[Marxism] Nov. 6 (NYC): Conference on Economic Crisis Left Response

2010-10-29 Thread seth weiss
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Hi, Could you post this announcement? A program for the conference is now 
available online. Many thanks, Seth  




Saturday Nov. 6, 2010 - 9 am to 6 pm

Pace University in
lower Manhattan, New York City

One Pace Plaza, Multipurpose Room


Roslyn Wallach
Bologh, Brendan Cooney, Walter Daum, Barry Finger, Mac Intosh, 

Jaclard, Andrew Kliman, Paul Mattick, Fred Moseley, and Richard Wolff


The conference program and speakers’
abstracts are now posted on the website 

Chances of a double-dip recession in the U.S. are increasing.
The threat of government-debt defaults in Europe also indicates that the
economic crisis of 2007-08 continues to have consequences. The U.S.
government's efforts to prevent another Great Depression have left it saddled
with a serious debt problem that could impede efforts to stabilize the economy
for a long time to come. The future is especially uncertain, and the new
normal may prove to be very difficult, economically and politically.

For the Left to be prepared for what may happen and prepared to respond
effectively, activity and organization will not be enough. We also need the
organization of thought--and that is why we have convened this conference. In
order to work out a viable response, one that doesn't merely react to and
support the least-bad proposals offered by policymakers and mainstream
thinkers, we need a clear and deep understanding of what has gone wrong with
capitalism, and of the limits and pitfalls of proposed reforms. And we cannot
take for granted that more progressive policies would in fact bring capitalism
out of the crisis and restore jobs, economic growth, and stability.
Wide-ranging dialogue on these topics is needed, not only so that all views can
be heard but, above all, so that we can test different ideas in debate and work
out answers to the questions we face.


Pace University's
Center for Community Action  Research and Economics Department
(Pace-Pleasantville campus), the Committee for a Conference on the Economic
Crisis, Marxist-Humanist Initiative, League for the Revolutionary Party,
Internationalist Perspective, and The New SPACE.


Pre-registration is required due to limited seating. To register, please go to
the Crisis Conference page of MHI's website http://tinyurl.com/39kolox

registration fee is $20; $10 for students and low income individuals. The
conference is free for Pace University students, faculty, and staff with valid
ID, but they should register in advance by writing to
m...@marxisthumanistinitiative.org.  Registrants must check in by 9:15 a.m.  
The conference will start promptly at
9:30 am in the Multipurpose Room at 1 Pace Plaza. Enter on Spruce Street (the
south side of the main building).








(888) 579-2245





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Re: [Marxism] Reflections on the situation in France

2010-10-29 Thread Mark Lause
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Wasn't the time to get demonstrations going outside the French embassy some
weeks back?

How do we always wind up so far behind the curve on these things? :-)


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[Marxism] New book and launch events - 'Dispatches from the Dark Side' by Gareth Peirce

2010-10-29 Thread Verso Mail
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On Torture and the Death of Justice


Published 11 October 2010

The great theme of her book and, arguably, her professional life too [is] that 
justice dies when the law is co-opted for political purposes. - Stuart 



Tuesday 2 November: Frontline Club, 13 Norfolk Place, London, W2 1QJ

In discussion with the Guardian's legal affairs correspondent Afua Hirsch.

Tickets: £12.50/10 early booking (£8 concessions - students/seniors). For more 
information and to buy tickets: 

Friday 12 November: Stratford Circus, Theatre Square, Stratford, London, E15 1BX

In conversation with former Guantanamo Bay detainee and human rights campaigner 
Moazzam Begg.

Tickets: £6. For more information and to buy tickets: 

Thursday 18 November: Haldane Society, BPP Law School, 68 - 70 Red Lion Street, 
London WC1R 4NY

Admission is FREE and open to everyone. £10 charge for legal practitioners 
requiring CPD points. More information here http://www.haldane.org/


An acclaimed human-rights lawyer examines the British government's complicity 
in torture.

The Obama administration, under some pressure from its antiwar base, has begun 
to release carefully selected evidence concerning the widespread use of torture 
in the War on Terror. In a set of devastating essays, Gareth Peirce argues 
that there needs to be a similar accounting of the British government's 
activities. Exploring the few cases that have come to light, such as those of 
Guantánamo detainees Shafiq Rasul and Binyam Mohamed, Peirce argues that they 
are evidence of a deeply entrenched culture of impunity toward the new suspect 
community in the UK-British Muslim nationals and residents. Peirce shows how 
the British New Labour government has colluded in a whole range of 
extrajudicial activities-rendition, internment without trial, torture-and has 
gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal its actions: its devices for 
maintaining secrecy are probably more deep-rooted than those of any other 
comparable democracy. If the British government continues along this path, it 
will destroy much of the moral and legal fabric it claims to be protecting.
Gareth Peirce represents individuals who are or have been the subject of 
rendition and torture, held in prisons in the UK on the basis of secret 
evidence, and interned in secret prisons abroad under regimes that continue to 
practice torture. Her many clients have included the Birmingham Six, Judith 
Ward, the family of Jean Charles de Menezes, and Moazzam Begg. She lives in 


ISBN: 978 1 84467 619 4/ £9.99 / 160 pages


For more information and to buy: 


Visit Verso's all-new website for blog updates, information on our upcoming 
events, news, reviews, publications and special offers:

Become a fan of Verso on Facebook

And get updates on Twitter too!

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Re: [Marxism] American style

2010-10-29 Thread Waistline2
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Yes, Rally Comrades has great material. Who writes those articles? They  
do make sense! I tried to subscribe just now, but the page gets broken, so 
 I'll try again tomorrow, after I read the new essay you recommended, and 
I'll  probably get back to you tomorrow. 
Rally has an editorial board and an interesting process. For instance am  
article from Detroit about Detroit would start with an individual but include 
 lengthy decision with comrades and go through several drafts. The 
intention is  to describe some kind of logic and real motion amongst people in 
time. The  article is submitted to the editorial board for review.  What is 
being  reviewed is the class logic and dynamics of capital's breakdown from 
the  standpoint of revolution in the means of production. A Detroit article 
would not  simply talk about Detroit but areas of Michigan or the Rustbelt. 
Comments are made - written, and the article comes back to Detroit for  
rewrite and/or clarification. The purpose is striving to involve collectives  
rather than one individual. If the article is the product of one individual, 
the  question is what is its purpose, no matter how good or accurate it 
may  be.  Individuals can submit articles and from time to time such article  
appear under the writer's name. 
I would never submit an article under my name for several reasons including 
 first the wisdom of a collective and the material need - living  
process, to hold intact a league of revolutionaries. The LRNA is not a  
sect seeking to achieve cohesiveness based on some notion of democratic  
centralism. Cohesiveness is rooted in the American style and history.   Plus, 
articles under your name are yours forever and no one wants to edit an  
individual. More often than not you are going to be wrong and violate a general 
theory premise of Marx. Then some comrade is going to ask, Why didn't you 
ask  someone or get your article reviewed by other 'eyes' - I's? The only 
answer is  always because I thought I was smarter than everyone else. 
I use Rally as a location beacon. No matter what part of America I move  
to, I can locate myself within a larger spontaneous motion of the American  
working class.

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2010-10-29 Thread Verso Mail
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Volume 1: The Revolutions of 1848, Volume 2: Surveys From Exile, Volume 3: The 
First International and After

By Karl Marx

Edited by David Fernbach

Published 4 October 2010




To celebrate its 40th anniversary, Verso is publishing new editions of Marx's 
 Join us at the Marx Memorial Library to launch the books with a talk from the 
editor, David Fernbach, on editing Marx in 1970 and 2010.

Wednesday 10 November, 7-8.30pm, Marx Memorial Library, 37a Clerkenwell Green, 
London, EC1R ODU

Admission is FREE, all welcome.


Karl Marx was not only the great theorist of capitalism, he was also a superb 
journalist, politician and historian. In these brand-new editions of Marx's 
Political Writings we are able to see the depth and range of his mature work 
from 1848 through to the end of his life, from the Communist Manifesto to The 
Class Struggles in France and The Critique of the Gotha Programme. Edited and 
introduced by David Fernbach, with a foreword by Tariq Ali.


Karl Marx studied law and philosophy at the universities of Bonn and Berlin, 
completing his doctorate in 1841. Expelled from Prussia in 1844, he took up 
residence first in Paris and then in London where, in 1867, he published his 
magnum opus Capital. A co- founder of the International Workingmen's 
Association in 1864, Marx died in London in 1883.


Volume 1: The Revolutions of 1848
ISBN: 978 1 84467 603 3/ £12.99 / 400 pages

Volume 2: Surveys from Exile
ISBN: 978 1 84467 607 1/ £12.99 / 400 pages

Volume 3: The First International and After
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Re: [Marxism] No double-dip

2010-10-29 Thread S. Artesian
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The article doesn't say there won't be a double-dip, but rather that even if 
it does recover, the long term conflicts will remain.

Corporate profits have indeed recovered, and indeed in certain industries, 
like semi-conductor fabrication, capital spending has increased and 
dramatically, to the point where overproduction is closing in again and 
prices of DRAM chips, and perhaps NAND,  have peaked.  Shipbuilding has once 
again been overbooked so we can expect to see freight rates falling and 
ships at anchor.

Corporations in the US are sitting on over a trillion dollars in cash, and 
cash-like securities-- loading up through bond issuings, layoffs, improved 
profits, and restraints on capital spending.

Between the 2Q 2009 and the 2Q 2010 NET property, plant, and equipment for 
US manufacturing declined from $1.273 trillion to $1.255 trillion, which 
indicates that depreciation and the liquidation of PPE is exceeding the rate 
of new investment.

Capacity utilization rates are still below historic averages, so I don't 
expect to see another burst of capital spending acros the board in 

Will there be another dip?  First off, the recovery has not brought the 
output back to pre-recession levels.  Secondly, the recovery, like the post 
2001-2003 recovery is being financed by dollar depreciation, wage 
reductions, restraints on spending... and the post 2003 recovery was the 
weakest on record in terms of job creation, rate of growth of output  etc. 
So the real question just might be... what difference does a double dip make 
when recovery itself is simply a weaker form of contraction?

- Original Message - 
From: robert mckee bobmcke...@yahoo.com
To: sartes...@earthlink.net 

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[Marxism] Dean Baker: Surging Inventories Sustain Third-Quarter Growth

2010-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect
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Re: [Marxism] Churchill's Empire

2010-10-29 Thread Paul Flewers
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Johann Hari was cited by Lou P, saying that 'Winston Churchill is
rightly remembered for leading Britain through her finest hour -- but
what if he also led the country through her most shameful hour? What
if, in addition to rousing a nation to save the world from the Nazis,
he fought for a raw white supremacism and a concentration camp network
of his own? ... Can these clashing Churchills be reconciled? Do we
live, at the same time, in the world he helped to save, and the world
he helped to trash? ... So how can the two be reconciled? Was
Churchill's moral opposition to Nazism a charade, masking the fact he
was merely trying to defend the British Empire from a rival? ... If
Churchill had only been interested in saving the Empire, he could
probably have cut a deal with Hitler. ... In resisting the Nazis, he
produced some of the richest prose-poetry in defence of freedom and
democracy ever written. ... Ultimately, the words of the great and
glorious Churchill who resisted dictatorship overwhelmed the works of
the cruel and cramped Churchill who tried to impose it on the
darker-skinned peoples of the world.'

Hari falls into the trap like so many radicals when it comes to
discussing Churchill.

There was no contradiction between Churchill the arch-imperialist and
racial supremacist and Churchill the wartime leader with his stirring
speeches of resisting the Nazis. Churchill was one of the few British
ruling-class figures who recognised that German imperialism in the
late 1930s was going to explode violently across Europe and thus
threaten British imperial interests by upsetting the
political/economic/diplomatic balance of power which had served
Britain so well for centuries. He knew that a clash was inevitable and
approaching quickly, unlike some of his opponents who felt that war
might be prevented or delayed.

The problem facing Britain's ruling class was that there was a strong
feeling against getting involved in another big war if it was
presented as a crusade for God King and Country. Churchill, for all
his patrician upbringing and manners, was shrewd enough to recognise
that the war effort in Britain would only become popular and accepted
by the masses if it was presented as a struggle for democracy and
freedom. He knew how to play the populist card, using the slogans of
the Popular Front, and this he did very effectively.

Did he believe his own words about freedom and democracy? To some
degree he did, even if only for Britain's population and not for that
of the empire. He had worked politically within a bourgeois democracy
for several decades, and he no doubt felt that it was a suitable way
of running the political affairs of Britain. Had Britain been a more
febrile place in its class relations, it may well have been different.
He notoriously praised Mussolini long after Il Duce's brutalities were
commonly known; even in the late 1930s he could write quite favourably
about Hitler.

Did Churchill find the Nazis repugnant? Many high bourgeois figures
found the plebian Nazis unpleasant; how they regarded them otherwise
depended upon whether such thugs were necessary to defeat the working
class. They were not necessary in Britain, so he was able to look with
disgust upon lower-class elements like the Nazis in other countries.
Faced with the brutal evidence of the Nazis' crimes, Churchill was
horrified, but then so were the top Nazi prisoners at Nuremburg when
they had to observe the films of the very atrocities which they had
set in motion.

Churchill saw the Second World War as a quest to defend Britain's
place in the world, and preserve its empire, by defeating its main
European and Far Eastern rival. Germany and Japan were defeated, with
a great deal of the work being done by the USA and the Soviet Union.
Within three years of the war's end, the 'Jewel of the Crown' -- India
-- was independent. Other colonies were to follow. The unofficial
empire in Latin America had fallen to the dollar. Britain was
bankrupted by the war effort, and Churchill himself was rejected
convincingly by the electorate. An odd victory for him, I think.

Paul F

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[Marxism] People in Jail -- A Telling Comparison

2010-10-29 Thread Paul Flewers
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Reading a review of a new book on Stalin's purges on the H-Net Russia
site, I found this which will be of interest to list members:

' In the Soviet Union in 1937, there were 1,196,369 prisoners out of a
general population of 162,500,000, or 736 prisoners per 100,000
people. This ratio was lower than the 754 prisoners per 100,000 people
in United States today!'

So the number of people in jail in the USA today is larger both
numerically and proportionally than in the Soviet Union at the height
of Stalin's Terror.

Paul F

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[Marxism] Budrus; The Time that Remains

2010-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect
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2 movies about Palestinian suffering and resistance.


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[Marxism] Who cares who wins the election? - an article hidden away on HuffPost

2010-10-29 Thread Lou Paulsen
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The author of the blog post linked below, a leader of the Gay Liberation
Network in Chicago, has been one of the leaders of the independent
anti-imperialist movement here for years.  He's a HuffPost blogger and his
posts are usually featured on the Chicago page  not this time though ...
for some reason


Who cares who wins the elections
by Andy Thayer
Either way, we will not win on November 2nd.  Sure, party hangers-on hoping
for sweetheart contracts and other favors care, and are working overtime
using the issues we care about, and fears about what the other guy might
do to us, to try to make us care who wins as well.  But these party
operatives have horses in these races that the vast majority of us don't,
because when their candidates win, they will go back to screwing us the way
they have before the elections.
Take the race for Illinois's open U.S. Senate seat.  On the one hand you
have a friend of the people banker Democrat whose only major
accomplishment to date was landing a job at the family bank (no doubt there
was rough competition for that gig) and then handing out loans to mobsters
before the whole thing went bust.  He got his current entrée into statewide
office largely because he's a fundraiser for and friend of the Obama
administration, a repeat of that merit-based hire into the banking vice
presidency.  His opponent is a political chameleon who will say anything to
get into office.  

Full post at


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Re: [Marxism] Who cares who wins the election? - an article hidden away on HuffPost

2010-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect
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On 10/29/2010 2:50 PM, Lou Paulsen wrote:

 The author of the blog post linked below, a leader of the Gay Liberation
 Network in Chicago, has been one of the leaders of the independent
 anti-imperialist movement here for years.  He's a HuffPost blogger and his
 posts are usually featured on the Chicago page  not this time though ...
 for some reason


 Who cares who wins the elections
 by Andy Thayer

Thayer urges a vote for the Greens.

This makes me wonder. As bad as the Demogreens have been, is there 
any life left in the GP? I don't seem to recall the Greens urging 
a vote for Democrats on Tuesday.

What is happening with them?

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[Marxism] Habermas NYT op-ed piece on Islamophobia in Germany

2010-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect
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NY Times October 28, 2010
Leadership and Leitkultur


SINCE the end of August Germany has been roiled by waves of 
political turmoil over integration, multiculturalism and the role 
of the “Leitkultur,” or guiding national culture. This discourse 
is in turn reinforcing trends toward increasing xenophobia among 
the broader population.

These trends have been apparent for many years in studies and 
survey data that show a quiet but growing hostility to immigrants. 
Yet it is as though they have only now found a voice: the usual 
stereotypes are being flushed out of the bars and onto the talk 
shows, and they are echoed by mainstream politicians who want to 
capture potential voters who are otherwise drifting off toward the 
right. Two events have given rise to a mixture of emotions that 
are no longer easy to locate on the scale from left to right — a 
book by a board member of Germany’s central bank and a recent 
speech by the German president.

It all began with the advance release of provocative excerpts from 
“Germany Does Away With Itself,” a book that argues that the 
future of Germany is threatened by the wrong kind of immigrants, 
especially from Muslim countries. In the book, Thilo Sarrazin, a 
politician from the Social Democratic Party who sat on the 
Bundesbank board, develops proposals for demographic policies 
aimed at the Muslim population in Germany. He fuels discrimination 
against this minority with intelligence research from which he 
draws false biological conclusions that have gained unusually wide 

In sharp contrast to the initial spontaneous objections from major 
politicians, these theses have gained popular support. One poll 
found that more than a third of Germans agreed with Mr. Sarrazin’s 
prognosis that Germany was becoming “naturally more stupid on 
average” as a result of immigration from Muslim countries.

After half-hearted responses in the press by a handful of 
psychologists who left the impression that there might be 
something to these claims after all, there was a certain shift in 
mood in the news media and among politicians toward Mr. Sarrazin. 
It took several weeks for Armin Nassehi, a respected sociologist, 
to take the pseudoscientific interpretation of the relevant 
statistics apart in a newspaper article. He demonstrated that Mr. 
Sarrazin adopted the kind of “naturalizing” interpretation of 
measured differences in intelligence that had already been 
scientifically discredited in the United States decades ago.

But this de-emotionalizing introduction of objectivity into the 
discussion came too late. The poison that Mr. Sarrazin had 
released by reinforcing cultural hostility to immigrants with 
genetic arguments seemed to have taken root in popular prejudices. 
When Mr. Nassehi and Mr. Sarrazin appeared at the House of 
Literature in Munich, a mob atmosphere developed, with an educated 
middle-class audience refusing even to listen to objections to Mr. 
Sarrazin’s arguments.

Amid the controversy, Mr. Sarrazin was forced to resign from the 
Bundesbank board. But his ouster, combined with the campaign 
against political correctness started by the right, only helped to 
strip his controversial arguments of their odious character. 
Criticism against him was perceived as an overreaction. Hadn’t the 
outraged chancellor, Angela Merkel, denounced the book without 
having read it? Wasn’t she now doing an about-face, by telling 
young members of her Christian Democratic Union party that 
multiculturalism was dead in Germany? And hadn’t the chairman of 
the Social Democrats, Sigmar Gabriel, the only prominent 
politician to counter the substance of Mr. Sarrazin’s claims with 
astute arguments, met with resistance from within his own party 
when he proposed expelling the unloved comrade?

The second disturbing media event in recent weeks was the reaction 
to a speech by the newly elected German president, Christian 
Wulff. As the premier of Lower Saxony, Mr. Wulff had been the 
first to appoint a German woman of Turkish origin as a member of 
his cabinet.

In his speech earlier this month on the anniversary of German 
unification, he took the liberty of reaffirming the commonplace 
notion, which former presidents had already affirmed, that not 
only Christianity and Judaism but “Islam also belongs in Germany.”

After the speech the president received a standing ovation in the 
Bundestag from the assembled political notables. But the next day 
the conservative press homed in on his assertion about Islam’s 
place in Germany. The issue has since prompted a split within his 
own party, the Christian Democratic Union. It is true that, 
although the social integration of Turkish guest workers and their 
descendants has 

[Marxism] A nice complement from Alexander Cockburn

2010-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect
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Who says these days that in the last analysis, the only way to 
change the status quo and challenge the Money Power of Wall St is 
to overthrow the government by force? That isn’t some old 
Trotskyist lag like Louis Proyect, dozing on the dungheap of 
history like Odysseus’ lice-ridden old hound Argos, woofing with 
alarm as the shadow of a new idea darkens the threshold.


This is the kindest thing I have heard from a Nation Magazine 
writer since Marc Cooper called me a prolific buffoon. I only 
wish I had place for it on my blog like Doug Henwood puts this on LBO:

You're scum...sick and twisted...it's tragic you exist. - former 
Wall Street Journal executive editor Norman Pearlstine, who has 
gone on to great things at Time Inc.

I should add that I spotted Alex's fulmination not 5 minutes after 
sending in $25 to the Counterpunch fund-drive.

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Re: [Marxism] Churchill's Empire

2010-10-29 Thread Nestor Gorojovsky
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El 29/10/2010 01:31 p.m., Paul Flewers escribió:
 Within three years of the war's end, the 'Jewel of the Crown' -- India
 -- was independent. Other colonies were to follow. The unofficial
 empire in Latin America had fallen to the dollar.

True as regards currency, not as regards the general political and 
economic scenario.

One, at least, had temporarily escaped the grip of British imperialism 
without falling to dependency on US imperialism. He is famous (among 
Leftist Arg popular nationalists, at least) for having said in 1945 that 
Argentina should never be allowed to industrialize, lest all of Latin 
America would follow her.

Arg popular nationalism, in those times, was strongly anti-British, as 
against the Arg Left, who were anti-US but mostly PRO-BRITISH.

Argentina was, in many senses, the Latin American Jewel of the Crown. 
A representative of our ruling classes had declared, during an OFFICIAL 
mission to London -panicked at the (in fact baseless) fear that Britain 
would leave Arg to live on her own after the Ottawa Agreements- that we 
were, on every ground but on the economic one, the Sixth Dominion in the 

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Re: [Marxism] A nice complement from Alexander Cockburn

2010-10-29 Thread S. Artesian
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Get your money back.

- Original Message - 
From: Louis Proyect l...@panix.com

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Re: [Marxism] A nice complement from Alexander Cockburn

2010-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect
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On 10/29/2010 4:00 PM, S. Artesian wrote:

 Get your money back.

I would have given $50 for a tirade like that. As Howard Stern 
once said, I don't care what they say about me as long as they say 
something. Or was that Joan Rivers...

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[Marxism] What about the Greens???

2010-10-29 Thread Jonathan Flanders
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On Fri, 2010-10-29 at 14:58 -0400, Louis Proyect wrote:
 I don't seem to recall the Greens urging 
 a vote for Democrats on Tuesday.
 What is happening with them?

I have no idea where the Greens are overall, but I have been supporting
Howie Hawkins, the NY GP candidate for governor, who has been
campaigning full time for the last month or so. He is very clear on not
supporting Democrats.

He is a Teamster UPS worker and a good example of a worker candidate
running for office.

He just stopped by the rail yard where I work  today and I am sure he
will get a good showing from my co-workers.

The Albany alternative weekly just endorsed him.

I think that he might surprise some people next Tuesday. 

Stay tuned.

Jon Flanders



Howie Hawkins for New York State Governor

Carl Paladino represents what is perhaps most loathsome in politics
these days-a rich, Albany insider trying to capitalize on fear, racism
and bigotry to gain control of the government that already greatly
benefits his business.


This should be an easy endorsement for Andrew Cuomo, but sadly, it is
not. Cuomo has avoided the press like the plague, danced away from
issues during the one debate he agreed to participate in, run a campaign
far to the right of the Democratic base he represents, and basically
ignored minorities. We fear Cuomo has more sympathy for the corporations
and real-estate interests that have funded his campaign than he does for
the working-class New Yorker. We are also concerned about how his office
has selectively pursued corruption cases against members of his own


 Yes, we could endorse Cuomo based on the horror we feel when we imagine
Paladino in charge of the state, but let's be honest: Paladino has
already dug his own grave with his hate speech, bizarre behavior and
lack of real policy. Some might tell you that if you want to send Cuomo
a message that you do not agree with his austerity budget, which will
slash services to the needy and hurt the environment, you should vote
Cuomo on the Working Families Party Line. But Cuomo won't get that
message. He had the WFP on its knees fighting for survival, and the
party signed off on his pledge, approving his austerity budget.


This should be a vote based on hope, not on fear, and that is why
Metroland endorses Howie Hawkins for governor of New York. Hawkins has
the kind of progressive ideas that Andrew Cuomo needs to hear about.
Hawkins' plan to reinstate the stock-transfer tax and use it to create a
Works Progress Administration-like entity that would offer jobs to
unemployed New Yorkers might seem like a pie-in-the-sky dream, but that
is because progressives have let conservatives vilify them without
pushing back. Hawkins has the kind of policy initiatives that
progressives have been scared to mention for years. It is time to stand
up and tell Democrats and Republicans that we have had enough of their
ties to corporate interests, that we are sick with scandal fatigue and
policy agendas that shift to meet the needs of lobbyists and campaign
donors. If you want to send Cuomo a message that he is too far to the
right, vote for Howie Hawkins


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Re: [Marxism] A nice complement from Alexander Cockburn

2010-10-29 Thread Debordagoria
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Tallulah Bankhead 

 I would have given $50 for a tirade like that. As Howard
 once said, I don't care what they say about me as long as
 they say 
 something. Or was that Joan Rivers...


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Re: [Marxism] A nice complement from Alexander Cockburn

2010-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect
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On 10/29/2010 4:21 PM, S. Artesian wrote:


 For $50 I'll give a tirade that could blister the paint on a parking meter,
 that could raise a welt on a tombstone, that could bring tears to the eyes
 of zombie

 But anyway,  good to hear you got your money's worth from that dribbling

Go ahead, but send the money in to Counterpunch.


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Re: [Marxism] A nice complement from Alexander Cockburn

2010-10-29 Thread Jonathan Flanders
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On Fri, 2010-10-29 at 16:25 -0400, Louis Proyect wrote:
 Go ahead, but send the money in to Counterpunch.

When I make my donation, I will be sure to tell CP that you sent me.

Jon Flanders

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Re: [Marxism] American-style

2010-10-29 Thread Glenn Parton
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Thank you once again for your in-depth analysis of the American political 
scene. I get your basic point: the role of intellectual revolutionaries is to 
help the people in moving along what you call the line of march. Simply put, 
you see workers, who are displaced by advancing technological society, engaging 
in more and more of a struggle against the State; they cannot really get at 
corporate employers, so they will increasingly demand the satisfaction of their 
needs from the State. In this way, the economic struggle becomes a political 
struggle, and with the help of revolutionaries, the collective awareness is 
ultimately reached that it is necessary (for the satisfaction of human needs) 
to make the means of production public property. Is that the gist of it? I find 
it to be a novel and insightful perspective that I need to further consider?
The manner in which Rally Comrades is organized and functions is fascinating, 
and I'm glad to hear that these kind of political-communal experiments are 
happening in America. As you know, America has its own history of Utopian 
experimentation, which may not be as bold or deep, generally speaking, as 
European-style alternative living and working circles, but there's a rich 
history here to be build on.
I'm going to read the new essay on the politics of bipartisanship this 
afternoon, and post some comments asap.
Naturally, I'm very interested to hear more about your class on America and 
the Marxist approach. What else can you tell me about it?
 Marx economic determinism - (how revolution in means of production and 
 corresponding political relations compel society to leaps to a new mode of 

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Re: [Marxism] A nice complement from Alexander Cockburn

2010-10-29 Thread S. Artesian
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You don't understand, you have to send ME the money. Then you get the 
- Original Message - 
 Go ahead, but send the money in to Counterpunch.

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Re: [Marxism] Ausgezeichnet !

2010-10-29 Thread Bill O'Connor
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Jay Moore piein...@igc.org writes:

 David Harvey also has a new book out on Reading Capital, a spin-off I 
 think from his online lecture series (which I found outstanding).

Do you mean A Companion to Marx's Capital?  I just ordered one:


In Solidarity,
Billy O'Connor

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Re: [Marxism] American style

2010-10-29 Thread Glenn Parton
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Just finished The Politics of Bipartisanship. It's a brilliant Marxist 
analysis of American electoral politics, and that's EXACTLY what is needed 
right now in my opinion. I have some reservations about what is said regarding 
the necessity of a Third Party, but that's OK because the most important thing 
at this historical moment is that WE have this conversation, and bring forth a 
lot of perspectives that will help us move forward.
I'm now reading Nelson Peery's Entering An epoch of Social Revolution, and I 
see that he has the right focus.   
Pleased to  meet you on Marxmail, courtesy of Louis Proyect.
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Re: [Marxism] A nice complement from Alexander Cockburn

2010-10-29 Thread Gary MacLennan
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 S. Artesian wrote:

  Get your money back.

 Lou replied: I would have given $50 for a tirade like that. As Howard Stern
 once said, I don't care what they say about me as long as they say
 something. Or was that Joan Rivers...

 Oscar Wilde: The only thing worse than being talked about is not being
talked about.”

I have to say though, that I wonder what these new ideas are that are
supposed to alarm us old lags? Maybe eventually Mr Counter Punch will
enlighten us. In any case he certainly has not done so todate.



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Re: [Marxism] A nice complement from Alexander Cockburn

2010-10-29 Thread Mark Lause
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Some of these characters talk about new ideas the way Democrats talk about
compromise and pragmatism.

They are magic words to ward off the evil eye.


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Re: [Marxism] Who cares who wins the elections

2010-10-29 Thread Mark Lause
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The Greens remain, as they always have been...a mixed bag that varies
tremendously from one part of the country to another.

That is, they're like most really large radical clusterbunches in modern
America (like the SDS, for one example).  It's too bad Marxists haven't
usually been sufficiently flexible to find ways to relate to them more

On this group, though, the time for the GPUS may be long past, though the
state and local parties may well be worth supporting, Howie in New York and
the rather new wave of Greens in Illinois as examples


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Re: [Marxism] Who cares who wins the elections

2010-10-29 Thread Glenn Parton
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Yes, it is too bad that Marxists haven't related better to the Greens (as a 
whole). Why do you suppose that it? Do you think that the US Green Party even 
desires the end of Capitalism, or are they too much of a mixed bag for anyone 
to know? 
 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
 The Greens remain, as they always have been...a mixed bag that varies
 tremendously from one part of the country to another.

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Re: [Marxism] A nice complement from Alexander Cockburn

2010-10-29 Thread sartesian
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

What's need got to do with it?

-Original Message- 
From: Louis Proyect 
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2010 5:37 PM 

You need money about as much as I do.

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[Marxism] Why Capitalism Cannot be Tamed

2010-10-29 Thread michael perelman
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A little more than a year ago, I posted a note using football as a 
metaphor for the futility of effective regulation.


Some people dismissed the football metaphor.  The Wall Street Journal 
today has a story about how people design new psychotropic drugs to get 
around regulation.  It may be that these new drugs are more dangerous 
than banned drugs.  In all likelihood, they can design these drugs 
faster than the government can make regulations.

How in the world can regulators get ahead of financial industry or tax 
lawyers, even if the lobbyists were not writing the regulations or the 
tax codes.

Whalen, Jeanne. 2010. In Quest for 'Legal High,' Chemists Outfox Law. 
Wall Street Journal (30 October).

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA

530 898 5321
fax 530 898 5901

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Re: [Marxism] Who cares who wins the elections

2010-10-29 Thread Mark Lause
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Some Greens advocate an end to capitalism and some don't.  But that's the
wrong starting point to understand these things.

The radical dynamic comes from going into action independently.  Most people
most of the time are going be groping their way, but the chances of their
contributing to moving society forward is much more possible than using the
terminology of socialism to rationalize voting for capitalism.


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[Marxism] Roma punks rise at right time

2010-10-29 Thread Stuart Munckton
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

“My next guests are a gypsy punk rock band that have been called the world’s
most visionary band”, US TV show host Jay Leno said when he introduced Gogol
Bordello to close the October 13, 2010. *Jay Leno Show*.

If “most visionary” is an exaggeration, Gogol Bordello could at least lay
claim to being one of the most interesting and important acts in popular
music right now.


“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Hi, I'm a Tea-Partier

2010-10-29 Thread c b
Hi, I'm a Tea-Partier

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Basil Davidson obituary

2010-10-29 Thread c b
I missed this in the summer.


Basil Davidson obituary


Radical journalist and historian who charted the death throes of
colonialism in Africa

Basil Davidson Davidson found himself listed as a ‘prohibited
immigrant’ in some white-ruled African countries. Photograph: Augusta

Basil Davidson, who has died aged 95, was a radical journalist in the
great anti-imperial tradition, and became a distinguished historian of
pre-colonial Africa. An energetic and charismatic figure, he was
dropped behind enemy lines during the second world war and joined that
legendary band of British soldiers who fought with the partisans in
Yugoslavia and in Italy. Years later, he was the first reporter to
travel with the guerrillas fighting the Portuguese in Angola and
Guinea-Bissau, and brought their struggle to the world's attention.

For many years he was at the centre of the campaigns for Africa's
liberation from colonialism and apartheid, endlessly addressing
meetings and working on committees. Extremely tall and with a shock of
white hair, and possessing the old-fashioned courtesy of the ex-army
officer that he was – or even of the country gentleman that he
eventually became after his move to the West Country – he was an
unlikely figure at many of these often incoherent and sometimes
sectarian events, usually run by student activists and exiles.

Among his friends were the historians Thomas Hodgkin, EP Thompson and
Eric Hobsbawm. The Palestinian scholar Edward Said placed him in a
select band of western artists and intellectuals with a sympathy and
comprehension of foreign cultures that meant that they had in effect,
crossed to the other side.

Born in Bristol, Davidson left school at 16, determined to become a
writer, though he first made his living by pasting advertisements for
bananas on shop windows in the north of England. Moving to London, he
found his way into journalism, working for the Economist and then as
the diplomatic correspondent of the Star, a now defunct London evening

In the late 1930s he travelled widely in Italy and in central Europe,
and his familiarity with its geography and his capacity to learn its
languages made him an obvious candidate, when the war broke out, for
the Special Operations Executive – seeking to undermine the Nazi
regime from within. His self-reliance, and lack of interest in
received wisdom, soon marked him out. When sent out to Budapest, to
stimulate the resistance forces in Hungary, he crossed swords with the
British ambassador, who ordered him to stop storing plastic explosives
in the embassy cellar.

In Cairo, he worked on plans to drop agents into Yugoslavia, first to
the royalists and then, after much internal argument, to Tito's
communist guerrillas. Davidson was eventually parachuted into
Yugoslavia himself, to join the communists in the uncompromising
territory of the Vojvodina, the plain of the Danube valley across from
Hungary. There, his exceptional physical strength and bravery were
tested to the utmost.

When he returned to Yugoslavia at the end of the war, his companion on
the visit, Kingsley Martin, editor of the New Statesman, recorded how
as we entered the villages, people would run out crying 'Nicola,
Nicola!' (Davidson's partisan name) and, after kissing him on the
cheek, carry us both into their houses, where it was hard without
offence to avoid getting drunk on Slivovitza.

Davidson fought in Yugoslavia from August 1943 to November 1944, then
transferred to the Ligurian hills of northern Italy. He and his
partisan band seized Genoa before the arrival of American or British

The war years marked him for ever. He fell in love with the
comradeship, the trust and the spiritual force of endurance in the
service of an ideal that he found with the guerrilla fighters. The
lessons he learned about the muddle of war were important for his
later work in Africa. In Angola and Guinea-Bissau in the early 1970s,
and in Eritrea almost 20 years later, he found those same life forces
and loved them. The subjective nature of his response to this history
in the making, to deep friendships made and lost, made very painful
the eventual unravelling of so much that he believed in.

The political lessons were less personally rewarding, since his
willingness to collaborate with communists in battle would lead him in
later life to be labelled by the Foreign Office as a dangerous fellow
traveller. Davidson had never been attracted to Marxism, but his
wartime experiences with Communist partisans coloured his general
attitude towards the cold war struggle, first in Europe and later in
Africa. If communists were prepared to fight against the Nazis, or
later against South African apartheid and Portuguese colonialism, that
caused him no problems.

At the end of the war, a lieutenant-colonel awarded the Military Cross
and twice mentioned in dispatches, he turned again to journalism,
working first