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Greg asks:"Good article, from a French anarchist to a Argentine communist. 
what'snot to like?" 

Boy, is that the right question
at the right time about the “right” Argentine communism…

What’s not to like? Well, for
starters, yesterday a militant from the Partido Obrero of Argentina, Mariano
Ferreyra, 23, has been murdered in an incident where there was a “scuffle”
(i.e. a hunt) by the railroad union and the Juventud Peronista led by Hugo
Moyano’s –the secretary general of the CGT- son. A mobilization by the FAAAAR 
left communist parties was set in order to support the railroad workers who had
been fired and remain without secure contracts (“tercerizados”) and have been
putting up a struggle for months. That this operation is linked to the whole
ex-Duhaldist now Kirchnerist (you mean Kirchnerist as in Kirchner? The 
couple who call for meetings of the anti-imperialist Unasur who facilitate
anti-imperialist bases in Colombia? My my …) mafia is pretty much beyond doubt
since the son of the transportation secretary had the good obscene sense of
showing up with sheriff at the festivities.

What’s not to like is that
this comes as a signal of more of the same Peronist, or whatever you wanna call
it, shit of making the workers war with themselves under the false hope for 
national solutions” while in the meantime they keep selling out, in this case,
the pension funds of retired people. As an inverted image of the wonderful
protests in France, which the national socialist left (I’m not making the name
up, this is how they prefer to call themselves) welcomes since Sarkozy is a bad 
bad neoliberal bourgeois as opposed to……, what we have in
Argentina is a fight by the real defenders of the nation who kill the far left
crazies so that the patriotic government can choose how best to sell the
pensions, among other things, while they celebrate (and I’m not saying they are
wrong to celebrate, it’s just a little vomitive when it comes from them) the
French protests and pretend they’re all with French workers while they throw
racist epithets against the piqueteros. Not blaming Gorojovsky here btw, just
reporting what a post on his list says in CAPITAL letters. 

Moyano (look at me
criticizing the revolutionary leader of the CGT who sent a letter of support
for Correa, who has been in the CGT for decades, decades, like the decade of
the 70’s, the decade where the CGT informed the dictatorship about crazy 
and workers, see this guy is a true fighter against those who “objectively help
our murderers”) has been doing everything in his power to break the struggles
of the last years. That this occurred is “almost” ominous, but it comes when
the Kirchner’s are feeling the pain of not having what to give to international
credit institutions, except for those pension funds, which they claim they
cannot give any of it back to retired people who live below poverty levels
because…because that would empty out the state funds which must…which must be
used to warrant new succulent loans.

Sorry if this is a bit
depressive, but while Dan’s reports provide us with elation, I cannot fail to
denounce (big word here) the two-faced expressions, the 3rd wordlist
pseudo-critical pessimism, which all too often permeate this list...

Just as in France and
as in Argentina, though, it is the workers who show these supposed “real 
political”, “real
concrete”, theories for what they are…                                    
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