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Propaganda for the next coup?  Why?  Because Correa really hasn't invited 
international mining companies to take stakes in traditional homeland areas 
of the indigenous peoples?  Because Correa really hasn't arrested leaders of 
indigenous organizations?  Because Correa really hasn't used the police to 
break up demonstration of people opposed to his policies on mining, water, 
resources etc?

Oh... and yes, there is a danger of another coup attempt.  Just as there was 
the danger of the coup attempts against Allende, against the MNR in Bolivia, 
as there is that danger in Bolivia.  But you know what?  The ones who warned 
of that danger were some of the same people warning against the danger of 
mindlessly supporting the Popular Unity popular front in Chile, the MNR in 
Bolivia back then, and the MAS in Bolivia now.

Let's just say if there is another coup attempt, whether successful or not, 
the people who do more to enable the success of such a coup are those people 
who support, endorse, uncritically proclaim Correa as a "revolutionary"  a 
"nationalist" an "anti-imperialist," and not the people who have in the past 
and continue to agitate for independence from this or that version of 
popular unity.  That "popular unity" is simply subordination of the 
prospects for anti-capitalist social revolution to capitalism.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Fred Feldman" <ffeld...@bellatlantic.net>
> It is propaganda for the next coup wherever it is presented, whether on 
> the
> Marxism List or the Latin American media.
> Greg now assures us that there is no threat of a US-backed coup because
> Correa doesn't present any problem for imperialism. I have heard this song
> from  left critics many times before -- about Allende, Goulart, Isabel
> Peron, Aristide, and others. Let's just say it is not a prediction to be
> relied on.
> Of course, even if a coup happens, even if it is successful, Greg does not
> have to acknowledge this. He can always just tell himself and us that a
> bunch of underpaid workers in uniform just seized the presidential palace
> and rid us of the tyrant.

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