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2010/7/10 Joaquín Bustelo <jbust...@bellsouth.net>:

> Someone once wrote in Spanish, and I no longer remember where I saw it
> but the idea has stayed with me, that if a revolution is to be a real
> revolution it must be "unpublished" ("debe ser inédita"), in other
> words, an original work, not a copy.

Not a matter of chance that this was written in Spanish. There has
been a pervading and obnoxious tendency in Latin America to import
manufactured ideas as well as manufactured goods. There is nothing
wrong in importing general ideas, but if they are to live and be
politically relevant, they must be integrated, seamlessly integrated,
into the historic experience of the masses. Which can´t, of course, be
imported. That is why the Cubans could do what they did, and why most
of other Latin American Marxists are still longing for a mass support
they seldom find.

No revolution can really take place that doesn´t root in the deepest
radical traditions of the country and people that will make it.
Imitation doesn´t work, because human masses act according to their
own traditions and their own concrete situations. This implies, since
no country or people shares its history with other countries or
peoples (and this is WHY they can be considered "different": because
they are the result of particular histories that can be compared and
classified in common blocks, but cannot be TRANSFERRED), that no
revolution will ever adapt to an universal pattern. The idea that
revolutions can be created ex nihilo, as if imported ready made, is,
at best, naiveté, and at worst imperialist hybris. If I am not wrong
those two are the infrared and UV stretches of the spectrum.


Néstor Gorojovsky
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