Re: [Marxism] [GreenLeft_discussion] Mexico's PRT: Ecuador - Stop the coup attempt in Ecuador against the Correa government

2010-10-03 Thread Greg McDonald
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On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 8:05 PM, Stuart Munckton wrote:

 This is the answer to those who raise but what about CONAEI? (who didn't
 support the rebellion by police and sections of the military) or other
 sectors of the social movements or left that have clashed with the Correa

 The events of September 30 were not aimed at overcoming any limitations of
 the Correa government to open the way for further radical action, but at
 crushing the popular movements and removing a government that, whatever
 limitations it may have, is in *actual* conflict with imperialism and the
 Ecuadorian oligarchy, and rolling back all the gains won in recent years -
 including the new constitution.

 What is more, the defeat of this attempted coup shifts the balance of forces
 away from imperialism and the oligarchy in Ecuador and opens more space for
 further advances.


CONAIE, not CONAEI, Stewart. Oh excuse me, i obviously didn't care
enough about your name to even get the spelling right.

CONAIE, STUART, is against the pseudo-coup. but their point is
crystal-clear. There will be no advance if Correa continues on his
current trajectory of bashing the indigenous sector's legitimate
demands. The dirty little secret which no one wants to state out loud
is that the urban mestizo population of Ecuador is largely racist to
the core. So the social movement can pass a paper constitution which
is all in favor of the rights of the indigenous and respect for their
demands, but when push comes to shove the neo-liberal development
model remains intact. The truth of the matter is there will be no real
change in Ecuador until it has an indigenous president.


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Re: [Marxism] [GreenLeft_discussion] Mexico's PRT: Ecuador - Stop the coup attempt in Ecuador against the Correa government

2010-10-03 Thread Stuart Munckton
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The truth of the matter is there will be no real

 change in Ecuador until it has an indigenous president.


You may be right, but in the here and now there is an actual conflict and an
actual process with contradictions and limitations. And imperialism and the
local  oligarchy are trying to destroy it.

That is the truth of the matter, too.


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Re: [Marxism] [GreenLeft_discussion] Mexico's PRT: Ecuador - Stop the coup attempt in Ecuador against the Correa government

2010-10-03 Thread Greg McDonald
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 2:41 AM, Stuart Munckton wrote:

 The truth of the matter is there will be no real

 change in Ecuador until it has an indigenous president.


 You may be right, but in the here and now there is an actual conflict and an
 actual process with contradictions and limitations. And imperialism and the
 local  oligarchy are trying to destroy it.

 That is the truth of the matter, too.


And if they succeed in overthrowing Correa it will be partly his own
fault, as support for him has wavered as a result of his literal
physical attacks on his own base.

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Re: [Marxism] [GreenLeft_discussion] Mexico's PRT: Ecuador - Stop the coup attempt in Ecuador against the Correa government

2010-10-03 Thread S. Artesian
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Ah yes,  the magic word has been spoken.  Anybody care to explain that 
actual process?  Those contradictions?  Limitations?

That magical word for magical thinking.

Somehow,  it reminds me of a kids' show I used to watch as a child where the 
hero, a green amphibian named Froggy had a magic twanger, -- a sort of 
string bass-- he would plunk whenever magical transformations were called 

Plunk your magic twanger, Froggy  was the show's signature phrase, to the 
delighted squeals from an audience of 6 year olds.

So keep on plunking that magic twanger of contradiction.  And don't forget 
to hum a few bars of thesis, antithesis, synthesis.  It will make 
everything so much clearer.   And so truthy.

It's got such a good beat, and you can dance to it.

- Original Message - 
From: Stuart Munckton

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Re: [Marxism] [GreenLeft_discussion] Mexico's PRT: Ecuador - Stop the coup attempt in Ecuador against the Correa government

2010-10-03 Thread Joaquín Bustelo
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On 10/2/2010 8:39 PM, S. Artesian wrote:
 I think everybody agrees:  Oppose the coup.

 The question is: does opposing the coup require supporting Correa, defending
 Correa's right as president, of proclaiming that Correa is one of us?

When did Sartesian come back? I thought he'd left, or rather, found 
himself outside the Marxmail community (as I have been, at least 
briefly, more than once, thanks to our moderator's efforts to maintain a 
certain level of equanimity and if not that, then civil discourse, or at 
least limits to the uncivil discourse on the list).

AT ANY RATE, let me say as one of those who has most violently disagreed 
with Sartesian that it makes my heart soar like an eagle to read his 

As to his question, I'd SAY under the circumstances of the last couple 
of days, there really is no perceptible difference between opposing the 
coup and supporting Correa. Not for any practical, political purpose. 
And that is why I appreciate S Artesian's friendship --and enmity-- 
because when push ACTUALLY comes to shove, somehow we wind up ... on the 
same side.

I believe the more correct tone or stance GENERALLY should be that we 
support Correa, even as we have various ideas or comments about how to 
pursue freeing Ecuador from imperialist domination so as to make 
possible the beginning of an effort to develop a socialist society.

And S Artesian thinks the correct tone and stance should be how to break 
people from believing that Correa can actually lead a movement forward 
towards freeing Ecuador from imperialist domination so as to make 
possible the beginning of an effort to develop a socialist society.

If we were IN ECUADOR, those differences would be tremendous, 
insurmountable. BUT --let's be REAL materialists, and recognize we are 
NOT in Ecuador. The time when the question of what stance to take 
towards Correa for US and others outside Ecuador assumes a broader 
significance is ONLY times like these -- when the PRACTICAL difference 
in terms of a broader public between saying defend Correa and 
support Correa is negligible.

FOR US on this mailing list the exact wording has a great deal of 
significance. But on the level of practical politics, like having a 
protest demonstrations or just talking to regular working people about 
these events, we ALL wind up in the same camp -- well, at any rate, it 
seems like S Artesian and I wind up in the same camp.

At any rate, this is just a shout-out to my comrade and friend S 
Artesian on ONCE AGAIN finding ourselves both on the anti-imperialist 
side of the barricades, and if I can be allowed to do this, let me argue 
that if when push comes to shove this is where things wind up, should we 
not make more of an effort all along to make the line of cleavage and 
separation coincide with what they turn out to be at moments like those 
that Ecuador has just experienced?


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Re: [Marxism] [GreenLeft_discussion] Mexico's PRT: Ecuador - Stop the coup attempt in Ecuador against the Correa government

2010-10-03 Thread S. Artesian
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Why thanks for all that, comrade.  And I don't want to rain on anybody's 
parade, but what's important, what determines what happens on the barricade, 
is what happens before it gets to the barricades themselves

So the support of the Allende and the Popular Unity government disorganized 
the workers of Chile, strengthened reaction, and when push came to shove, 
prevented anyone in agreement with you, or with I, from linking up on the 

And similarly, the support of Zelaya doomed that struggle.

I remember when we had this similar discussion prior to Morales' plebiscite 
in Bolivia, and you remarked that unfortunately Morales was not the leader 
we wished him to be, but in these dire circumstance we all had to support 
him.  The discussion then was turned by those supporting Morales into an 
examination of the soviets and Bolsheviks response to Kornilov's march on 
Petrograd-- some were saying how the Bolsheviks had rested their rifles on 
the shoulder of Kerensky.

In truth, as was documented in that discussion, the soviets did NOT rest 
their rifles on the shoulders of the provisional government, but rather, 
exercised dual power, and the only effective power in opposition to the 
provisional government.

In the case of Bolivia, I would argue that supporting Morales in his 
plebiscite immobilized the rural and urban workers when it came to 
mobilizing against the terror practiced by the right in the media luna.

Supporting Correa, not advancing a plan for independent mobilization against 
the coup, and against the policies of the Correa government will, 
inevitably, lead to the same immobilization.  And to no barricades.

Hope all is well with you.

- Original Message - 
From: Joaquín Bustelo

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Re: [Marxism] [GreenLeft_discussion] Mexico's PRT: Ecuador - Stop the coup attempt in Ecuador against the Correa government

2010-10-02 Thread Stuart Munckton
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Urging expressions of solidarity with Ecuador through protests around the
world, the PRT statement makes these important points:

For our party, the PRT, it is clear that this coup attempt coincides with
the imperialist strategy that seeks to curb the social struggles which have
developed in recent years in Ecuador and Latin America and have led to
significant gains, even in the midst of the contradictions of this process
and the justified criticisms that may exist among the population.

“In spite of these criticisms from the popular movement of the limitations
or inconsistencies of the Correa government, it is clear that a coup by the
police, and possibly by the military, it will not favour the people’s
interests, but on the contrary will seek not only to overthrow Correa but
also to sweep aside the conquests and rights of the people. That is why we
must oppose this coup attempt by the police.

“In this right-wing, reactionary and profoundly undemocratic action, the
role of imperialism and the forces of the bourgeoisie and the oligarchy has
undoubtedly been present, as it was before in Honduras, and just as it
threatened the processes in Bolivia from a racist stance, and in Venezuela
with the use of all the media apparatus, but without achieving their

“Our support for the Ecuadorean people at this time means first denouncing
the coup attempt. There will be time later to discuss the best alternatives.
But little progress can be achieved if we allow the bayonets again to
silence the liberties of a people such as that of Ecuador ...

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Re: [Marxism] [GreenLeft_discussion] Mexico's PRT: Ecuador - Stop the coup attempt in Ecuador against the Correa government

2010-10-02 Thread Stuart Munckton
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

This is the answer to those who raise but what about CONAEI? (who didn't
support the rebellion by police and sections of the military) or other
sectors of the social movements or left that have clashed with the Correa

The events of September 30 were not aimed at overcoming any limitations of
the Correa government to open the way for further radical action, but at
crushing the popular movements and removing a government that, whatever
limitations it may have, is in *actual* conflict with imperialism and the
Ecuadorian oligarchy, and rolling back all the gains won in recent years -
including the new constitution.

What is more, the defeat of this attempted coup shifts the balance of forces
away from imperialism and the oligarchy in Ecuador and opens more space for
further advances.


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Re: [Marxism] [GreenLeft_discussion] Mexico's PRT: Ecuador - Stop the coup attempt in Ecuador against the Correa government

2010-10-02 Thread S. Artesian
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

I think everybody agrees:  Oppose the coup.

The question is: does opposing the coup require supporting Correa, defending 
Correa's right as president, of proclaiming that Correa is one of us?

Clearly, in Sept 1973, mobilization of the workers against the Pinochet coup 
was imperative [despite the statement of Allende himself who went on radio 
to urge the workers to stay indoors, to trust democracy].  And just as 
clearly effective opposition Pinochet would have required no support to the 
Popular Unity government.

- Original Message - 
From: Stuart Munckton 

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