[Marxism-Thaxis] Social function of philosophy

2006-08-16 Thread Charles Brown

I never said he said it was. He says it's ideology, a
mystification arising from the conditions of social
life that reflects and promotes the ruling interests
in certain ways, making the social seem natural, the
changeable permanent, the existing order inevitable,
and it does so by virtue of overgeneralizing and
inverting certain truths.   This is not W at all, but
a sociological analysis of why philosophy is

CB: The question that occurs to me is what social classes and sectors has
philosophy been aimed at in fulfilling these functions over the centuries.
Religion was doing it for a large number of people.  It seems that
philosophy has been the provinence of only small intellectual elites for
most of its existence. To whom has philosophy been promoting ruling class
interests ?

I've been thinking that Nietszche audience is the primarily the petit
bourgeoisie, not so much the rulers themselves and the working class. The
petit bourgeoisie are a new class with capitalism, too. They have some
important functions for capitalism. N functions to bring them into the new
situation as supporters of the Overmen class. N seems to have very little
discussion of economics.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Rosa Lichtenstein on "Wittgenstein and Marxism"

2006-08-16 Thread Charles Brown
andie nachgeborenen 
W's philosophy actually calls out for following up
with such investigation.  If you want to go beyond
philosophy, you have to go _somewhere_ -- maybe to
political economy and political sociology, like Marx,
maybe to Ideologiekritik like Adorno and the early
Frankfurters (Adorno also did flat out scientific
sociology or social psychology, see The Authoritarian
Personality), maybe to genealogical critic and
psychology like Nietzsche, maybe to mystical
pragmatism like Heidegger or scientific-sociological
pragmatism like Dewey -- there are a lot of
possibilities.  But some people, and W was one of
them, are like Moses at the Jordan, they point the way
to the land of Canaan but cannot cross the river.
Quine was another: he wanted to "naturalize
epistemology, but that meant actually doing cognitive
psychology, and he wasn't suited for or able to do

CB: If we are to get some rational kernels out of these philosophers,
andie's discussion here seems worth going into further.

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