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In a post on November 1st last year, in one of my typical obnoxious ramblings, 
I said:
“…quite a number of “Marxist academics”, like Jerry Levy who did not let Juan 
Iñigo Carrera (JIC)
participate in this ultra-elite ‘Marxist economics’ (would that Marx had been 
an economist…) list OPE-L…”
There were a couple of reasons for that, none of them an excuse. 
First, I had just read the threads from the old spoon lists where JIC had some 
arguments with Jerry Levy and others and it appeared to me that JIC had been 
excluded from OPE-L because of his “contentious” views. I was under the 
impression that the moderation of OPE-L was similar to Marxmail but it’s now 
been explained to me that this is not how OPE-L works and that it does not 
forbid “controversy” by a moderator, but that Jerry Levy is simply it’s 
coordinator. So, I would like to take that back and apologize, especially since 
that happened 15 years ago and is a problem long past. I got carried away…
Secondly and on a more general note, I was exasperated by the fact that some of 
the accusations against JIC in those threads were little more than a vulgar 
complaint that JIC was just trying to emulate the Marx of the Grundrisse, which 
are still quite frequent. I, for one, have no anal obsession with Marx 
scholasticism, but it’s rather ridiculous that one should find in this list, 
more often than not, that just because something sounds similar or “orthodox” 
like Marx, it has no current relevance, no empirical support, or some such 
shibboleth. The question is not whether Marx said it, but whether whatever he 
said is an objective process that one can explain critically, and I’ve yet to 
see a ‘critical’ (i.e. objectively conceived) argument backed-up empirically to 
justify these dismissals. 
Anyway, don’t wanna make this too long, but if I may provide a very 
straightforward example of what I mean, here’s a translation of one of JIC’s 
-only the first 3 chapters are ready- regarding a critical approach to Marx’s 
work, which I had explained in more detail in this post 
in new years' eve -so probably nobody saw it. I would very much like to hear 
your thoughts about it. 
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