on every road block. Just telling them to go home after having 
endured a week of cold and shared anguish and elation, will not go down well. 
Not at all. We've held this far, despite the odds. We've lost our pay, we're 
exhausted... We've brought the country to a virtual standstill... and now 
you're telling us to quit ?  No way ! F*** you !

Dan, is there any activity taking place in organizing workers through councils 
akin to soviets (sorry for the dated historical reference, it is only meant 
to serve as an example of broader organization to unite the workers under more 
direct and militant leadership beyond the union bureaucracy)?

This is a heroic battle and I am sure the rest of us in the rest of the world 
would like to come to the aid of the French workers, students, parents, and 
immigrant peoples. Our solidarity goes without saying. We watch and learn . . 
.and hope for the best!   

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Re: [Marxism] A simple slogan [Re: American-style]

2010-10-19 Thread Manuel Barrera
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Nestor wrote: But I guess this simple slogan, when gathering Black Americans, 
is somehow a reminder of another simple slogan, Peace, Bread, Land.

In the  meantime, Solidarité with the French workers and students would 
certainly be appropriate. 

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[Marxism] Chris Hedges on the Death of the Liberal Class

2010-10-19 Thread Jonathan Flanders
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You can see my questioning of his outlook in the middle of the q and a.
Basically Hedges writes off the working class in the US.

Jon Flanders

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[Marxism] Sartre and the French strike

2010-10-19 Thread Nestor Gorojovsky
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El 19/10/2010 09:45 p.m., Gary MacLennan escribió:
 I recall talking to a striking coal miner in 1971 at Essex University and
 him telling me that when the lights began to flicker they would have won.
 Ditto for the French refineries.

 What seems to be happening in France is the workers are awakening to a sense
 of their own power. What the bosses (union  bourgeois) will seek to do is
 to put an end to that awakening and replace it with the comatose status quo.

In France, most power plants are nuclear. So that I am not sure if 
lights will flicker soon. But yes, it is wonderful news from Dan and we 
must be proud to have him on this list. And the French working class, 
hopefully, can send a strong signal to workers all over Europe. Nothing 
they haven´t done in their glorious past.

As to union leaders, while I don´t trust them at all, they are _also_ a 
result of the relations of power at play. If strikers can keep doing 
their job, they will find it hard to betray them. And, however 
reluctantly, they will have to radicalize their own standing or see the 
wave drown them into nothingness.

Wasn´t a French who wrote something about L'être et le néant

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Re: [Marxism] News from France

2010-10-19 Thread Jay Moore
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  Good question about Councils (Soviets).  Also, what has been the 
role of the LO, NPA and other far-left organizations in this struggle?

 Dan, is there any activity taking place in organizing workers through 
 councils akin to soviets (sorry for the dated historical reference, it is 
 only meant to serve as an example of broader organization to unite the 
 workers under more direct and militant leadership beyond the union 

 This is a heroic battle and I am sure the rest of us in the rest of the world 
 would like to come to the aid of the French workers, students, parents, and 
 immigrant peoples. Our solidarity goes without saying. We watch and learn . . 
 .and hope for the best!

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[Marxism] Australian parliamentary debate on troops in Afghanistan

2010-10-19 Thread Peter Boyle
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Yesterday afternoon Sydney Stop The War Coalition activist Marlene Obeid was
dragged out of the parliamentary public gallery as Australia's Prime
Minister Julia Gillard announced that Australian troops would be engaged in
Afghanistan at least for the rest of this decade. They are war criminals,
said Obeid as she was dragged off by Parliament House security guards. She
is right.

PM Gillard's speech:

The reasons she gave to keeping the troops there for at least the rest of
the decade was to prevent Afghanisatn from becoming a safe haven for
terrorists and to support the US, Australia's chief military ally.

Liberal-National opposition leader Tony Abbott supported the government
line, while objecting to Australian Spercial Forces being tried in a
military court for killing Afghan civilians, including women and children,
and then attempting to cover it up.

Tony Abbott's speech:

The bi-partisan pro-war line was re-affirmed

Today the sole Green MP in the House of Representatives gave his speech.

The Greens believe it is now time to bring our troops safely home, he

The Greens believe the Australian people and our defence forces should not
be asked to continue this war for another decade.

And The Greens believe many people in Australia agree with us, with recent
polls showing most Australians want our defence forces personnel brought
safely home.

If we really want to ensure Afghanistan never again becomes a haven for
terrorists, we must encourage education and help strengthen the institutions
civil society.

We must foster democracy from below, not imagine we can impose it from
above down the barrel of a gun.

No matter how much the contemporary trend might be to dress it up in the
garb of human rights, an invasion is an invasion, a war is a war.

It is a mistake we have made before but not yet learned from.

We owe it to our troops, the Australian people and the people of
Afghanistan to adopt a different path.

Adam Bandt's speech in full can be read here:

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Re: [Marxism] Sartre and the French strike

2010-10-19 Thread Gary MacLennan
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Hi Nestor

One can be sure that Sarkosy has detailed knowledge of the thinking of the
union leaders.  This would be through phone taps, surveillance, informers,
third party contacts etc.  What he does not have is any knowledge or
understanding of the brave spontaneous heart of the French working class.

That heart is precisely what he is afraid of. But he is not the only one
becoming frightened.  Business as usual has been disrupted.  There is a
new Fête dans les rues underway and unlike 68,  it could be a case of 'No
more water, the fire next time'.



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[Marxism-Thaxis] Why the IMF Meetings Failed

2010-10-19 Thread c b

Why the IMF Meetings Failed
October 11, 2010
By Michael Hudson
And the Coming Capital Controls

“Coming events cast their shadows forward.” – Goethe

What is to stop U.S. banks and their customers from creating $1
trillion, $10 trillion or even $50 trillion on their computer
keyboards to buy up all the bonds and stocks in the world, along with
all the land and other assets for sale, in the hope of making capital
gains and pocketing the arbitrage spreads by debt leveraging at less
than 1% interest cost? This is the game that is being played today.

The outflow of dollar credit into foreign markets in pursuit of this
financial strategy has bid up asset prices and foreign currencies,
enabling speculators to pay off their U.S. positions in cheaper
dollars, keeping the currency shift as well as the arbitrage
interest-rate margin for themselves.

Finance has become the new form of warfare – without the expense of
military overhead and an occupation against unwilling hosts. It is a
competition in credit creation to buy foreign real estate and natural
resources, infrastructure, bonds and corporate stock ownership.

Who needs an army when you can obtain monetary wealth and asset
appropriation simply by financial means? Victory promises to go to the
economy whose banking system can create the most credit, using an army
of computer keyboards to appropriate the world’s resources.

U.S. officials demonize countries suffering these dollar inflows as
aggressive ‘currency manipulators’ for what Treasury Secretary Tim
Geithner calls “‘Competitive nonappreciation,’ in which countries
block their currencies from rising in value.”[1A] Oscar Wilde would
have struggled to find a more convoluted term for other countries
protecting themselves from raiders trying to force up their currencies
to make enormous predatory fortunes.

Foreign central banks are being forced to choose between passively
letting these inflows push up their exchange rates – thereby pricing
their exports out of foreign markets – or recycling these inflows into
U.S. Treasury bills yielding only 1% with declining exchange value.
(Longer-term bonds risk a price decline if U.S interest rates should

U.S. officials demonize foreign countries as aggressive “currency
manipulators” for keeping their currencies weak. But these countries
simply are trying to protect their currencies from arbitrageurs and
speculators flooding their financial markets with dollars. Foreign
central banks must choose between passively letting these inflows push
up their exchange rates – thereby pricing their exports out of global
markets – or recycling these inflows into U.S. Treasury bills yielding
only 1% and whose exchange value is declining. (Longer-term bonds risk
a domestic dollar-price decline if U.S interest rates should rise.)

The euphemism for flooding economies with credit is “quantitative
easing.” The Federal Reserve is pumping liquidity and reserves into
the financial system to reduce interest rates, ostensibly to enable
banks to “earn their way” out of negative equity resulting from the
bad loans made during the real estate bubble. This liquidity is
spilling over to foreign economies, increasing their exchange rates.
Joseph Stiglitz recently acknowledged that instead of helping the
global recovery, the “flood of liquidity” from the Fed and the
European Central Bank is causing “chaos” in foreign exchange markets.
“The irony is that the Fed is creating all this liquidity with the
hope that it will revive the American economy. … It’s doing nothing
for the American economy, but it’s causing chaos over the rest of the

What U.S. quantitative easing is achieving is to drive the dollar down
and other currencies up, much to the applause of currency speculators
enjoying quick and easy gains. Yet it is to defend this system that
U.S. diplomats and bank lobbyists are threatening to derail the
international financial system and plunge world trade into anarchy if
other countries do not agree to a replay of the 1985 Plaza Accord “as
a possible framework for engineering an orderly decline in the dollar
and avoiding potentially destabilizing trade fights.”[2]

The Plaza Accord derailed Japan’s economy by raising its exchange rate
while lowering interest rates, flooding its economy with enough credit
to inflate a real estate bubble. IMF managing director Dominique
Strauss-Kahn was more realistic. “I’m not sure the mood is to have a
new Plaza or Louvre accord,” he said at a press briefing on the eve of
the IMF meetings in Washington. “We are in a different time today.”
Acknowledging the need for “some element of capital controls [to] be
put in place,” he added that in view of U.S. insistence on open,
unprotected capital markets, “The idea that there is an absolute need
in a globalised world to work together may lose some steam.”[3]

At issue is how long nations will succumb to the speculative dollar