[Marxism] More Facts (Dirt) on Anna Ardin and how She Destroyed Assange Case Evidence Over And Over Again

2010-12-10 Thread David Thorstad
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Hey, Les, several months back you vowed never to read another post by 
me. Had a change of heart?
 OK, so, you let go without objection suggestions by others 
(including an item from Prensa Latin) that Ardin is a CIA collaborator 
trying to bring down the Cuban government (no evidence whatever has been 
given for that surmise). But you take issue with repeated documentation 
of Ardin's resort to the law to back up her apparent lover scorned or 
insufficiently loved hypothesis? As this article (and others) indicated, 
she is a well-known feminist. Her lawyer is known for trying to expand 
the legal reach of rape. Her actions could well result in a backlash 
against women who really do have justifiable accusations of rape.
 To me, her behavior suggests a kind of misguided feminism. But you 
don't have time right now to get into it, yet you make an apparent 
amalgam between my suspicions and an article from Counterpunch that I 
haven't seen and couldn't find in a quick search of yesterday's posts 
and that allegedly uses a term I would never use.
 Plus, you name-call.
 Everything I have posted on the issue of Assange and his accusers 
has refrained from name-calling and has provided what I consider to be 
useful information. None of this is of any interest to you, it seems. 
Instead, you encourage other list members to rise to your bait.

David Thorstad wrote:
  (3) the
  accusations made by her and her cohort against Assange point to a
  vindictive kind of feminism run amok.

i don't have time right now to get into it, but are the rest of you here
ok with this idiocy? or the Counterpunch article posted yesterday that
spoke of castrating feminists when discussing the women accusers of


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Re: [Marxism] More Facts (Dirt) on Anna Ardin and how She Destroyed Assange Case Evidence Over And Over Again

2010-12-10 Thread Carrol Cox
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Les Schaffer: i don't have time right now to get into it, but are the rest
of you here
ok with this idiocy? or the Counterpunch article posted yesterday that
spoke of castrating feminists when discussing the women accusers of

No. But then I'm not comfortable with _any_ part of this discussion.

We don't need any of these facts. We need more hardheaded exploration of how
we can make political use of the overload of information we already have.

If facts were useful in overthrowing the wages system (and it is that, not a
particular capitalist class that is the oppressor) capitalism would have
disappeared long ago.

This list makes a fetish of empty information.

But the discussion of the woman in almost all quarters has indeed been
pretty revolting.


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Re: [Marxism] More Facts (Dirt) on Anna Ardin and how She Destroyed Assange Case Evidence Over And Over Again

2010-12-10 Thread Andrew Pollack
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yes, the terms used by David have been very disturbing
it's one thing to say pro-imperialist politicians and their flunkies
have abused and misappropriated feminist issues for their own
purposes; it's quite another to at least appear to be maligning
feminism itself, of any kind
that, David, is the appearance you're giving. If it's not the reality,
please clean up your rhetoric
speaking of misappropriation of feminism: see Sheila Cohen's comment,
linked at Steve Early's review, on the role, real and on screen, of
Barbara Castle in Made in Dagenham.

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 11:14 AM, Les Schaffer schaf...@optonline.net wrote:

 i don't have time right now to get into it, but are the rest of you here
 ok with this idiocy? or the Counterpunch article posted yesterday that
 spoke of castrating feminists when discussing the women accusers of


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Re: [Marxism] More Facts (Dirt) on Anna Ardin and how She Destroyed Assange Case Evidence Over And Over Again

2010-12-10 Thread Louis Proyect
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On 12/10/2010 2:01 PM, Carrol Cox wrote:

 This list makes a fetish of empty information.

 But the discussion of the woman in almost all quarters has indeed been
 pretty revolting.

Carrol, the ruling class of the US and its flunkies overseas are 
engaged in some of the most egregious violation of first amendment 
rights since Watergate. This might not be of interest to you but 
is to the rest of humanity. Sometimes your narrow focus on what 
Doug Henwood, Liza Featherstone, and Christian Parenti called 
activistism is most disconcerting.

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Re: [Marxism] More Facts (Dirt) on Anna Ardin and how She Destroyed Assange Case Evidence Over And Over Again

2010-12-10 Thread Carrol Cox
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Carrol, the ruling class of the US and its flunkies overseas are 
engaged in some of the most egregious violation of first amendment 
rights since Watergate. 

Which is a serious mistake on their part. Probably one of the few things
(perhaps the only thing) which can generate mass resistance (the kind of
mass resistance from which either real reforms or revolutionary conditions
develop) is represdsion. (The fixation on exploitation of so many on this
list flies in the face of 600 years of passive acceptance of exploitation).
And the discussion should be wholly on ways of generating resistance to that
growing represdsi9on. And the facts necessary for that have, in fact, been
available for a century or so. They certainly do not include this offensive
concern with the private morals of some woman in Sweden. That shows
indifference to struggle and fascination with mere gossip.


Note: When an actual mass movement arises again (and it will, though there
is no knowing when or how it will be triggered), THEN maximalist tactics
will be sterile; discussion, during such an interim as the present, which is
NOT maximalist is sterile.

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Re: [Marxism] More Facts (Dirt) on Anna Ardin and how She Destroyed Assange Case Evidence Over And Over Again

2010-12-10 Thread Mark Lause
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Wait a bit, Carrol.  At the rate things are going, the government's going to
dredge up the economics of Henry Clay...


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Re: [Marxism] More Facts (Dirt) on Anna Ardin and how She Destroyed Assange Case Evidence Over And Over Again

2010-12-10 Thread Fred Feldman
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I just want to say that I think that  David Thorstad has been basically on
the right track this time. His references to an extreme form of feminism on
the rape question is a legitimate opinion, though one open to debate, which
we should have sometime but aren't having here.


The heart of the question is to get that there is no case against Julian
Assange --- no case at all, not a case justifying charges being filed, not a
case justifying arrest, not a case justifyijng extradition, and not a case
justifying trial and conviction. There is nothing there.


One woman argues that she consented to sex with Assange, but the condom
broke. She expressed concerns, but he talked her into continuing. And she
has not contracted an STDs as a consequence. Could she have pulled away from
him? No indication that she couldn't have done so. Did he give any
indication of threatening her with violence if she did so. 
http://www.canadahaitiaction.ca/: No, even according to her version, he
sweet-talked her into continuing. And, has she oreserved the condom to prove
that it actually broke during their sexual act?


No indication so far that she did.  So how can we even know whether the
condom actually broke.


A second woman says she was uncomfortable at first about having sex without
a condom,. But she agreed and had sex with the WORLD FAMOUS PERSON. She
argues that she has no responsibility for the decision to have sex without a
condom. It was simply the pressure of the evil male. Thus this is rape of
some sort.


All of this has given rise to the myth that in Sweden it is illegal to have
sex without a condom. All those cute Swedish babies tell a different story.
But if it is not illegal to have sex without a condom, what does this case
against Assange have in common with rape or sexual abuse.


The whole case, to the extent that there is a case, is based on the idea
that there must be a presumption of the man's guilt when a charge of rape is
lodged against him, even on the most abstruse basis. The man must PROVE
beyond a reasonable doubt that he did not tape the woman, in whatever the
sense the term rape is given in the prosecution case, which is infinitely


I suspect Sweden has no illusions that this is a winnable case. I think they
see this as an opening to extradite Assange to the United  States, provided
the US can come up with a charge against him.  Given  the endlessly flexible
US criminal law, I would be surprised if nothing can be found  -- perhaps
they can charge him  with raping the United States. For their cooperation,
Swedish state and ruling class will receive whatever rewards are on offer.

Fred Feldman





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Re: [Marxism] More Facts (Dirt) on Anna Ardin and how She Destroyed Assange Case Evidence Over And Over Again

2010-12-10 Thread Carrol Cox
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Mark Lause: Wait a bit, Carrol.  At the rate things are going, the
government's  going to dredge up the economics of Henry Clay...

There's that. I was sort of thinking of Walpole! But I guess Clay fits
better here. 


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Re: [Marxism] More Facts (Dirt) on Anna Ardin and how She Destroyed Assange Case Evidence Over And Over Again

2010-12-10 Thread S. Artesian
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That's slick.  Thorstad's on the right track-- meaning this is a case of 
feminism run amok-- but the heart of the question is that there is no case 
against Assange-- thereby assuming what must be proven, that feminism has 
anything to do with the case against Assange.

And then rather than going at what really is the heart of the question--  
which is the revenge pursuit of Assange by the bourgeoisie, we get into the 
absurdities of the charges against Assange, as if the absurdities is proof 
of feminism at work.

Thereby again proving what is already assumed that feminism is always, 
eternally amok.

What a bunch of shit-- pure, unadulterated, ignorant, shit.  It's male 
chauvinism run amok, that's what it is.

Piss off, fellas.  Your making a mess of the floor.

- Original Message - 
From: Fred Feldman ffeld...@bellatlantic.net
To: sartes...@earthlink.net 

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Re: [Marxism] More Facts (Dirt) on Anna Ardin and how She Destroyed Assange Case Evidence Over And Over Again

2010-12-10 Thread Machetera
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

I'm really NOT ok with this.

I don't know why it should be so hard to understand that it is  
possible to be enchanted by a man, especially an articulate good  
looking one, have one thing lead to another, try to put the brakes on,  
have that not respected (at any point), and feel violated as a  
result.  Did this happen with Assange?  I don't know and neither does  
anyone else outside of the people involved.  But calling the women  
involved groupies, feminists run amok, and poring over deleted  
Tweets and then using them to pronounce judgment seems sick to me.   
This article by Göran Rudling is the most disgusting piece I've seen  
so far and I'm unhappy to have found it on Marxmail.  I thank Les and  
S. Artesian for objecting, since I was unable to respond earlier.

Here's a somewhat related post I wrote a couple of days ago, if anyone  
is interested.  I've tried not to post links to my own things lately  
as Louis prefers discussion to reposts, and that seems reasonable, but  
time really is an issue for me.


David Thorstad wrote:
 (3) the
 accusations made by her and her cohort against Assange point to a
 vindictive kind of feminism run amok.

i don't have time right now to get into it, but are the rest of you here
ok with this idiocy? or the Counterpunch article posted yesterday that
spoke of castrating feminists when discussing the women accusers of


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