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Report: KLA behind deadly human kidney trade

>From Associated Press
December 14, 2010 9:26 PM EST

PARIS (AP) - Civilians detained by the Kosovo Liberation Army were allegedly 
shot to death in northern Albania so their kidneys could be extracted and 
sold on the black market after the war in Kosovo ended in 1999, according to 
a report prepared for Europe's premier human rights watchdog.

The report by Council of Europe investigator Dick Marty - more than two 
years in the making - also suggested Kosovo's U.S.-backed prime minister was 
once the "boss" of a criminal underworld behind the alleged grisly trade.

Kosovo's government branded the report as "baseless" and described it as an 
attempt "to tarnish the image of the Kosovo Liberation Army." In a 
statement, the government also accused Marty of bias and "fabrications."

Marty, a Swiss senator, led a Council of Europe team of investigators to 
Kosovo and Albania in 2009, following allegations of organ trafficking by 
the KLA published in a book by former U.N. War Crimes tribunal prosecutor 
Carla Del Ponte. 

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