2011-01-02 Thread Marxist Front
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Since 2007 India and the European Union have been engaged in 
negotiations on Free Trade Agreement (FTA). The agreement is being 
termed as one that would improve market access for goods and services, 
substantially increasing the bilateral trade between the two entities. 
As per the statement of the European parliament the bilateral trade is 
expected to exceed €70.7 billion by 2010 and €160.6 billion by 2015. The 
FTA would increase EU exports to India by $17-18 billion while India’s 
export would increase by around $5 billion.

The FTA after it comes into effect would be substantially different from 
the other FTAs that have been signed till date. The agreement being 
termed as a new generation FTA that will cover many more areas other 
than commodity trade like trade in services, investment, intellectual 
property rights, competition policy, government procurement to name a few.
The proposed FTA is going to have a far reaching consequence for both 
the Indian state as well as for the lives and livelihood of Indian 
masses. In this context it becomes imperative to understand the various 
provisions being negotiated in the agreement that are going to directly 
impact an extremely large segment of the population.

Read the entire article at: http://www.cipra.in/





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[Marxism] New issue of Revolutionary Democracy is available

2010-11-17 Thread Marxist Front
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New issue of Revolutionary Democracy is available

Dear Comrades and Friends,


The latest issue of the Indian ML journal, Revolutionary Democracy, is now 
available. The contents are below.


The issue is over 200 pages long, and the cost is $6 per issue.


Please send orders to:


K-67 First Floor

Jangpura Extension,

New Delhi-110014


editor_rev...@rediffmail.com or editor_rev...@indiatimes.com


Payment can be made by cash, check or money order made out to me (RD has no 
bank account here). For Payment details please contact 
editor_rev...@rediffmail.com or editor_rev...@indiatimes.com


For details log on towww.revolutioanrydemocracy.org  

Contents of this Issue-




The Crisis in Indian Agriculture, Jaya Mehta


Is Operation Green Hunt an Essential Requirement for Higher Growth in India? 
N.K. Bhattacharyya


Agricolonialism: Poor Man's Land: Rich Men's Harvest, Pratyush


Anti-SEZ Struggle in Maharashtra, Shashi Sonawane


Random Notes on the Right to Education Act. 2009, C. N. Subramaniam


Be United on Muivah, Malem Ningthouja


Interview with Santosh Rana, Biswajit Roy


RICO Automobile Worker Murdered in Gurgaon, Haryana, Worker's Unity Trade Union


Pakistan: 'Ownership or Death', Shaukat Choudhry


Moni Guha:   In Memoriam, Tributes by the New Communist Party, Pakistan Mazdoor 
Mahaaz, Subodh Mitra, Srilata Swaminathan,   Ashim Roy, C. N. Subramaniam, 
Tripta Wahi, Timir Basu, Gautam Sen, Partha Sarkar, Gopal Bhattacharya, 
Communist Ghadar Party of India


Correspondence: Jagjit Singh Lyallpuri


2009: Stalin's Year in Russia, Yuri Yemelianov


At the Root of the Economic Theories of Modern Revisionism: Bogdanov-Bukharin's 
Theory of Equilibrium, Rafael Martinez


> From the Conversation with the Delegation of the CC CPC   inMoscow, (11th 
> July, 1949), J.V. Stalin


Three Letters from the CPI to J.V. Stalin with the Handwritten Comments of the 
Soviet Leader, February, 1951


United States:   An Undeserved Prize, J. Cruz Guerrero


Norway: Social-Democracy Strengthens its Grip, Communist Platform


Greece: The Government of the Bourgeois 'Pasok' Has Come to   'Finish the Job', 
Movement for the Reorganisation of KKE (1918-55)


Chile I: Only with the Organised Peoples can we Overcome the   Effects of the 
Natural   Earthquake&   its Neo-Liberal   Accomplice, Chilean Communist Party 
(Proletarian Action)


Chile II: The Continuity of Neo-Liberalism is Assured, Chilean Communist Party 
(Proletarian Action)


Ecuador: Concerted Action by the Right Wing, En Marcha


Haiti: Your Heroic People and the Revolution Will Save You, Chilean Communist 
Party (Proletarian Action) PC (AP)


Gabon: Down with the Coup of the Bongo Clan Supported by French Imperialism, 
Communist Party of the Workers of France


Ivory Coast: Electoral Process in the Ivory Coast: What Must the Ivorian People 
do to Exercise Sovereignty, Revolutionary Communist Party of the Ivory Coast


International Conference of the Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations: 
International Meeting, November, 2009. Resolutions on Iran, On the Fall of the 
Berlin Wall, On the Coup in Honduras


Obituary: Habib Tanvir,   Javed Malick


The Poetry of Langston Hughes






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[Marxism] The Bolsheviks in the Tsarist Duma,

2010-06-13 Thread Marxist Front
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Dear comrades and friends,

This is to let you know that the excellent book by A. Badayev, The 
Bolsheviks in the Tsarist Duma, is available on the Revolutionary 
Democracy web-site at:

Click on the 
link Archival 






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[Marxism] Stalin Archive now on the Revolutionary Democracy website

2010-04-18 Thread Marxist Front
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 Original Message 
Subject:Fwd: Fwd: [MLL] Fwd: Stalin Archive now on the Revolutionary 
Democracy website
Date:   Sun, 18 Apr 2010 22:01:13 +0530
From:   Marxist Front 
To: Forum for the discussion of theoretical issues raised by Karl Marx 
and the thinkers he inspired 

- Forwarded Message -
From: editor revdem
To: marxist-leninist-l...@lists.econ.utah.edu
Sent: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 20:07:08 +0530 (IST)
Subject: Stalin Archive now on the Revolutionary Democracy website

The Revolutionary Democracy website at: www.revolutionarydemocracy.org now 
includes a Stalin Archive.

Just Scroll down the left side of the site.

The archive includes so far  Volumes 14 to 18 of the Works of Stalin which were 
published by Red Star Press, London, in the 1970s and 1980s; the Correspondence 
Between the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Presidents 
of the USA and the Prime Ministers of Great Britain During the Great Patriotic 
War of 1941-1945 and the Minutes of The TehranYalta&Potsdam Conferences.

Here is the introductory note to the archive:

Stalin was a leading communist revolutionary of the twentieth century whose 
seminal contribution is increasingly felt in the twenty first century.His name 
is identified with the construction of socialism in the Soviet Union, the 
victory over fascism in the Second World War and the transitionto communist 
society. These colossal victories would not have been possible without the 
defeat of the oppositions led by Trotsky and Bukharin whoopposed socialist 
industrialisation and collectivisation. By the time ofthe death of Stalin a 
large people’s democratic camp had been built up in central and eastern Europe 
and Asia alongside the USSR.

Yet the writings of Stalin are not easy to locate despite the fact that anumber 
of websites include some of his works. 13 Volumes of the Works were completed 
in English prior to the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU in 1956. The dummy of 
Volume 14 had been printed prior to this event and the publication of the 
volume was announced before the Closed Speech. It was not to be printed. The 
Soviet archives show that preparatory work had alsobegun for volumes 15-17 of 
the Works of Stalin. This archive represents anattempt to widen the 
availability of the writings of this classic of Marxism. We begin by 
reconstituting Volumes 14 to 18 of the Works of Stalin which were published by 
Red Star Press, London in the 1970s and 1980s. These volumes which are much in 
demand have been out of print for many years. The Red Star Press compilation 
drew upon the labours of communists whohad gathered materials for the 
publication of the Works of Stalin in French and German. Separate from these 
endeavours communists in Albania and Spain independently compiled volumes 14 in 
their languages. In the UnitedStates, Volumes 14 to 16 were published in 
Russian from Stanford basedupon the official Soviet publications.

Under Khrushchev and Brezhnev some of the contributions of Stalin bearingupon 
diplomatic matters were published in the Soviet Union.

We are placing a part of these on the web. After the fall of the USSR volumes 
14 to 18 have been published in Russian and more are under preparation under 
theeditorship of Prof. Richard Kosalapov. With the opening up ofthe 
StalinArchive currently held in the former Central Party Archive of the CPSU 
aconsiderable part of the vast body of Stalin’s writingsare now available in 
the public domain. In the near future we plan to put on the web in a 
chronological form some of Stalin’s writings which are not included in existing 
collections. This is an international task and weappeal for assistance on this 
in terms of the location of materials and the translation of Stalin’s writings 
from the Russian. Those who wish to help in this cause may contact us at: 

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[Marxism] Janpaksh: Stop the Corporate Terror Against the Adivasis of Kalingnagar

2010-03-31 Thread Marxist Front
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*Please find below statement from **Janpaksh **(People's Side)* on the 
recent armed action against the inhabitants of Kalingnagar in Orrisa 

On April 1st at Jantar Mantar a protest rally is being organised at 11 
AM to protest against this action.



Statement of Protest by Janpaksh *

*Stop the Corporate Terror Against the Adivasis of Kalingnagar*

Yesterday (31^st March, 2010) in Kalinga Nagar industrial complex in 
Orissa's Jajpur district heavily armed para-military force brutally 
attacked the adivasis who are resisting the construction of 7.5 km road, 
being constructed for Tata's (the biggest Indian industrial house) 
upcoming project.

The adivasi villages have been razed and houses demolished. In 
Balligotha village firing on adivasis took place injuring about 15 
persons. One of them who is seriously injured has been whisked away by 
the police. This brutal attack is organized after days of preparation in 
order to put down the resistance of adivasis against Tata's project 
which will displace thousands of families. About 25 platoons of police 
and paramilitary forces have been deployed and the district 
administration has started construction in Kalinga Nagar industrial area 
of Common Corridor Road (CCR).

The state government has been falsely claiming that the land it wants to 
acquire is wasteland, while the reality is something diametrically 
different. This area that has been called as the core zone consists of 
green hills with rich forests, tribal settlements of more than ten 
thousand people spread over two gram panchayats, agricultural lands, 
ancient tanks, grazing fields, village common lands and roads. Twenty 
per cent of the Project area has quality forest where timber species 
like Sal, Kuruma, Vandan, Ashan and Piasal, besides Mahula, Kendu are 
plentily available. The total area of waste land is less than 5 acres on 
the Northern side.

The Orissa government till date has signed nearly 40 MoUs with various 
industrial houses and groups to set up their plants in Orissa out of 
which 13 plants are planned in Kalinga Nagar of Jajpur district The 
government has been equally brutal against the tribal communities 
gathered at Maikanch and Kashipur in protest against Utkal Alumina 
Project, whereby three tribals were killed in Maikanch in the recent 
past. The government has come out openly as the hireling of the 
exploitative capitalists, at the expense of the poor and the voiceless. 
It has been brazenly trampling upon the basic right of livelihood of the 
local population with impunity

This is not the first time in Kaling Nagar that the state and its armed 
forces have proved to be so brazenly vindictive, aligning with the 
industrialists at the cost of local communities. In the past also it has 
used its force to silence the resistance of the poor. Four years ago  in 
police firing 14 tribals, including three women, were murdered, on 
January 2, 2006 while opposing forcible land acquisition by the Tata 
Steel for its proposed steel project in the area. The same saga is being 
repeated today.

We severely condemn this barbarous attack on adivasis by the police and 
para-military forces who are acting as a hired mercenary of Tata Steel 
company and demand that it should immediately stop the construction work 
of the Common Corridor Road project as it will be built on fertile farm 
land and the community land of the tribals who are the real owner of 
this land.

We appeal to all the organizations and concerned citizens to raise their 
voice against the Fascist predatory tendencies of the Govt and express 
solidarity with the belligerent tribals of Kalinga Nagar.



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[Marxism] Howard Zinn: The historian who changed the history

2010-02-05 Thread marxist front
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Howard Zinn: The historian who changed the history
History since its origin remained in the realm of the ruling elite. It 
presented, commented and concentrated on a minority gang of monarchs, tyrants, 
and their tales. It was called objective history. It comfortably and knowingly 
ignored and omitted the real history of the millions of people, who were 
oppressed by the ruling class.
Howard Zinn challenged this academic establishment by boldly emphasizing that 
“there is no such thing as impartial history. The chief problem in historical 
honesty is not outright lie. It is omission or de-emphasis of important data. 
The definition of important of course depends on one's values.” Zinn decided to 
choose side; and he chose to take side of the oppressed, exploited and the 
toiling masses against the bourgeoisie regime.

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[Marxism] The demands raised by Jharkhand Andolan Samanway Manch for a solution to the problems in Lalgarh

2009-11-12 Thread marxist front
The Jharkhand Andolan Samanway Manch (JASM) was formed on 13th March, 2009
in a meeting, which I had the privilege to convene. It was attended by three
CPI (ML) groups - CPI (ML) PCC, CPI (ML) - ND and CPI (ML) - SOC and three
Jharkhandi parties, the Jharkhand Party (Aditya), the Jharkhand Janamukti
Morcha (led by veteran Jharkhand leader Manoranjan Mahato) and Jharkhand
Kranti Dal. The People's Committee against police Atrocities (PCPA) led by
Chhatradhar Mahato was also invited to the meeting but they did not attend
it.  All constituents of JASM were participants in the Lalgarh movement
against police atrocities. The JASM considered the movement as an expression
of people's long standing aspiration for self-rule and decided to launch a
movement with the demand of "Autonomy for Paschimanchal" under Art 244 A of
the Indian Constitution. The demands raised by JASM are :
1.    Form Panchimanchal Autonomous Region under Art 244 A of the
constitution with 54 blocks under Paschim Medinipur, Bankura and Purulia.
Proper administrative and financial power vested in the hands of the
Autonomous council. The council will be elected on the basis of territorial
constituencies with proportional representation for SC, ST, OBC and
The members of the council will be electable, responsible and revocable by
the electorate on the basis of universal suffrage. Panchayets are to be
given more statutory power in the matter of land, forest and water.
2.    The communities like Kudmi Mahatos and Bagals be included in the
Scheduled Tribe List.
3.    Forest - management is to be handed over to the forest-dwellers
committees (At present they are under the bureaucrats of the forest
department. The Joint Forest Management [JFM] exists only in name). Forest
revenue should go to the forest-dwellers.
4.    The whole population in Paschimanchal (except a few government
servants school-teachers and traders) should be treated as poor and given
cereals at Rs.3/- per Kg., universal health care and universal education.
5.    Water-harvesting programmes to be taken up on a large scale to
ensure irrigation.
6.    Santhali, Mundari and Kudmali are to be introduced as medium of
instruction at primary level and teachers employed from these communities.
7.    One Ekalavya school (free residential schools) to be set up in
each block and its doors to be opened to SC, ST and OBCs.
8.    Polluting industries like Sponge Iron factories to be closed
Immediate demands:
1.    Stop state repression and release people arrested in connection
with mass movements.
2.    Remove police camps from schools.
3.    Allow the Panchayats to function and exercise supervision of
Gram-Sangsad over the functioning of Panchayats.
4.    The government starts a bilateral and multilateral dialogue
involving the various political parties including the Maoists, mass
organizations, social organizations and the Panchayets. In order to create a
conducive atmosphere for dialogue the state stops "operation green hunt" and
the Maoists stop killing.

The above demands have been formulated in the specific situation of Lalgarh
and adjoining areas where unlike Jharkhand, Chhatishgarh and orissa land
acquisitions have not taken place.
Santosh Rana
One of the conveners of JASM

Lal Salam (Red Salute)

P (India)


"When I gave food to the poor, they called me a saint. When I
asked why the poor were hungry, they called me a communist."
--Dom Helder Camara


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