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On 2010-07-26, at 10:26 AM, Carrol Cox wrote:

> So?
So it angers me when those I know and those I don't know are having trouble 
finding work and making ends meet in ever increasing numbers and are being made 
to bear the brunt of a crisis for which they're not responsible. Your response 
suggests an indifference about the condition of the working class which I don't 
think you intended.

However, even a cold-eyed and unsentimental Bolshevik like yourself would know 
there's also a relationship between social conditions and the possibilities for 
social change. 

Workers' incomes are a reflection of their power in the workplace and outside 
of it. Their pay, benefits, and job opportunities rise during economic 
expansions when labour is in short supply (China) and fall during contractions 
when jobs are lost and pay and benefits are under assault (the US et al). It 
may or may not be true that workers are more likely develop a greater 
attachment to the system when their conditions are improving than when they 
have "nothing to lose but their chains" or when the system is plunged into one 
of it's periodic crises. But it is certainly the case that they develop more 
self-confidence and assertiveness during expansions when there other jobs to go 
to, and are typically more willing and able to fight for reforms, to join 
left-wing organizations, and to follow the lead of revolutionaries in their 
unions and social movements. The inverse is also true, as you've also 
previously pointed out in contrasting working class insecurity and 
demoralization at the onset of the Depression to the rise in combativity in the 
latter half of the 30's when there was a modest resumption of growth.

So why the "so what" in relation to Louis' posting of the NY Times article 
alluded to in the subject line?

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