[Marxism-Thaxis] Portrait of an young Iranian Marxist feminist

2007-05-04 Thread Charles Brown

[Marxism] Portrait of an young Iranian Marxist feminist

Louis P
This is an excerpt from chapter 8 of Iran on the Brink: Rising 
Workers and Threats of War by Andreas Malm and Shora Esmailian that 
was released by Pluto Books in February 2007. 
I regard it as one of the most important books that has been written 
about Iran and a model of revolutionary scholarship. I plan to write 
a review before long, but was anxious to post the excerpt because it 
describes the importance of the Internet to the new generation of 
Iranian Marxists and the Farsi section of the Marxist Internet 
Archives in particular.


Two years into Roza's university studies, debate among the students 
ceased. Disappointment with Khatami and his unfulfilled promises 
muffled their voices. Roza kept reading on her own, spending her 
afternoons in the university library. One day, as she skimmed through 
a dictionary of political ideologies, she reached S and read the 
entry for socialism. She was astonished: This was what I had always 
believed in, without knowing it! Excited, she searched the Internet 
for socialism in Farsi: the hits were uncountable. Even more 
excited, Roza sent emails requesting further information to all the 
Iranian socialist groups she could find (15, at the time), but only 
one responded to her questions - an Iranian man living in a 
Scandinavian country. An intensive correspondence followed, as he 
advised her about further reading; now she calls him my mentor.

At home, by her bed, she gingerly lays out the books she has been 
able to buy: Capital in Farsi, Mandel's Introduction to Marxist 
Economic Theory, a bulky volume on the history of the Tudeh party. 
They are in mint condition:

 They were so expensive I don't dare to make any notes in them. I 
use a notepad instead, and reading Marx is very difficult, so I do 
what I used to do in chemistry: I set up formulas. When I had first 
become a socialist, I wanted to get the message out, I wanted all my 
student mates to know. I touted the books, scribbled slogans in the 
toilets, pasted a picture of Marx on my folder so it would be clearly 
visible for anyone passing by in the corridor... until my mentor told 
me: Are you mad? Don't you know that being a socialist carries the 
death punishment in Iran? Are you not aware that the regime executed 
thousands of Leftists in the 1980s? I decided to be more discreet.

In the early months of 2004, word of a planned May Day demonstration 
in Tehran was circulating. On a blog, Roza had come across some 
like-minded students in her city and they decided to go. For months, 
Roza spun a yarn for her parents to get their permission. At the 
demonstration, the first communist I met, I fell in love with. I was 
walking around there in the crowd at the industrial zone, enraptured 
... . Some of her high hopes were, however, quickly dashed. 
Enrolling in Komiteye Hamahangi, she was challenged by men and their 
patronising attitudes: 'Who are you, are you a real worker?', they 
would say. And when I asked about the revolution they would not 
respond. I would ask 'What do you mean by abolishing wage labour, 
what is it supposed to look like in real life? Either one works and 
gets some money for it, or one works and gets a bag of rice and a 
chicken - what is it that you want?' They didn't specify.

Roza has some criticism for those she calls middle-class feminists 
as well. When she married her communist, Roza ensured herself of 
absolute equality in the marriage contract - equal right to divorce, 
shared custody in case of divorce, the right for her to travel or 
work without permission from the husband - but this, she states 
emphatically, is not all there is to feminist politics: The 
middle-class feminists here are only interested in equality with 
their own men. They don't bother to contact working women, to try 
find common ground with them, even though they are suffering a much 
worse oppression. Poor women here are completely dependent on their 
men and can do nothing if they are raped or beaten. They have no 
economic safety net whatsoever.

After her encounter with organised feminism and socialism in the 
Islamic Republic of Iran, Roza took up writing herself. Her computer 
is now filled with Marxist classics downloaded from the 
Farsi-language division of the Marxist Internet Archive, as well as 
her own short stories, essays and commentaries on subjects ranging 
from the Khatonabad massacre to the merits and demerits of Nobel 
laureate Shirin Ebadi. No money to buy a printer, her eyes ache from 
all her onscreen work.

In 2004 and 2005, Roza Javan reached some fame in the virtual 
networks of the Iranian diaspora and the progressive communities 
inside the country. She's the webmaster of two sites in Farsi; one 
feminist, one socialist: Many students are curious about socialism 
and enter into 

[Marxism-Thaxis] A real gangster

2007-05-04 Thread Charles Brown


Milton David Jones

Y.B.I Founder 


The Early Years

At the age of fourteen Milton David Jones was introduced to the world of
drug dealing by his brother-in-law who he referred to as a master operator.
Initially Jones sold small amounts of heroin while serving as a security
guard and lookout during transactions. Jones claims to have killed for the
first time at the age of 15. By his own account, Butch Jones shot and killed
a suspected stick up man at a dope house on Duane. In the incident Jones
reportedly recognized a man who accompanied a woman who came to the house to
buy some dope as the infamous *stick-up Mike. Jones quickly deduced that
Mike had come to the dope house to rob it and ultimately kill everyone there
so he opened the front door and without warning shot the suspected bandit
with a twelve gauge shotgun as he stood out in the yard. Following this cold
hearted murder, Jones claims that he became a feared and respected member of
the underworld culture. The murder caused the dope spot to be shutdown for a
time but when it opened back up, it was under the control of the fifteen
year old Jones. While diving head long into the heroin business, Jones began
making the rounds of all of the seedy nightspots meeting old time hustlers,
gamblers, pimps and peddlers. At such a tender age Jones claims to have
acquired his Ph.D from the streets. With his street reputation firmly
established Jones admits to participating in paid hits, robberies and arson.

Detour On the Way To The Top

While in the process of completely terrorizing all of came in contact with
the infamous Butch Jones, he made his first mistake by killing a man who he
suspected of participating in the robbery of a friend of his at a local drug
spot. Jones and two others were picked up and charged with murder on January
17, 1974. While sitting in jail awaiting the determination of his future,
Milton suffered the loss of one of his brothers who was killed during the
comission of a robbery. On the same day, his girlfriend and later wife
Portia Sturdivant gave birth to his son Jamaky. Jones was sentenced to a
seven year term in March of 1975 after taking a plea deal for manslaughter
for his role in the killing. Jones served his time in Jackson and later Iona
Reformatory before earning his release in 1978. 

The Formation of Young Boys Inc,.

Within a month of his return to the streets of Detroit, Milton Jones, Mark
Marshall and Raymond Peoples organized Youngs Boys Inc,. Young Boys Inc.,
started off as a small insignificant band of drug peddlers operating out of
Detroit's Monterey Dexter Eastside neighborhood. Initially all shots were
called by 25 year old Mark Marshall with assistance from Raymond Peoples.
Control of the gang was passed onto Peoples and Milton David Jones in 1979
when Marshall fled the motor city in favor of California by way of
Mississppi. Jones and Peoples had taken their marching orders from the older
more experienced Marshall but came together in transforming Young Boys Inc.,
into a multi-million dollar organized crime syndicate. This transformation
was plotted and ruthlessly carried out under the guidance of Butch Jones. 

From Gangster to Racketeer

Young Boys fortunes soared when Jones turned to Seal Murray to supply his
operation with heroin and cocaine smuggled into the country from various
points around the globe by international smuggler and financier Reginald
Davis. Murray used his connections to members of the Davis Family Gang to
secure large shipments of narcotics which were then distributed to members
of Young Boys Inc,. Jones began using his reputation as a killer to recruit
a core of young preteen salesmen who would out of a combination of fear and
respect for the older more experienced criminal were willing to demonstrate
their loyalty by enforcing the edicts of their leader through an
unprecidented show of brutality. Jones and the Young Boys leaders were
vilified in the press for their use of underage children to push the YBI
product on the streets of Detroit. As YBI's fortunes soared, so did the
murder rate amoung young black males in Detroit. Jones enforced a strict
code of discipline amoung his troops calling for all dope to be turned in to
a designated spot by 6 pm. If the dope was returned late or short, the
offender could expect a beating at the hands of Jones or a member of his
security force known as the wrecking crew. Jones relied heavily on a trusted
team of lieutenants to look out for the interests of YBI while he enjoyed
the fruits of their labor. Jones bought a string of homes in and around
Detroit which he used to stay one step ahead of law enforcement officials
and rival traffickers alike. Much like Seal Murray, Butch developed an
affinity for fast cars and easy women. The collaboration of Murray and Jones
proved to be a hard combination to beat for smaller groups such as 

[Marxism-Thaxis] actual you know what

2007-05-04 Thread Charles Brown
 Monterey Dexter Eastside neighborhood

Dexter is on the Westside, no ?

Malcolm X


Milton David Jones

Y.B.I Founder 


The Early Years

At the age of fourteen Milton David Jones was introduced to the world of
drug dealing by his brother-in-law who he referred to as a master operator.
Initially Jones sold small amounts of heroin while serving as a security
guard and lookout during transactions. Jones claims to have killed for the
first time at the age of 15. By his own account, Butch Jones shot and killed
a suspected stick up man at a dope house on Duane. In the incident Jones
reportedly recognized a man who accompanied a woman who came to the house to
buy some dope as the infamous *stick-up Mike. Jones quickly deduced that
Mike had come to the dope house to rob it and ultimately kill everyone there
so he opened the front door and without warning shot the suspected bandit
with a twelve gauge shotgun as he stood out in the yard. Following this cold
hearted murder, Jones claims that he became a feared and respected member of
the underworld culture. The murder caused the dope spot to be shutdown for a
time but when it opened back up, it was under the control of the fifteen
year old Jones. While diving head long into the heroin business, Jones began
making the rounds of all of the seedy nightspots meeting old time hustlers,
gamblers, pimps and peddlers. At such a tender age Jones claims to have
acquired his Ph.D from the streets. With his street reputation firmly
established Jones admits to participating in paid hits, robberies and arson.

Detour On the Way To The Top

While in the process of completely terrorizing all of came in contact with
the infamous Butch Jones, he made his first mistake by killing a man who he
suspected of participating in the robbery of a friend of his at a local drug
spot. Jones and two others were picked up and charged with murder on January
17, 1974. While sitting in jail awaiting the determination of his future,
Milton suffered the loss of one of his brothers who was killed during the
comission of a robbery. On the same day, his girlfriend and later wife
Portia Sturdivant gave birth to his son Jamaky. Jones was sentenced to a
seven year term in March of 1975 after taking a plea deal for manslaughter
for his role in the killing. Jones served his time in Jackson and later Iona
Reformatory before earning his release in 1978. 

The Formation of Young Boys Inc,.

Within a month of his return to the streets of Detroit, Milton Jones, Mark
Marshall and Raymond Peoples organized Youngs Boys Inc,. Young Boys Inc.,
started off as a small insignificant band of drug peddlers operating out of
Detroit's Monterey Dexter Eastside neighborhood. Initially all shots were
called by 25 year old Mark Marshall with assistance from Raymond Peoples.
Control of the gang was passed onto Peoples and Milton David Jones in 1979
when Marshall fled the motor city in favor of California by way of
Mississppi. Jones and Peoples had taken their marching orders from the older
more experienced Marshall but came together in transforming Young Boys Inc.,
into a multi-million dollar organized crime syndicate. This transformation
was plotted and ruthlessly carried out under the guidance of Butch Jones. 

*   Previous message: [Marxism-Thaxis] Portrait of an young Iranian
Marxist feminist 
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