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Angry flight attendant swears at passenger, quits, and leaves plane by 
emergency chute
BY Lindsey Pinto
Vancouver Sun, 
AUGUST 10, 2010
A JetBlue employee has been arrested at his New York City home and will likely 
be charged with reckless endangerment and criminal mischief, according to 
Reuters, after sliding down the emergency chute of a passenger plane after an 
argument with a customer on a flight from Pittsburgh.

"I've had it. That's it," said flight attendant Steven Slater over the plane 
intercom, after calling a passenger who had been fiddling with his luggage a 

The aircraft had reportedly pulled up to the gate at New York's John F. Kennedy 
International Airport when Slater asked a passenger to obey the 'fasten 
seatbelt' sign.

When the passenger argued and continued struggling with his luggage in the 
overhead bin, Slater took to the intercom, called the passenger a name, 
publicly quit, opened the plane door and deployed the emergency chute.

He was later arrested at his Queens NY home.


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