Re: M-TH: paragraph on Balkans

1999-05-19 Thread Rob Schaap

In response to Rob, my expaination would be that with the collapse of
the socialist bloc, and the catastophic effects of capitalism on
Russia, Imperialism (in the dual guise NATO  the EU) is attempting
to pick off all of Russia's neighbours before it has chance to
recover. Yugoslavia was the only bulwalk to this advance eastwards
(completing the West's 1939-45 war aims). Like in the old Austro-
Hungary, they aim to cut it up  redistribute it to border states and
so isolate and weaken Russia. A Marxist response is far than obvious
to me. Other than all out support for Y.C.P., as some argue (we can't
support the KLA), there is no real group to support (like Kashmir)
and we are left merely hurling abuse at NATO.

All fair comment, John.  Of course, the west is paying a big price for all
this.  You can destroy economies, oppose neighbours to each other,
manipulate leaderships, discipline labour, and control economic policies,
but you can't make people like you.  I still think buying them off would
have been a better idea (and a lot cheaper) for the imperialists than
blowing them away.  Another few decades of the sort of shit that
characterised 20th century Europe has been irrevocably installed, I'm

As for a rhetorical response, I'd hesitate before articulating all-out
support for anybody in this mess - separating the internecine issue from
the NATO issue is something worth doing.  We have to avoid being seen to
side with infamy at any price (unless we have just cause to believe the
infamy is tendentiously constructed - but Srebrenica cured me of that
illusion in this particular regard, regardless of what has actually
transpired in Kosovo itself) - we've enough unhelpful associations (whether
with the actual or the discursively framed) going against us already.

Support the oppressed everywhere, but never at the price of buying into
arguments which presume social cleavages we reject.  If white kills black,
man kills woman, or Slav kills Albanian, the idea is not to pick sides in
fights fought on untenable premises (eg all blacks/women/Albanians against
all whites/men/Slavs).  'Tis the fight itself, and the pre-modern idealist
prejudices that inform or legitimate it, that must be fought.

As racism/sexism/ethnicism/nationalism are the enemy of us all, so is it
the generalised exchange relation that oppresses us all.  Mebbe the
bringing together of theory and praxis (the raison d'etre of this list) is
muchly to do with critiquing the former categories in light of the latter.

Meanwhile, I'm happy to hurl abuse at the hypocritical murdering bastards
at NATO.  They are the provisional wing of the exchange relation, for mine.


 --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: paragraph on Balkans

1999-05-19 Thread Dave Bedggood

It seems that the debate on the war on MTh has stalled without many 
recognising the truth of the Trotskyist position argued early on in 
the war. The elementary truth of imperialist oppression and the 
Anti-imperialist united front necessary to defeat it seems to have 
got lost in the thaxis.

Rob's position has the air of not wanting to take sides for 
fear of being sucked into pre-modernist extremes. George argues for 
duel defeatism. But these are positions which allow NATO to get away 
with murder. We are already sucked into barbarism by rotten 
reactionary imperialism which cannot make everyone modern. Only 
socialism can do that. Therefore we have to take a side in every 
question by assessing the gains for the working class so that it can 
advance to socialism.

On Yugoslavia the Trotskyist position is clear - unconditional 
defence of Yugoslavia against NATO. Yugoslavia is oppressed by 
imperialism - the main enemy.  A defeat for Yugoslavia will be a 
defeat for workers everywhere, including Kosovo. A victory for 
Yugoslavia will only be possible if Yugoslav workers and soldiers 
combine with the workers in the NATO countries and their lackeys 
like Australia and NZ, and force NATO out. Militant international 
workers action against NATO is the only course.  Only that will 
create the conditions for socialism and the end to the horrors Rob 
wants to avoid. 

Defending Yugoslavia does not mean capitulating to nationalism. On 
the contrary, imperialism keeps nationalism alive as a means of 
divide and rule. The national question is the class question. The 
Balkanisation of Yugoslavia is NATO's testing ground for the 
Balkanisastion of the whole of Asia. By defending Yugoslavia workers 
in the NATO countries  have to renounce their own nationalism because 
they are similtaneously calling for the defeat of their "own" 
countries. Hence workers in oppressor countries must overcome their 
nationalism to defend Yugoslavia.

Workers in  oppressed  countries (like the Serbs and Kosovars) have 
the right to defend themselves. That's why we call for the right of 
self-defence and multi-ethnic militias which includes Serbs and 
ethnic Albanians. When NATO and imperialism are defeated or out of 
the Balkans, we can call for the implementation of self-determination 
for Kosovo. It may be that the result will be a Kosovar Socialist 
Republic in a Balkan Federation which will include Serbia, Croatia 
and Albania.

 (On this question, a recent Los Angeles Times article reports that 
1,000s of military age Kosovar men are free in northern Kosovo 
without any sign of oppression. If that is the case in the middle of 
a NATO war, that is a sign of hope that Serbs and ethnic Albanians 
can settle the Kosovo question by getting together to get rid of 
their respective bourgeois misleaders).

Defending Yugoslavia does not mean agreeing with Milosovic. On 
the contrary, Milosovic cannot and will not defend Yugoslavia because 
he has a class  interest in profiteering from its oppression by 
imperialism. He is about to do a deal with NATO and is looking for a 
face-saving formula. However, while Milosovic is leading the army and 
defending Yugoslavia a military bloc with him is necessary. 

The lessons of the Anti-Imperialist United Front beginning with the 
case of China in the 1920's are vital here. In any military bloc with 
Milosovic, the workers must maintain their armed independence. 
Thus, in the Yugoslav army the rank-and-file have to organise to take 
control of the army; to encourage the formation of multi-ethnic 
militia; to act against any reactionary paramilitaries engaged in 
ethnic cleansing; and to call for a truce if and when it is necessary 
for the workers movement to survive.

Communists lead this movement by forming cells in the army and 
in militias and workers councils. 

Dave Bedggood

In response to Rob, my expaination would be that with the collapse of
the socialist bloc, and the catastophic effects of capitalism on
Russia, Imperialism (in the dual guise NATO  the EU) is attempting
to pick off all of Russia's neighbours before it has chance to
recover. Yugoslavia was the only bulwalk to this advance eastwards
(completing the West's 1939-45 war aims). Like in the old Austro-
Hungary, they aim to cut it up  redistribute it to border states and
so isolate and weaken Russia. A Marxist response is far than obvious
to me. Other than all out support for Y.C.P., as some argue (we can't
support the KLA), there is no real group to support (like Kashmir)
and we are left merely hurling abuse at NATO.

All fair comment, John.  Of course, the west is paying a big price for all
this.  You can destroy economies, oppose neighbours to each other,
manipulate leaderships, discipline labour, and control economic policies,
but you can't make people like you.  I still think buying them off would
have been a better idea (and a lot cheaper) for the imperialists than
blowing them away.  Another few decades of the sort of 

Re: M-TH: Imperialism and Serbia

1999-05-19 Thread Rob Schaap

The Independent (London), May 13, 1999

   'An Atlantic alliance that has brought us to this catastrophe
should be wound up'

Robert Fisk

How much longer do we have to endure the folly of Nato's war in
the Balkans? In just 50 days, the Atlantic alliance has failed in
everything it set out to do. It has failed to protect the Kosovo
Albanians from Serbian war crimes. It has failed to cow Slobodan
Milosevic. It has failed to force the withdrawal of Serb troops
from Kosovo. It has broken international law in attacking a
sovereign state without seeking a UN mandate. It has killed
hundreds of innocent Serb civilians - in our name, of course -
while being too cowardly to risk a single Nato life in defence of
the poor and the weak for whom it meretriciously claimed to be
fighting. Nato's war cannot even be regarded as a mistake - it is
a criminal act.

It is, of course, now part of the mantra of all criticism of Nato
that we must mention Serb wickedness in Kosovo. So here we go.
Yes, dreadful, wicked deeds - atrocities would not be a strong
enough word for it - have gone on in Kosovo: mass executions,
rape, dispossession, "ethnic cleansing", the murder of
intellectuals. Some of Nato's propaganda programme has done more
to cover up such villainy than disclose it.

And, as we all know, the dozens of Kosovo Albanians massacred on
the road to Prizren were slaughtered by Nato - not by the Serbs as
Nato originally claimed. But I have seen with my own eyes -
travelling under the Nato bombardment - the house-burning in
Kosovo and the hundreds of Albanians awaiting dispossession in
their villages.

But back to the subject - and perhaps my first question should be
put a little more boldly. Not: "How much longer do we have to
endure this stupid, hopeless, cowardly war?" but: "How much longer
do we have to endure Nato? How soon can this vicious American-run
organisation be deconstructed and politically 'degraded', its
pontificating generals put back in their boxes with their mortuary
language of 'in-theatre assets' and 'collateral damage'"?

And how soon will our own compassionate, socialist liberal leaders
realise that they are not fighting a replay of the Second World
War nor striking a blow for a new value-rich millennium? In Middle
East wars, I've always known when a side was losing - it came when
its leaders started to complain that journalists were not being
fair to their titanic struggle for freedom/ democracy/human
rights/sovereignty/soul. And on Monday, Tony Blair started the
whining. After 50 days of television coverage soaked in Nato
propaganda, after weeks of Nato officials being questioned by
sheep-like journalists, our Prime Minister announces the press is
ignoring the plight of the Kosovo Albanians.

The fact that this is a lie is not important. It is the nature of
the lie. Anyone, it seems, who doesn't subscribe to Europe's
denunciations of Fascism or who raises an eyebrow when - in an act
of utter folly - the Prime Minister makes unguaranteed promises
that the Kosovo Albanians will all go home, is now off-side,
biased - or worthy of one of Downing Street's preposterous "health
warnings" because they allegedly spend more time weeping for dead
Serbs than the numerically greater number of dead Albanians (the
assumption also being, of course, that it is less physically
painful to be torn apart by a Nato cluster bomb than by a Serb
rocket-propelled grenade).

President Clinton - who will in due course pull the rug from under
Mr Blair - tells the Kosovo Albanians that they have the "right to
return." Not the Palestinian refugees of Lebanon, of course. They
do not have such a right. Nor the Kurds dispossessed by our Nato
ally, Turkey. Nor the Armenians driven from their land by the
Turks in the world's first holocaust (there being only one
holocaust which Messers Clinton and Blair are interested in
invoking just now).

Mr Blair's childish response to this argument is important. Just
because wrongs have been done in the past doesn't mean we have to
stand idly by now. But the terrible corollary of this dangerous
argument is this: that the Palestinians, the Armenians, the
Rwandans or anyone else cannot expect our compassion. They are
"the past." They are finished.

But what is all this nonsense about Nato standing for democracy?
It happily allowed Greece to remain a member when its ruthless
colonels staged a coup d'etat which imprisoned and murdered
intellectuals. Nato had no objection to the oppression of Salazar
and Caetano - who were at the same time busy annihilating
"liberation" movements almost identical to the Kosovo Liberation
Army. Indeed, the only time when Nato proposed to suspend
Portugal's membership - I was there at the time and remember this
vividly - was when the country staged a revolution and declared
itself a democracy.

Is it therefore so surprising that Nato now turns out to be so
brutal? It attacks television stations and kills Serb journalists
- part of Milosevic's propaganda machine, a