[Marxism] Ireland: Fianna Fail/Greens cave in to EU/IMF on `bailout'; Left vows to fight austerity | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2010-11-24 Thread glparramatta
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Reacting to the announcement , Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams said the 
government has no mandate to do what it is doing. It has handed over 
authority for the state to outsiders in order to get a digout for the 
banks, which the Irish people will have to pay for. The government 
should resign so that citizens can have their say in a general election.

Sinn Fein TD [member of Ireland's parliament, the Dail] Aengus O 
Snodaigh said on November 21 that the government should throw the IMF 
out of the country. Deputy O Snodaigh said Irish sovereignty was not 
something that Fianna Fail and the Green Party [coalition government] 
could sell off to the highest bidder.

They have absolutely no mandate for any of what they are doing and they 
are acting against the wishes of the people.

This government has brought the country to the brink of economic 
collapse and now they want to sell of our hard won sovereignty to the 
IMF. The history of the IMF in other countries is one of privatisation 
of vital public services and mass unemployment. But there is another 
way. It's time to burn the bondholders and nationalise Bank of Ireland 
and Allied Irish Bank.

The government should throw the IMF out of the country before resigning 
and calling a general election. Irish sovereignty is not something that 
Fianna Fail and the Green Party can sell off to the highest bidder.

Full articles and statements from the Irish left at 


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[Marxism] Chinese consumer the hope of the world?

2010-11-24 Thread Ralph Johansen
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[Marxism] Understanding China's less than impressive life expectancy growth

2010-11-24 Thread Louis Proyect
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NY Times November 23, 2010
Life Expectancy in China Rising Slowly, Despite Economic Surge

A quick quiz: Which of the following countries has had the smallest 
increase in life expectancy since 1990 — Bangladesh, China, Pakistan, 
South Korea or Sudan?

The answer is not war-torn Sudan or tumultuous Pakistan. It isn’t South 
Korea, which started from a higher level than any of the others. And it 
isn’t abjectly poor Bangladesh.

It’s China, the great economic success story of the last two decades and 
the country that inspires fear and envy around the world. Yet when 
measured on one of most important yardsticks of all, China does not look 
so impressive.

 From 1990 to 2008, life expectancy in China rose 5.1 years, to 73.1, 
according to a World Bank compilation of United Nations data. Nearly 
every other big developing country, be it Brazil, Egypt, Ethiopia, 
India, Indonesia or Iran, had a bigger increase over that span, despite 
much slower economic growth. Since 2000, most of Western Europe, 
Australia and Israel, all of which started with higher life expectancy, 
have also outpaced China.

The moral? Economic growth makes almost any societal problem easier to 
solve, but growth doesn’t guarantee better lives — or better health — 
for everyone. That’s been true for centuries. The rate of growth and the 
kind of growth both matter.

If you scan the globe today, you may end up wondering whether any 
country has landed on the right mix. Europe offers a good life to many 
people, with generous vacations, parental leaves and health benefits, 
but its economies have been growing slowly, which is one reason its 
debts are so onerous.

The United States grew more quickly than Europe in recent decades, but 
many of the gains flowed to a small slice of the population. Median 
household income, adjusted for inflation, actually fell from 2000 to 
2007 — and has fallen more since the financial crisis began in 2007.

China can sometimes look like the economy of the future, having grown 
stunningly fast for almost 30 years now, lifting hundreds of millions of 
people out of poverty. But it, too, has real problems. Above all, its 
growth has been uneven. The coast has benefited much more than the 
interior. Almost everywhere, some aspects of life have improved much 
more than others.

Whether China can switch to a more balanced form of growth, as its 
leaders have vowed, will obviously have a big effect on the rest of the 
global economy. Yet it’s worth remembering that the biggest impact will 
be on the one-sixth of the world’s population who live in China. And 
arguably the best example is the fact that the country has grown vastly 
wealthier but only modestly healthier.

There is an intriguing parallel here to the Industrial Revolution. The 
eminent economist Richard Easterlin has noted that longevity and health 
did not improve much when economic growth took off in the early 19th 

With rising incomes, people could afford better food, clothing and 
shelter. But they were also exposed to more disease because so many of 
them were moving to cities. The combined effect appears to have been 
“stagnation or, at best, mild improvement in life expectancy,” Mr. 
Easterlin has written.

The Mortality Revolution, as he calls it, did not occur for almost 
another a century. It depended on relatively cheap investments in public 
health, like sanitation, and on the spread of scientific methods.

Similarly, in today’s China, many more people have acquired indoor 
plumbing, heating, air-conditioning or other basics. Other aspects of 
the boom, however, have pushed in the opposite direction.

As in the Industrial Revolution, many people have left the countryside 
and poured into crowded cities. Accidents have become common, like the 
Shanghai fire last week or a series of workplace tragedies in recent 
months. Obesity is rising. Pollution is terrible.

I recently spent some time in China, and despite everything I’d heard in 
advance about the pollution, I was still taken aback. The tops of 
skyscrapers in Beijing can be hard to see from the street. Breathing the 
smog can feel like having a permanent low-grade sinus infection. For the 
Chinese, cancer has displaced strokes as the leading cause of death, 
partly because of pollution, notes Yang Lu of the Keck School of 
Medicine at the University of Southern California.

Finally, there is the medical system itself. The dismantling of 
state-run industrial companies over the last two decades has ended the 
cradle-to-grave benefits system known as the iron rice bowl. In its 
place was a market-based medical system many Chinese could not afford. 
Even in emergencies, people sometimes had to bring cash to the hospital 
to get treatment.


[Marxism] The Irish bailout and the necessity for the United Socialist States of Europe

2010-11-24 Thread Peggy Dobbins
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They got my attention

The progressive unification of Europe is possible only in the form of the 
United Socialist States of Europe. The International Committee of the Fourth 
International (ICFI) is the only political organization worldwide which 
advances such a perspective. We call on working and young people to read and 
support the World Socialist Web Site, study the policies and programs of the 
sections of the ICFI, and join and build the world party of socialist 


Peggy Powell Dobbins 
Sociology as an Art Form

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Re: [Marxism] The Irish bailout and the necessity for the United Socialist States of Europe

2010-11-24 Thread Mark Lause
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What a terribly antique slogan!

Not that I don't like it.  In fact, it makes me want Doctor Who to pick me
up again and carry me back to fight alongside Garibaldi (Actually,
though, I think it's an 18th century idea, isn't it?)

Either way, I'm glad the ICFI is right on top of this. Pass the chassepot
and raise the tricolor(s).


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Re: [Marxism] The Irish bailout and the necessity for the United Socialist States of Europe

2010-11-24 Thread Mark Lause
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Or even just

A las barricadas!  Aux barricades!  Auf den Barrikaden!

(I'll be over there next to Garibaldi's ghost.)


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Re: [Marxism] The Irish bailout and the necessity for the United Socialist States of Europe

2010-11-24 Thread Eli Stephens
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Others have commented on the slogan, but it's this that caught my eye: We call 
on working and young people to read and support the World
Socialist Web Site, study the policies and programs of the sections of
the ICFI, and join and build the world party of socialist revolution.

So they have policies and programs and a website. They don't actually DO 
anything as far as I can tell, but they expect working and young people to be 
inspired by their policies and programs. Good luck with that.

Eli Stephens
 Left I on the News


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[Marxism] Crisis in Ireland - video of John McAnulty

2010-11-24 Thread David Walsh
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[Marxism] Crisis Conference Wrap-Up (Videos More)

2010-11-24 Thread seth weiss
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Hi, Would you post this announcement? Many thanks, Seth 

November 24, 2010

Dear Friend,

Marxist-Humanist Initiative
(MHI) is pleased to announce the creation of new pages in our website
publication, With Sober Senses, that are dedicated to
following-up on the conference “Economic Crisis and Left Responses,” held Nov.
6 in New York City.

We convened the conference
in order to further discussion, if not resolve, some of the conflicting
theories coming from the Left concerning the underlying reasons for and
consequences of the recent crisis and Great Recession. Although the 150 people
at the conference didn’t agree on either the theoretical underpinnings or what
practice should flow from them, we believe the conference took a giant step
forward in the direction of working out theory and practice. That is because
many of the speakers and audience members actively engaged with each others’
issues; they did not merely put forth their positions and leave them
un-debated, nor did most people rush to prescribe “practice” without indicating
the theory underlying their practice.

We wish to continue to
facilitate wide-ranging dialogue on the conference topics, not only so that all
views can be heard but, above all, so that we can test different ideas in
debate and work out answers to the questions we are up against at this moment.
We believe this is the only way for the Left to become relevant in the face of
increasing assaults, in the name of “austerity,” against workers, women,
African Americans, Latinos, youth, and GLBTs in the U.S., and similar struggles

You will find a report of
the conference at http://tinyurl.com/2vyw8z7. It contains a link to

Videos of the entire

of the conference papers in written form, 

program, abstracts and draft papers posted before the conference,

proposal we made at the conference to form a Network for the Circulation of
Theoretical Struggles, and

place to add your comments on the conference and its aftermath.

We hope you will contribute
to the discussion by submitting a comment and by taking part in the formation
of the Network for the Circulation of Theoretical Struggles—sign up at “Contact

We also invite you to take
a look at the rest of our website, and to tell us through the “Contact Us” page
that you want to stay in touch with MHI (no more than two e-mails a month).

In solidarity,

Anne Jaclard for MHI


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Re: [Marxism] The Irish bailout and the necessity for the United Socialist States of Europe

2010-11-24 Thread S. Artesian
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Don't think  To the barricades really captures the content of the struggle 
right now-- but targeting the debt, the bailout, and the exploiters' common 
market just might.

Beats the fuck out of  Vote Sinn Fein. 

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[Marxism] blog post: That Which is Full of Wonder

2010-11-24 Thread MICHAEL YATES
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Full at  
This is the last paragraph of the post:
Our hikes to famous arches like Delicate and Druid have turned us into arch 
“hounds,” always on the lookout for new ones. We were hiking on the Moab Rim 
Trail, and Karen spotted an arch along a cliff. We walked over to get a better 
view. In case it didn’t have a name, we christened it Karen’s Arch. In the 
distance were the rocky battlements created by the relentless knifing action of 
the Colorado River.  From any vantage point, they look like eternal backdrops 
in a play that goes on forever. They reminded me of the “metaphysical” art of 
the Italian painter Georgio de Chirico.  He painted urban landscapes that try 
to make us see the perfect Platonic forms that underlie what we think is 
reality. But de Chirico’s metaphysic is false.  There are no true and eternal 
forms.  There are only appearances, and these are always in flux.  Some last a 
short time, like the artist’s paintings; others, like the rocks, last for 
millions of years.  But all will turn to dust or sand someday.  Only the 
universe itself might go on forever.  Still, it gives me comfort to look at the 
arches, at the rocks around them, at the world we have but only partially 
created, and dream of those who came here before me and those who will come 


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Re: [Marxism] The Irish bailout and the necessity for the United Socialist States of Europe

2010-11-24 Thread Gary MacLennan
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Such are the wondrous ways of the Web that I, sat here in Brisbane, have
just been forwarded a photocopy of the front page of the tabloid the Irish
Daily Star headline 'Useless Gobshites'. This can be seen at 
The site for the paper has apparently collapsed due to the traffic.  So the
headline in a right wing rag captures exactly the sentiment of the masses.

I personally doubt if the Irish ruling class want an election in this
atmosphere.  The hatred, fear, anger and volatility might not be so easy for
them to channel in moderate directions.

The Greens seem to have finally awakened to the fact that they too are about
to be destroyed.  They have gone all the way with Faina Fail and now
hopefully they are about to cease to exist as an electoral force.

BTW looking at what the Greens in Germany and in Ireland achieved while they
were in government makes one wonder about the potential of the Aussie
variety of Green parliamentarians.



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[Marxism] The left cannot ignore China’s achie vements, but neither can it be too celebratory | Lin ks International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2010-11-24 Thread glparramatta
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By*Michael Karadjis*

November 24, 2010 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ 
-- I strongly agree with Reihana Mohideen (“The left cannot ignore 
China’s achievement in poverty reduction 
http://links.org.au/node/1941”http://links.org.au/node/1941), that 
the left cannot simply ignore China’s impressive achievements in poverty 
reduction and other related social development. I also agree very much 
with Reihana that the main source of China’s outstanding success as a 
Third World capitalist power is to be found in the Chinese revolution 
itself, despite the undoing of its socialist basis and the uncontrolled 
capitalist development that has taken its place.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/2010


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Re: [Marxism] The left cannot ignore China’s achie vements, but neither can it be too celebratory | Lin ks International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2010-11-24 Thread Louis Proyect
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On 11/24/10 9:53 PM, glparramatta wrote:

 By*Michael Karadjis*

 November 24, 2010 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/
 -- I strongly agree with Reihana Mohideen (“The left cannot ignore
 China’s achievement in poverty reduction
 http://links.org.au/node/1941”http://links.org.au/node/1941), that
 the left cannot simply ignore China’s impressive achievements in poverty
 reduction and other related social development.

I have some thoughts on China's poverty reduction that were triggered 
by the documentary Last Train Home that I saw tonight. Will post about 
this in a couple of days.

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Re: [Marxism] The Irish bailout and the necessity for the United Socialist States of Europe

2010-11-24 Thread Dan DiMaggio
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I think people on this list might be interested in seeing Joe Higgins of the
Socialist Party of Ireland's speech in the European Parliament, to which he
was elected last year as an MEP, denouncing what is going on there:


And here he is skewering the president of the European Central Bank:

You can see more videos and read more of his comments at

- Dan

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