Re: [Marxism] Polanski is Free!! ( Swiss Reject U.S. Request to Extradite Polanski)

2010-07-13 Thread mkaradjis
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Mason Akhnaten:

 Sad to see so many people on this list applauding a man going free who, in
 his 40s, gave booze and pharmaceuticals to a 13 year old, then raped her
 while she was intoxicated. I understand some people on this list think age
 of consent is a capitalist invention.  Whatever you think of age and
 consent, hopefully it is clear that between alcohol and qaaludes, a 13
 old is not in a position to be a consensual partner to sodomoy with
 30 years their senior.  Regardless of the ages involved, one cannot render
 consent while under the influence of drugs.

Yes to all of this, except that you are even ceding too much to the
worship-Polanski crowd: it is explicit from her testimony that the rape
was not consensual, that she was pleading the whole time for him to stop.
So even leaving aside the question of age, and of the drugging, I don't
know what the fricken hell they are arguing about in calling it
consensual; it wasn't even in fucked-up nambla terms. The age and the
drugging simply pile more on.

 It is somewhat disgusting that someone on this list thinks Polanski is
 blameless because the girl was precocious andsexually experienced.

Yeh Thorstad went right over the top here and this is a good example of
where nambla-style excuses for child rape, which apparently are legit on
this list, meet and make up with normal bourgeois excuses for rape. But I
guess all that stuff about 'she was asking for it', 'look at what she was
wearing', she has fucked before (experienced in Thorstad terms), 'she's
precocious' (really? how dare she be precocious, whatever that means) is
so thick in bourgeois sexist ideology that we all grow up with that it
rubs off even on some revolutionaries and ends on on marxism lists
without any problem being expressed by anyone very much.

I couldn't care less about whether the LA cops get their hands on him now
after decades or not, nor about the legalities of extradition or not, but
Mason is right on that it is pretty disconcerting to see people on a
leftist list making these kind of excuses for violence against a 13 year
old girl (even a (shock) precocious one)

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Re: [Marxism] Polanski is Free!! ( Swiss Reject U.S. Request to Extradite Polanski)

2010-07-12 Thread Dennis Brasky
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On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 10:53 AM, Shane Mage wrote:


 Suck on it, all you pathetic prurient puritanical apologists for Los
 Angeles Justice.
  Swiss Reject U.S. Request to Extradite Polanski
  The film director won't be extradited to face charges of unlawful
  sex with a minor because of a fault in the American extradition

 reply -

A rapist goes free and Shane celebrates - 'nuff said.

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Re: [Marxism] Polanski is Free!! ( Swiss Reject U.S. Request to Extradite Polanski)

2010-07-12 Thread Shane Mage
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On Jul 12, 2010, at 12:05 PM, Dennis Brasky wrote:

 A rapist

Libelous language in the strict sense of the word.  Despicable  
language in every sense.

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Re: [Marxism] Polanski is Free!!

2010-07-12 Thread Paul Flewers
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Here's my pal Arthur Trusscott's take on Polanski and others like him, from
New Interventions, Volume 13, no 2, Spring 2010.

Paul F


Arthur Trusscott

Different Strokes for Different Blokes
THERE'S nothing like having a reputation as a writer, sculptor or film-maker
to have your other reputation as a dirty old man referred to in the most
delicate of phrases by the artistic intelligentsia. This has been proved
over the last few months with the publishing of Vladimir Nabokov's last
book, an exhibition of Eric Gill's works, and the arrest of Roman Polanski.
In September, Polanski had his collar felt in Switzerland upon his arrival
from France, where he has lived for the last 30 years or so. He was held
under an international alert issued in the USA in 2005 in respect of charges
relating to his having illegal sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old girl in
the USA in 1978. He is currently on bail, pending an extradition decision.
He could face a life sentence if he returns to the USA. 

Now, a man in that predicament is usually pretty much on his own. Gary
Glitter, for example, convicted in Vietnam of having sex with under-age
girls, was universally reviled. That nobody came to his defence comes as no
surprise; indeed, Channel Four actually ran a make-believe drama featuring
his trial and execution for the sexual abuse of a child. But Polanski has
friends, lots of them. In the US Nation on 1 October, Katha Pollitt listed

'... Salman Rushdie, Milan Kundera, Martin Scorsese, Pedro Almodóvar, Woody
Allen (insert your own joke here), Isabelle Huppert, Diane von Furstenberg
and many, many more. Bernard-Henri Lévy, who's taken a leading role in
rounding up support, has said that Polanski 'perhaps had committed a
youthful error' (he was 43). Debra Winger, president of the Zurich Film
Festival jury, wearing a red 'Free Polanski' badge, called the Swiss
authorities action 'philistine collusion'. Fréderic Mitterrand, the French
cultural minister, said it showed 'the scary side of America' and described
Polanski as 'thrown to the lions because of ancient history'. French foreign
minister Bernard Kouchner, co-founder of Doctors Without Borders, called the
whole thing 'sinister'. Closer to home, Whoopi Goldberg explained on The
View that his crime wasn't 'rape rape', just, you know, rape. Oh, that!
Conservative columnist Anne Applebaum minimised the crime in the Washington

'Nobody knows you when you're down and out', goes the old blues song. That's
not the case if you're a famed film-maker.

Polanski's victim, Samantha Geimer, does not wish to see him in court again,
as she does not want to have the distressing episode raked over once more.
That is an understandable response, and it should be respected by the
authorities. But one gets the feeling, however, that the clamorous chorus in
favour of Polanski is more about propping up his cultural reputation than
respecting the wishes of a woman who wants above all to put this traumatic
experience behind her once and for all.

In the world of left-wing politics, the World Socialist Website's statement
on the Polanski case tried to deflect the condemnation of his behaviour by
pointing to the very serious crimes committed in the name of US official
policy, and to the fact that people responsible of far greater crimes lived
freely in the USA:
'Accepting that Polanski's case involved a criminal offense, the
circumstances of his sudden arrest after the passage of more than three
decades at the age of 76, the substantial evidence that his earlier
prosecution involved serious misconduct by the judge, the many mitigating
circumstances arising from the facts of Polanski's own tragic life, the
sentiments of the victim, the artistic significance of Polanski's work [it's
that excuse again -- AT], and, finally, the reactionary characteristics of
the media campaign -- all these elements and circumstances should give pause
to those who have adapted themselves, without taking the time to think, to
official public opinion. This is not apologetics. Thirty years after the
fact, things need to be looked at critically -- all the facts of the case,
all the human circumstances. It needs to be borne in mind: the abuses of the
state -- the extension of its powers -- is far more dangerous to the public
well-being than the actions of any individual. Dangerous precedents are
being set in this case.'

Of course one must question the motives of the US authorities and those of
the right-wing media in this and other similar cases. Both have long been
guilty of gross hypocrisy. But what about the arrogant attitude of
Polanski's illustrious friends? Taking into consideration the ancestry of
the World Socialist Website in Gerry Healy's branch of the 

Re: [Marxism] Polanski is Free!! ( Swiss Reject U.S. Request to Extradite Polanski)

2010-07-12 Thread Mason Akhnaten
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 On Jul 12, 2010, at 12:05 PM, Dennis Brasky wrote:
  A rapist

 Libelous language in the strict sense of the word.  Despicable
 language in every sense.

Better despicable language than a despicable deed.
Sad to see so many people on this list applauding a man going free who, in
his 40s, gave booze and pharmaceuticals to a 13 year old, then raped her
while she was intoxicated. I understand some people on this list think age
of consent is a capitalist invention.  Whatever you think of age and
consent, hopefully it is clear that between alcohol and qaaludes, a 13 year
old is not in a position to be a consensual partner to sodomoy with someone
30 years their senior.  Regardless of the ages involved, one cannot render
consent while under the influence of drugs.
It is somewhat disgusting that someone on this list thinks Polanski is
blameless because the girl was precocious andsexually experienced.  The
grand jury testimony is public record--there was a significant amount more
to the story than the girl's character.  My sister was a precocious kid at
13--in no way does that trait imply she could drink alcohol, take
pharmaceuticals, and still be in the right frame of mind to render consent.
 Making excuses for Polanski by saying the girl was precocious is the same
as excusing a rapist because the victim was wearing a sports bra and biking
shorts.  Of course, the main reason I find it disturbing: it seems the only
way one can blame the victim in this case is if one identifies with the

It is strange to see those defending Polanski stating that those on the
other side are with the LA Pigs.  If the only news stories I saw about the
LA police were rounding up white rapists, I'd be thrilled.  This situation
seems similar to blacks cheering when OJ walked free; Polanski escaping
extradition is not going to change a damn thing for anyone in NAMBLA or any
other sexual predator.  This isn't about sodomy, it is barely about age of
consent--it is really about premeditated sexual predation.  If you take what
Polanski did (taking photos, giving alcohol, giving drugs, asking to remove
clothes for photos and swimming), no adult would be surprised that Polanski
was trying to have sex that evening.  I personally find the age difference
repugnant, but there are states where 14 is a legal age of consent.  So
again, it has very little to do with age.  It has to do with how Polanski
operated--and that was like a lecherous predator.  It is not something to

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Re: [Marxism] Polanski - why so much passion about it?

2009-10-05 Thread Lüko Willms
Louis Proyect ( wrote on 2009-10-03 at 09:04:11 in  about 
Re: [Marxism] Polanski:
  obviously there is a lot of passion about it.

  It would be interesting to discuss why this is the case. 


Lüko Willms
Frankfurt, Germany

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[Marxism] Polanski -pedophile

2009-10-05 Thread kmccook
For anyone who believes in the rights of young females the 
discussion ends at Polanski's conviction.  He anally raped a 13 
year old child after drugging her.  

On 5 Oct 2009 at 16:32, S. Artesian wrote:

 We were supposed to bring this issue to a close, remember?  But we can't. 
 This is like a Bunuel movie.  Don't like the food, the guests scare me, 
 there are sharp objects all around and still I can't get up from the tabele. 
 OK, we want go through more of this?  I've got one more go-round in me:
 1. This is no perfect example, no example at all.  Polanski has not been 
 kidnapped.  The Sheikh, to my knowlege did not agree to plead guilty to 
 lesser charges then flee the country.
 2. This is not a new policy of the US govt.  Requests for extradition by 
 one country to another have a long tradition.  Agreeing to them and 
 rejecting have an equally long history.
 3.  This is a request for extradition, not an extraordinary rendition.  I 
 know the two words share a lot of the same letters, but the acts are quite 
 4. Regarding civil suits-- it's unclear if Polanski ever paid any of the 
 $500,000 he agreed to pay to his victim back in 1993 [stand up guy, that 
 Polanski, only takes the victim what 16 years to get a settlement- that's 
 due process for you].  As of 1996, he had paid squat, and the amount with 
 interest was around $605,000.
 5. As for due process-- Polanski was afforded due process, certainly as 
 much as any rich white connected male can expect to be afforded in the US. 
 He was indicted on charges of rape and sodomy based on the grand jury 
 testimony of the victim.  Possible defendants are allowed to testify to 
 grand juries, but are generally not required to so testify.  I don't know if 
 Polanski did, and as with everything else, I really don't care.  Polanski 
 then was afforded due process after indictment, was arrested, released on 
 bail, obtained legal counsel and negotiated a plea bargain to plead guilty 
 to lesser charges-- sex with a minor-- and avoid the charges of rape and 
 sodomy.  Polanski on the advice of legal counsel agreed to this deal in the 
 hope, not the guarantee that the prosecutors would be able to persuade the 
 judge to agree to the reduced sentencing and all that jazz.  The judge did 
 not agree.  Polanski then, according to due process, could have withdrawn 
 his guilty plea, and could have asserted his innocence of the more severe 
 charge and faced a trial and the decision of a jury of his peers.  He 
 elected instead to process a little due on his own and flee the country.  He 
 has lived well in France and Switzerland for some 30 odd years, and I don't 
 care about that either.
 6. I do not believe that those defending Polanski, or expressing concerns 
 about this process are supporters of child molestation, excusers of rape.  I 
 do think those who express those concerns are, however, wasting their time 
 and ours,  by maintaining that there is some overstepping of legality, 
 there is some witch-hunt going on. Polanski is what he is-- a child-abuser I 
 do think those who excuse Polanski, based on his age, his creative 
 contributions,  his tragic past [give us break on that one, please], are in 
 fact excusing child rape.  To my knowledge, no one on this list is arguing 
 7.  Those who think, however, that this event says anything at all one way 
 or the other about the US judicial and/or political system, are making 
 something out of nothing, or in this case, something out of a scumbag. 

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[Marxism] Polanski polish films (was: China's nationalized sector)

2009-10-05 Thread Lüko Willms
Rakesh Bhandari ( wrote on 2009-10-05 at 11:16:40 
in  about [Marxism] China's nationalized sector:
  I say that thinking that Pianist is one of the greatest movies 
 I have ever seen. And I enjoyed no  movie more than the one 
 with he did with Depp.

   Have you seen Nóz w wodzie? His first film? A real polak film... in 
its called Knife in the Water. 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt, Germany

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Re: [Marxism] Polanski

2009-10-03 Thread Ron J
I've been reading this list on and off for a while now and have to say 
that I can't believe the amount of bandwidth that has been wasted 
discussing Roman Polanski.  Why aren't you all discussing McKenzie 
Phillip's incestuous relationship with her father, too?  I personally 
could care less what happens to Polanski since the question of innocence 
or guilt has already been answered by Polanski himself.  His credentials 
do not excuse him from prosecution, nor should he be dealt with 
differently in terms of sentencing because of his Hollywood profile.  My 
point is, what the hell does this have to do with Marxism beyond a 
passing interest?  It certainly doesn't deserve the three-five days of 
debate among supposed Marxists that has already occurred on this list.
-ron jacobs

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Re: [Marxism] Polanski

2009-10-03 Thread Louis Proyect
Ron J wrote:
 I've been reading this list on and off for a while now and have to say 
 that I can't believe the amount of bandwidth that has been wasted 
 discussing Roman Polanski.  Why aren't you all discussing McKenzie 
 Phillip's incestuous relationship with her father, too?  I personally 
 could care less what happens to Polanski since the question of innocence 
 or guilt has already been answered by Polanski himself.  His credentials 
 do not excuse him from prosecution, nor should he be dealt with 
 differently in terms of sentencing because of his Hollywood profile.  My 
 point is, what the hell does this have to do with Marxism beyond a 
 passing interest?  It certainly doesn't deserve the three-five days of 
 debate among supposed Marxists that has already occurred on this list.

Okay, I've been persuaded by Ron and Fred to wind this down. I invite 
comrades to make one more statement, if they must, and then we move on. 
Btw, this issue consumed Doug's list as well, so much so that he had to 
blow the whistle to call a halt. When one person refused, he was 
unsubbed. So obviously there is a lot of passion about it.

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Re: [Marxism] Polanski

2009-10-03 Thread Matthew Russo
That it is a class issue does warrant some Marxist attention, but beyond
that, yes, let's move on.  That Polanski should be tossed in the slammer as
a sterling example to all and sundry _precisely_ because he is a member of
the ruling liberal intelligentsia is the relevant principle in play here.

I've been reading this list on and off for a while now and have to say
that I can't believe the amount of bandwidth that has been wasted
discussing Roman Polanski.  Why aren't you all discussing McKenzie
Phillip's incestuous relationship with her father, too?  I personally
could care less what happens to Polanski since the question of innocence
or guilt has already been answered by Polanski himself.  His credentials
do not excuse him from prosecution, nor should he be dealt with
differently in terms of sentencing because of his Hollywood profile.  My
point is, what the hell does this have to do with Marxism beyond a
passing interest?  It certainly doesn't deserve the three-five days of
debate among supposed Marxists that has already occurred on this list.
-ron jacobs

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[Marxism] Polanski

2009-10-02 Thread Rakesh Bhandari
Haven't read this exchange, but I wonder whether anyone has commented on 
the social construction of childhood (Marx Wartofsky once wrote about 
this from a historical materialist point of view).

The 19th century bourgeoisie were quite interested in reducing the 
period of childhood to facilitate the exploitation of child labor. There 
is no possibility in our social world or anyone that I can imagine  that 
a 13 year old could have the autonomous power to choose freely to engage 
in a sex act with a forty four year old man.   There may be a question 
about enough time having passed in determining Polanski's punishment. I 
don't know about that, but those who think childhood is so flexible or 
such an invention that it could be as short as Polanski wants it to be 
seem oblivious to the biological possibilities of a thirteen year old, 
the as yet undeveloped nature of the frontal lobes, and the actual 
minimal independence a thirteen year old has a chance to develop. 
Polanski may find himself attracted to the wildest versions of social 
constructionism, but Marxists should be very skeptical of this line of 

Simply put, a thirteen year old cannot be the willing sexual partner of 
an adult. It's not biologically or cognitively possible. Not in this 
society or in any society that we can now imagine. Polanski's statement 
that she was not an innocent is insidious.

Now on the passivity in the face of 15 million unemployed.

Boltanski and Chiapello have an interesting idea: Workers who are 
employable and mobile enjoy privileges that the immobile are not able to 
wrest from their employers. In fact the privileges enjoyed by the former 
may even contribute to a further reduction of the resources available to 
the immobile. Yet the immobile blame themselves for their condition, and 
are grateful for what they have, given that they are not mobile as the 
better off workers are (of course the immobile do so many tasks the 
mobile have the time to do what they need to remain mobile--develop new 
skills, network, innovate) . The point is that the working class is 
divided upon itself, making the demands of the immobile, the unemployed 
and the uninsured seem special, narrow and resentful.
And then there is that social Darwinist streak in American social life.
Remember also that anyone who admits the possibility of involuntary 
unemployment and thinks that there is a public obligation to reduce the 
resultant suffering or thinks the state should take steps to make 
American capitalism live up to its equal opportunity creed (say 
subsidized pre school or student loans) is called a Marxist by Glen 
Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Lou Dobbs, and Father Coughlin.
At present people don't want to be called Marxists just as not long ago 
no one wanted to be a liberal.

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[Marxism] Polanski

2009-09-30 Thread Daniel Koechlin
Here I go again, the French Council Comunist/Libertarian Marxist, with 
my very own two cents' worth of social commentary.

1) Polanski is officially a French citizen, which explains why France 
is so upset about his  arrest. 

2) Polanski is sort of caught up in the midst of a major 
France/Switzerland row at the moment. Sarkozy wants to end tax evasion 
and has demanded the Swiss government give up the names of all French 
citizens who give their money to Swiss banks. Given that, since the  
18th century, Switzerland has always attracted the money from 
'tax-weary' French citizens (about 60% of all the money held by Swiss 
banks comes from France), it is no wonder that Sarkozy's insistance on 
transpirency would cause a great uproar.

3) Polanski has a chalet in Gstaat in Switzerland, and he goes there 
every winter. He has never been arrested before by the Swiss authorities.

4) The Swiss chose to arrest him during an international Film Festival, 
instead of waiting for his annual winter retreat.

5) He had sex with a 13-year-old back in 1977 (he was then 42, he is now 
77). He consistently maintained that he was unaware of the girl's true 
age when he had sew with her. The victim, Samantha Gardner, has publicly 
forgiven him, has withdrawn all charges (in 2003) and has even expressed 
dismay at his recent arrest in Switzerland.

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Re: [Marxism] Polanski

2009-09-30 Thread Erik Toren
On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 2:07 PM, Daniel Koechlin wrote:

 5) He had sex with a 13-year-old back in 1977 (he was then 42, he is now
 77). He consistently maintained that he was unaware of the girl's true
 age when he had sew with her. The victim, Samantha Gardner, has publicly
 forgiven him, has withdrawn all charges (in 2003) and has even expressed
 dismay at his recent arrest in Switzerland.

As far as the case is concerned, based on the victim's testimony to a
grand jury, she stated to Polanski in numerous occasions that she *did
not* consent to any type of sexual intercourse. Whether aware or not
of her real age, Polanski committee rape.

Erik Toren

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[Marxism] Polanski (bis)

2009-09-30 Thread Daniel Koechlin
Let's get back to basics

1) Polanski acknowledged the fact that he had sex with a minor (of 13) 
in 1977.

2) Polanski's wife was murdered by Charles Manson's gang in 1969.

3) In 1977, he voluntarily spent 48 days in a mental hospital, as 
ordered by a Californian judge, to ascertain his true mental status.

4) In 1977, he pleaded guilty to unlawful sex but declared that he 
did not know the true age of the  young girl when he had sex with her.

5) When I understood that I could not get  an impartial trial in 
California, says Polanski, I decided to move to France on  1st  
February  1978.

6) He subsequently renounced his American citizenship and adopted French 

6) In 2003, he received an oscar for his film The Pianist (a film on 
the Holocaust), but was unable to come to the US to claim it.

7) The victim, Samantha Gardner, has publicly forgiven him and has 
withdrawn all charges.

8) This caused the Californian judge, Espinoza, to amend the charges in 
the international warrant to one of misdemeanour.

9) Switzerland and France are presently engaged in a war of words over 
tax evasion. Obama seems to be taking the side of Switzerland and of 
minimising the risks posed by tax evasion. This is in line with major US 
interests who have voided last week's G20 summit in Pittburgh of any 

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Re: [Marxism] Polanski

2009-09-30 Thread Ian Pace
I don't care if you call be a breast-beating liberal, though I dislike 
liberalism as much as anyone. But, more to the point:

 You know Ian, take your breast-beating liberalism somewhere else, because
 all you are doing is equivocating over the language of the law.  Did the
 court find that he had consensual intercourse?  If the justice system is
 bogus, corrupt, sentencing people to rape camp etc. then it's bogus 
 and who gives a rat's ass about what the court found?

Hence why I said through a fair trial. Proper legal process should, I would 
have thought, be something that Marxists should defend.

 [hey, by the way, Ian/Shane got any
 daughters? Ask them how they feel about poor persecuted Polanski],

That's not even worth responding to - that sort of argument has been used in 
the 'how would you feel if a black man raped your daughter', or a 'how would 
you feel if one of your family was in the WTC' context.

 If she doesn't want to proceed, that's fine.  OK, as I said I don't care.
 But stop this bullshit about defending an artist,

I certainly not defending someone on the basis of their being an artist, as 
should be clear from my earlier post.

   1) he did force a child to have sex with him
No, that is what he is *charged* with.

 2) he did plea bargain
It looks that way, but we have no way of knowing on what basis the plea 
bargaining proceeded, if that indeed was why the other charges were dropped.

 3) he did plead guilty
To sex with a minor, not to non-statutory rape.

 5) the only reason this is
 news, the only reason Woody Allen [although not you, I'm sure you're
 sincere] signed a petition is because Polanski is part of a wealthy elite

 So tell me, why should the treatment of Polanski be any different than the
 treatment of Mike Tyson?
It shouldn't. He had his defenders as well. I'll listen to any of those 
people if they are also prepared to come to the defence of a non-celebrity, 
non-artist, blue collar worker, or unemployed person, or illegal immigrant 
faced with comparable circumstances.


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